ОтветитьThat remark about talking to oneself is pretty interesting since that doesn't apply to me. If you don't like what people post about this man remember, it's not about your feelings...its about being truthful. This guy was very open about his ideas and was well aware that it ran contradictory to Church teaching...period. That's it. You disagreeing with it doesn't change it one bit. Please...come to your senses.
ОтветитьOf course you don't claim to be a genius. Its been a month already and NOW you make a response. As for my brilliance over Cardinal Martini...he Actively was promoting heresy in The Church and wasn't hiding it. I would rather pass several kidney stones before receiving communion unworthily. I pray for him and others like him come to their senses. You too are on the list. ;)
ОтветитьI'm sick but I like watching funerals.
ОтветитьIf you subscribe to his line of thinking on this you have shown the limits of your intelligence but none whatsoever on your stupidity
ОтветитьDude you need to stop swinging on the nuts of other dissidents. The issue at here is that this man, though he may have led a very spiritual and holy life, was pushing for a complete Protestant revision of the Church's position on marriage along with other tenants of the faith that the Church has has steadfastly held. This man was one among many to push for change the Church from the inside to have the Church no longer be The Church.
ОтветитьSimply put the "cardinal" came out before his death stating that the Church is " 200 yrs.behind the times". Additionally, he wanted the Church to completely change its teachings, in particular marriage( to have married clergy, women priests etc.) So there it is in a nutshell of sorts. There is more dissension that he helped to promote. Hope that helps.
ОтветитьGood question.