Which Korea has a stronger army? Can North Korea conquer the South?

Which Korea has a stronger army? Can North Korea conquer the South?

Binkov's Battlegrounds

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@지미니-j4k - 24.03.2022 13:19

Can you make a video WITHOUT NUKES TO HELP?

@joeyyc8515 - 04.04.2022 11:34

Let’s be honest, the battle would be over in 2 days. North Korea only has fuel for a week of operations.

@Mitjitsu - 08.04.2022 02:06

Two things, the NK army is malnourished they will not want a protracted war. Secondly, when NK troops do enter SK they're going to be in for quite a culture shock when they realize it's nothing like the propaganda they've been fed all their lives. That would most definitely lead to defections and sharing of vital information.

@mcx24 - 08.04.2022 10:11

North Korea - Older and less precise, 0 k-pop Army reserve..

South Korea - Advance Weaponry, Unlimited k-pop army.. .easy win!

@ChipChipChirp1273 - 11.04.2022 01:00

South Korea destroys so hard lol
6 > 30

@jarrodyuki7081 - 30.04.2022 09:34

south korea has nuclear umbrella.

@finnishgye7841 - 30.04.2022 19:21

🤣🤣🤣 of course

@stebecool - 11.05.2022 08:16

The Infographics Show told me literally millions of people in Seoul would die from CONVENTIONAL missiles and shelling alone, even with the USA defending it. I knew that sounded bunk. Thanks for clearing it up with real facts and reality

@ItakenoBS - 14.05.2022 08:08

South Korea has the ability to easily build nuclear weapons

@minecraftlegacycanal2555 - 17.05.2022 19:05

This is imposible

@ahtheh - 04.06.2022 07:57

Imagine being a North Korean solder and hearing a Samsung ringtone for the first time. And 5 mins later a barrage of 152mm

@skiptindle5976 - 18.06.2022 00:48

The south would win, North korea is a paper lion. All talk no real force, just starving people.

@mcmelonmaster - 23.06.2022 10:55

It's all about who has more food..

@nwj03a - 04.07.2022 13:20

North Korea could and would win pretty quickly, we actually know this, and I know this because… reasons.

The win would be very short lived though and China would hate this, so it will never happen. It would ultimately result in Korea reuniting and becoming a democratic society, right on china’s border.

If you just erase every other country, South Korea loses, but that’s not reality. The USA already has a plan for this and it rhymes with mass evacuations, everyone goes. However South Korea has actual friends all around the planet, North Korea has none; China doesn’t even like them, they’re just a buffer.

@SuperSyedzaid - 11.07.2022 23:24

U fucking bikov u remember Korean War North Korea beat & conquer south if usa send it army....

@cupacartoon991 - 01.08.2022 13:24

But Seoul is kinda close to North Korea's border,so if the North Koreans bombard Seoul,the rsdiation will spread in their country as well.

@RejuvinationFreedom - 01.08.2022 23:54

Honestly I doubt that the DPRK will rarely use their airforce due to their outdated doctrine though.

@oliversherman2414 - 02.08.2022 02:13

I love your channel keep up the great stuff!!!!!!

@erniecorella7676 - 05.08.2022 11:11

This will never happen cause American has a trendy will South Korea 🇰🇷 so this is a stupid video 📹 ✋stop thinking 🤔on what ifs dud live in the here and how 🤔

@Hamsteak - 13.08.2022 13:01


@cacanhaiphat1953 - 20.08.2022 05:13

🇻🇳 ủng hộ 2 miền Triều Tiên hợp nhất . Chia làm 2 ₫ảng thay phiên lãnh đạo đất nước

@charlescoker7752 - 23.08.2022 14:55

Remember China in the Korean War sent troops to Korea. What makes you think they want do it again?

@Ukball2 - 03.09.2022 01:53


@worldcollides4197 - 14.09.2022 14:17

South korea is literally 6th in military ranking, there's no way north winning the war unless US suddenly go crazy and attack south.

@xonibehramiAllah - 02.10.2022 23:29

oh no north korea will be attack house for bts dont kill bts south korea 🥺

@engchoontan8483 - 22.10.2022 11:03

North-Korea is a trading partner with China-Harbin
South-Korea builds weapons for America(west)
Check history of all countries who designed, developed and built weapons for the west
Which country have a good ending for having military secrets of the west.?

@aless4ndro._.jr.06 - 27.10.2022 01:06

For a Unified Korea💪🇰🇷💪🇰🇷💪🇰🇷💪🇰🇷💪🇰🇷from Brazil🇧🇷🤝🇰🇷

@JoshDownin - 23.11.2022 05:13

IMO categorizing the F-4 over the FA-50 is insane

@MK-jc6us - 16.12.2022 12:55

Don't worry guys, the only regime ran by maniacs who actually use nukes is the US of A. Of course, let's not forget about the good old depleted uranium ammo used in Serbia and Iraq. North Korea logically built a nuclear dissuasive infra-structure in order to avoid the aerial carnage of the Korean War.

@cryptokoolaid - 28.12.2022 17:02

without USA south korea falls

@spaghetticat110 - 13.02.2023 07:26

The fact that the south koreans have not developed their own nukes yet is a bit concerning. If my neighbor made nukes and threatend to use them on me 24/7, I would make nukes as well

@yo8102 - 28.02.2023 21:01

All South Korea weapons have 8K resolution hence better that any of the North... fun fact :)

@jonathancastillo5686 - 08.03.2023 22:59

the only reason we haven't "liberated" north Korea is because North Korea has china's support and nukes.

@True-crime-tales101 - 18.05.2023 22:30

Dont forget north Korea army is starving and as soon as they crossed the border they would give up

@r3_apfelstrüdel - 04.07.2023 10:45

I found a mistake in your video, the chonma-ho and the type 59 are absolutely excellent tanks, 1 chonma-ho can knock out 10 abrams tanks so if you dont change it in the next 5 minutes you will disappear.

@Henriqueemusicas - 18.07.2023 02:05

Support north korea

@kimjongun9681 - 13.08.2023 19:34


@michaeloh8191 - 18.09.2023 15:32

if north korea using nuke, than south korea will use chemical weapon, they have a lot of factory of chemical

@1mccaffery879 - 26.10.2023 03:45

"There's no such thing as a winnable war. Its a lie we don't believe anymore"

@behoover - 05.11.2023 02:35

The fa50 aint awful in my opinion.

@wanderingsoul3431 - 15.11.2023 05:33

Why fa-50 is awful??

@worldcollides4197 - 30.11.2023 12:40

That fa-50 fighters has brand new radar and amraam missiles.

@NotAltergeist - 04.02.2024 13:21

Btw the FA-50 is NOT awful. I would say it’s mediocre / capable.

@OmegaCT55555 - 09.02.2024 22:11

Let me put this battle in a different perspective on one side we have a Cold War relic or a modern military

@loduking2101 - 03.03.2024 21:49

This needs an update!

@francisseguna3004 - 27.04.2024 16:57

North korea vs south korea war for long time

@gsgteycscgwh - 19.05.2024 01:45

다 개소리고...한국은 핵무기 없으면 중국이랑 일본에 먹힌다. 국제정세가 혼란스러워지면 늘 그러했듯이 중국이랑 일본은 침략하겠지. 핵무기 없으면 안된다.

@raxit1337 - 04.07.2024 14:25

One thing you didn't touch on, is the possibility that the South might retaliate very viscerally, with terror bombing, if the north uses nuclear weapons. With their air power it is possible.

@sixix2 - 07.08.2024 00:39

6년전보다 지금의 대한민국은 국방력이 비약적으로 상승했습니다 나토표준 육군무기들의 생산 기지가 각대륙의 거점에 존재합니다 K-9자주포는 전세계 자주포의 50%를 차지합니다

@chandlermitchell3326 - 16.09.2024 11:33

What if Japan military work with the South Korea military together. And Japan has a lot of anti ballistic missile systems. Could that work right?
