There’s an mc seed that spawns you with a diamond in your inventory. Explanation:
A chest minecart spawns on a cactus that breaks it but doesn’t break the diamond inside.
WHAT THE HECK OH MY GOSH!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьBedrock edotion has loading screens like for end the end blocks
ОтветитьAbout that another and and loading screen about that anyone is in stone and about that another it is in Iraq reference called
ОтветитьThe baby zombie riding the grown up zombie looks the baby is having a piggyback ride.
ОтветитьFun fact: while I was at the trail Chamber a skeleton was looking down not attacking me even though my WiFi is well and I thought it was afk lol
ОтветитьFor the Eyltra one, It is possible in Bedrock edition in the skin editor, You just put on a cape and then put on the elytra and see for yourself!
ОтветитьBut the Green axolotl.the chance of that is 0.00000000000000000% of spawning but the morph mod you can morph the green ONE
ОтветитьI fonde the red dragon
ОтветитьI want rats
ОтветитьWilliam Afton = Headless piston 😂
Ответить/give @s minecraft:ender_dragon_spawn_egg
/give @s minecraft:wither_spawn_egg
You think four block jumps are awesome when I completed five block jumps x 2 in my first shot of doing parkour and guess what the funny thing is I did a 360 doing one
ОтветитьI had the double world ocean thing I deleted it 😢
ОтветитьIsn't it weird I was born the same day as my favorite game?
ОтветитьA baby zombie raiding a baby zombie
ОтветитьHow rare is a zombie zombie jockey
ОтветитьGuys i found something wich its good for thid guy when you walk slow on magma block you will not take damage even with out forest walker boots
Ответитьp i ZH D bilet budet deystvitelen zagranpasport novogo pokoleniya dlya lecheniya zheT(☞゚ヮ゚)☞
Ответитьp i ZH D bilet budet deystvitelen zagranpasport novogo pokoleniya dlya lecheniya zheT
ОтветитьSome of these are from the video of the warden
ОтветитьYay Bro Loves Me
ОтветитьWtf is a copper horn!? I mean i get what it is but it doesn't exist
ОтветитьClicking on a mob in spectator mode doesn't work
ОтветитьTeam Fake
ОтветитьPost again
Ответитьthe reason you can see enderman's eyes when they are invisible? so that you still have a chance of knowing where not to look to agro it
ОтветитьOr any 1.22 update was the coolest update ever,Because the end got cool biomes and sounds, more mobs and structures
ОтветитьFact 20 u can /give enderdragon spawnegg and Wither Spawnegg
Ответить10/10 :)
ОтветитьTi jsi z ceska taky you are from czech to
ОтветитьActually, Guardians are robots- according to Minecraft's official book. thanks to @Eystreem for discovering this. Here's proof: All the mobs underwater start to suffocate at land, but Guardians don't suffocate. (we know jeb_ secret)
ОтветитьOne time in my world I found a baby zombie riding a cow
ОтветитьI want rats