Was Colonialism Good or Bad?

Was Colonialism Good or Bad?


1 год назад

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@Bizagro - 01.09.2024 05:42

Best point ever and the flaw of idealists…they compare and contrast modern societies to a utopia.

What is utopia though? It’s like trying to imagine heaven. We have no real understanding of what it is.

@billylee322 - 03.09.2024 18:13

Can we not glaze over that every race owned slaves and ppl of european descent are the only race that does not have active slavery in one of its countries today

@billylee322 - 03.09.2024 18:24

Do they like phones, antibiotics, running water..... i guess it depends. I think it was horrible bc i couldnt care less about them and it only served to destroy our empires

@AustonHolleman - 03.09.2024 21:54

I think it’s honestly pros and cons to colonialism. One thing I can appreciate is that I’ve been to 25 countries and don’t need to learn 25 languages, or even more

@khulekanimabaso4589 - 03.09.2024 22:48

excellent video, really enjoyed it .

@sumanthmurthy1642 - 04.09.2024 12:05

I was born in India but educated in Canada and now living in Britain.
Thank you for having a nuanced view of colonialism.
I am one of the few who benefited from the British colonization of the Indian subcontinent.
And yes people do say that “You’re White so it’s different” mostly cause India and Kenya aren’t doing as well as the US or Australia are.

@antoniobabb4569 - 05.09.2024 16:18

Colonial rule is always in our blood

@Tadesan - 05.09.2024 22:24

I spent 18 years being taught how horrible I am. I'll never forget it.

@IbnShahid - 08.09.2024 15:02

While plenty of terrible crimes WERE committed by various colonial empires over the centuries, to dismiss them all as inherently evil is a bit simplistic. If you’re going to study human history I think you have to be prepared to embrace complexity and accept that certain aspects of empire could be good and bad at the same time. Life is like that, things CAN be both good and bad. Ie a Congolese militia machete maintenance class. Blood thirsty…..but informative.

@MaximusBowman-ev3kh - 12.09.2024 21:11

Clonilisem is incredable just look at aus

@sankh4914 - 15.09.2024 18:21

Pax romana is a myth.....there were wars of expansion during that period. They just had little resistance

@sankh4914 - 15.09.2024 18:55

There is an inherent fallacy in this video. The pax americana you speak of does not exist. Israel is invading Palestine with the support of the US. Ukraine getting their shit pushed in. America actively involves itself in regime change when they find it convenient. As for your schpeal about how the once conquered treat their conquerers i'll give you the 25th Dynasty of Egypt. The Kushites had been ruled and arguably exploited by the Egyptians for centuries and yet when the tables were turned the Kushites ushered in a renaissance of sorts in the region. You hyper rational types always mention hte fact that Britain ended the slave trade as if it left African nations like Benin , who opted not to sell slaves , to its own ends. They didn't they invaded Benin and raided their territory. The violence ,brutality and savagery that characterize european history make it very hard to place them as the more civilized bunch. tO THE CONTRARY THE NOTES BY eUROPEAN EXPLORERES OFTEN NOTE THAT NATIVE POPULATIONS WERE KIND , TRUSTING AND NAIVE. Europeans are simply a product of their environment. Not good or bad. Just European.

@liamwilson12345 - 15.09.2024 19:29


@stefdiazdiaz7067 - 17.09.2024 19:05

If you seriously believe taking something by force as in war makes you the rightful owner, how in good consistency can you be against grape or stealing?
In all cases you are just excersising "the right of the conqueror", or were is my reasoning flaw?

@quantumbyte-studios - 18.09.2024 21:11

The conquered don't hate colonialism as much as the children of the conquerors.

@catsnchords - 21.09.2024 07:07

Every SJW thinks they're a gangster until Whatifalthist intellectually crushes them with a video on colonialism.

@craigjewel4539 - 22.09.2024 00:13

WHAT has the Roman Empire ever done for US??!!

@zed3443 - 22.09.2024 03:16

Research about civilising mission. You will learn that white colonialism gets way too much hated.

@416dl - 22.09.2024 14:45

wow...very interesting, naturally; the subject being so fraught with contention. I think it would be good if when discussing how a nation colonizing another kills millions it be pointed out that the reduction in population is not simply due to killing innocent natives but is far more complicated and can also be explained by a reduction in birth-rate due to displacement and of course disease which is something that affected both the colonized and the colonizer. Will look forward to more insights as research and more objective perspectives arise, such as those by Bruce Gilley, and Jeff Fynn-Paul whose books I'm currently digesting and find to be very helpful in putting a realistic perspective on the question of whether colonization was simply good or bad. By the way I was glad to see you refer to John Gunther's works which I read back when I was young (younger than you are now)...a lot younger, like in the 60s, which tells you how old I am now, and put into context of the time in which it was written it provides interesting insight and one that was written for the typical educated non-academic...the kind of person who read LOOK magazine or the Saturday Evening Post, which I suspect many who read this, or follow you on this platform, may not even know what those are.... Go team. Cheerio.

@aaravdiwakaristhebest - 22.09.2024 18:17


@CRI_PL - 23.09.2024 14:26


@jinwu9306 - 23.09.2024 16:42

Probably most devastating is the diseases brought to the Americas wiping out 10s of millions on the 2 continents

@rezazazu - 23.09.2024 20:32

One of the few videos by you I can agree with 100%

@rara3538 - 26.09.2024 00:40

Alternitve question to the title: "Why is everyone trying to migrate to white countries, even though we gave them our tech decades ago, left them, and they had the chance to use it to its fullest potential on their own?"
We were and still are way more advanced than the rest of the world in every possible way. We behave better, we self reflect better, we work smarter, we have more discipline, we literally made the entire world revolve around us because we are so good.
At the end of the day I'm really just tired of the modern mentaility, white liberals brag about how much better poc are than us every single day but if I dare say no to that and state the opposite I'm evil. I am done talking arguing with people who will never let me win, we will decide the course of the future through conflict and nothing else.

@elmohead - 26.09.2024 13:59

If you think colonization is good, let China colonize your country.

- 28.09.2024 02:46

Lost me with your support of the US's involvement in the Ukraine. Shame on you!

@SinoLegionaire - 28.09.2024 14:09

Like a wise man once said: I am not offended by your takes but by your stupidity. Was this wise man me or Red Forman? I currently cannot recall.

@UnionBlue-h8e - 29.09.2024 13:15

The Anglo-Saxons, your British and American blood, have been apparently persuaded to think themselves the chosen people, the anointed race of the Lord, commissioned to drive out the heathen, and plant their religion and institutions in every Canaan they could subjugate. The idea of a “destiny," connected with this race, has gone far to justify/sanction many an act on either side of the Atlantic; which both England and the United States, if nations can be personified, ought to hang their heads in shame, and weep scalding tears of repentance. Future generations will read and review this piratical and fruitless war, and there we shall be defeated, without help, and without question, no matter how successful we may be in blowing up Mexican cities! Sermons, were preached both on the Rio Grande, and at the city of Mexico before the troops, justifying the war, talking largely of the “Anglo Saxon destiny," comparing the progress of the American arms with the entrance of the “children of Israel into the land of Canaan”, giving the sanctions and benedictions of Christianity to the awful wrongs and barbarities of one of the most cruel, sanguinary, and demoralizing wars on record! If the Anglo saxons, your American and British blood, think they have a destiny other than this, than raising up races or nations, spreading Christianity, or administering just and fair laws, and they believe to have the right to stomp under the hooves every Indian, black, and dark browed Mexican, let them beware before they stumble upon the thick bosses and bucklers of the Almighty who have already drank up the blood of the worlds finest conquerors! If a nation expends all its earthly treasures , in the butchery of war, in the attack of the weaker and unoffending, in careers of conquest, what right does it have to be called a Christian nation? It has none, it is a heathen people in a Christian cloak. When we urge on on poorly managed Mexico is and how well liberating it would be for her people to be brought under our institutions, we see then the same argument Napoleon and those “old French infidels” used to wage war on all of Europe to spread republicanism, and all that we urge about " extending the area of freedom," differs in nothing from the hypocritical folly by which they , Napoleon and his French infidels covered their all-grasping ambition.

@BORGNY2 - 30.09.2024 12:34

No mention of how colonialism completely disrupted the native people's natural way of living and forced them into systems and habitats that are in no way fit for their genetic natural behaviour. What good dos medicine and technological advancements do when people are malnourished and depressed from loss of habitat and ethnic traditions?

@Devil_Around_Midnight - 01.10.2024 15:29

Good for all of them in the end.
Bad for us.

@arthurmoran4951 - 01.10.2024 17:36

it doesn't have to do with "POLITICS", racism really do a major diference in the conquest, you can see that irish still exist and native americans almost get erased completely

@Rayder2341 - 01.10.2024 21:26

Turns out it was bad, but not for the reason they will tell you.

@louisaconnolly3889 - 03.10.2024 11:15

' the world needs violence to reset ' GTFO. Unsubscribing, wtf, seriously, mind blown. JFC.

@tomstarwalker - 03.10.2024 13:55

I`m Russian Occupant (ENG Sub) for referential opinionmaking.

@baltasarmelchor935 - 05.10.2024 23:08

I come from the future, in fact I am writing in Gorgonite but your brain reads it in English, I don't want to reveal any more mystery. I'll tell you where we're going.
After the space jump, the large blocks of the world set out to colonize planets until they came across a civilization.

Now they wage proxy wars on planets, creating destruction and hatred for the humans/cats/dogs of planet Earth throughout wide space.

We have become the bad guys...well we always were...
for the empire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@AmineBerhail - 13.10.2024 22:27

my experience with the French I can say :
Absolutely NO!!!

@patriciusvunkempen102 - 14.10.2024 15:41

the kongo narrative is mostly a ridicolous lie

@patriciusvunkempen102 - 14.10.2024 15:43

there werent even close to 5 million people alive in the belgian freestate under Leopold, those are ridicolous made up numbers the local societys could with their tech level never sustain such high populations in the miniscule amount of land the belgian kings men controlled as those never broke the mark of 200 significantly and half of them at all times lay down struck with tropical deseases unable to administer any kind of genocide.

@patriciusvunkempen102 - 14.10.2024 15:45

jews are not europeans they are genetically clustering with caucasian middleasterners such as arabs, arabs also are not european

@xpsmango4146 - 15.10.2024 07:45

British turned India from 25% of world economy to abject poverty in 1947.

@Tuttlm27 - 15.10.2024 17:35

The only reason European colonies were slightly worse than most was the obsession with replacing cultures and stripping humanity.

@DavidCastillaGil - 16.10.2024 00:06

Spain banned slavery of the indigneous americans only 20 years after the colonization started. There were serious religious and philosophical debates in Court.
Also a common misconception is that huge Spanish armies killed everyone, whereas the main battles were actually fought by natives rebelling their previous masters with the aid of just a few Spanish.
Not at all saying they were saints, but they were definitely treated better under Spanish rule than most of their previous tribal kings.

@hendrxhuncho - 16.10.2024 16:30

As a black guy born in west africa and currently living in Germany. I hate the victum mentality that a lot of us africans have. Instead of blaming everyone for our problems why dont we utilize the tools of the modern age and grow our economies. Nobody eould respect us when our countries look like shitholes
Imagine china blaming japan for the atrocities of ww2 and claiming thats the reason why they live in stark poverty
Nobody respected chinese people about 30 years ago. Today china is a global power and this respect is extended to its citizens

@CaleMcCollough - 17.10.2024 17:44

People ask the wrong question: what percent of people supported the colonialists when they were alive? Not everyone hated the colonialists. Colonialists were traders and people benefited from trading with them. People act like white people weren't also colonized by other white people. They say because it was another group of white people who invaded our ancestors, that it was white people's fault, but they never mention when African tribes invade and enslave other tribes, and there is something that makes us extra special guilty because we came from far away.

@GeoFry3 - 18.10.2024 20:02

Compared to what?

One of the biggest lies told is that all cultures are equal.

@Chingbong1 - 19.10.2024 12:30

Even suggesting it was good in anyway is offensive. Christian colonialism was just as bad as the Islamic one. They cant help but steal, kill and rape us Hindus throughout history and then now living in our hindu lands in name of "secularism". India would be a developed country if the government did not get tied down by hand holding the muslim community since we got independence. The solution is to kick the lazy inbreds out and start over. Deport all the muslims to england actually, two colonizers love eachother

@infinitysimmer3088 - 21.10.2024 02:56

Will Genz today really be willing to die...?
Yes not for something we care about hell noooo
But because of the current living conditions!
Thanks a lottt previous generations (not you some millennials, you fought for what little freedom we have today)
But the rest severaly thanks for the horrid economy we are facing today!

@teehee8522 - 23.10.2024 07:27

its BAD
