The UK Humanitarian Innovation Hub (UKHIH) and Humanitarian Outcomes have worked together to deliver new research that has raised concerns about the global capacity for cholera response and control, and whether some past progress has been lost. This review is funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
The findings of the report, Slipping Away? A review of gaps in capabilities for humanitarian cholera response, shows a rise in fatality rates over the past two years from cholera - a disease that experts agree “nobody should die from” and signals serious gaps in capacity for cholera response and control.
By investing in safer WASH infrastructure or preparedness, particularly the provision of basic interventions such as oral rehydration therapy (ORT) and crucial localised health programmes, we can prevent more people from dying from an entirely preventable illness.
Rapid funding and joined up coordination and action by the humanitarian sector is required to strengthen their role in cholera response and by realising the gaps in capacity, cholera has the potential to be eliminated, for good.