What you are wearing today reveals what’s in your heart! This is so true!
ОтветитьI believe even at home you should be mindful of what you wear. What if a postman, male delivery driver, male neighbour etc knocked at your door unexpectedly?
ОтветитьIf God is teal, je has seen me naked, so i dont see it as disrespectful.
ОтветитьI will not be a bit player in my own life.
ОтветитьMy thoughts on this are if women need to be modest which the Bible does speak of not tripping up our own spiritual brothers. I know that of course however my understanding is that Jesus in the Sermon on the MT told the disciples "If any man looks on a woman with lust in his heart he has committed adutlery with her" so yes Men need to be accountable for their own thoughts. Also if women can trip men up by being immodest can't the same be said ofd men? I'm tired of hte half naked men runnign around. I don't like how many people in the modesty videos and books don't address men's outfits.
I wear jeans dresses make me uncomfortable because growing up wiht them on all the time I always worried that with a gust of wind it would blow up or a guy could see up my dress at certain angle.s It happened to me in schools ome bullies pushed me while I was in a dress over my cousin's head! How embarrasing and wrong right! To this day I hate dresses I think if you want to wear them it's fine but for me it's just too exposed feeling. Pants are more modest than people give them credit for. It's not dressing like men either because like in the past men and women have dif versions of similiar things.
I think it is important to remember that even those who are dressed like say muslim women are still oogled by men, men need to learn to stop blaming women and take accountability for their own lusts. My dad said to me something that made me go AHA! "If a man turns a corner and sees a half naked woman it's not his fault as long as he turns away, however if he keeps looking that is on him!" It's so true. So I wish people would stop acting like women can stop men's minds. I've been dressed modestly in the past and still got stared at. I have a curvy body, no matter what I wore dress or otherwise I still can't hide what is naturally there.
I think we need to be more mericful to women like me, I was almost not allowed to go to my gradulation from 9th grade because my dress being too tight though it really wasn't! I don't understand what the problem was. I did the best that I coudl in the Christian school I was at. I just don't get it. Anyways not all of us are meant to be married, I know that God has a dif path for me with my high functioing autism I dcannot connect with men I tried to date it was like work and over stimulating. I also got sick around 25 years old with mental health issues brought on by my Huntington's Disease which I got the blood test done in 2015.
With a lot of pryaer and reading the Bible and doing research God helped me to walk away from dating. I could never be a selfless and strong type of wife. I am going to be disabled it will go slowly through the years and to think it would be a good idea to follow a path for most women isn't right. I would be selfish God helped me to find a way to be fulfilled with Him as my focus. God's word is clear 1st Corinthians 7 it says marraige is for those who cannot avoid sex but for those who can avoid it then it is better to put him first and be single. Not all women are meant for marraige. I think it is important to understand that there are dif paths that God has for each of us. We can't all be the same.
God helped me find my way and I thank Him for all the strength, and peace beyond understanding, and patience in my life with him as my focus and center. Even with the darkness that Huntington's Disease will bring me I am not afraid. I used to be, I lived most of my childhood in fear as I watched my grandfather, and later my mother with it. I was terrified of getting it, but when I foudn out I had it though it took me time to accept it and get past my depression. I realized that God's got this and I'm tired of living in fear. Knowing what I had helped me let go of hte fears. God is the only reason I am functioing period! He helped me along my life and he will keep being here as long as I Keep having faith in Him.
I think you should look at the Bible verses I mentioned to see what I am talking about, God's word is clear that he gave each of us a different version of life. I don't want to lose focus on God, I know that what he has helped me to learn about my Heavenly Father is beyond important. I trust him and I know that God's got me safe and soudn in the path I am meant to be on. I know that again not all of us are made for marraige and kids there is nothing wrong with that. God's word tells us what he wants we just need to read all of the verses and do as much research as we can. I am asking for prayer for myself and my familyi we have a long rough path ahead but it is much smoother with my eyes on God! I khnow you posted this video in love and I hope you understand that I posted this response in love.
The only place that the misogynistic views of antiquity are still present is within fundamentalist religious institutions. I find this lecture to be sad and angering. Not because I feel my wife and daughter are being outspoken, strong women that don’t conform to prude and sexist gender roles (luckily every Christian in my family has deconverted with joy), but because the people listening to this still think it is moral and good. It is repugnant and backwards, and you say women MUST act this way…
You didn’t address it, but I assume the biblical teachings of selling our daughters into slavery or stoning them for misbehavior are no longer followed?
I do not permit a woman to teach or usurp authority over a man. End of the story. There is no reason for men to learn from women biblical stuff in or outside the church. THis is one of the reasons why many Christian women think it's ok for them to teach as long as it's not "in the church" . That is wrong.
ОтветитьAs a christian man, I have a responsibility to respect my sisters in Christ.
ОтветитьThis answered many questions of mine, my church doesnt teach on most of these facts. Thanks for the whole word. It encouraged me greatly & opened up my eyes.
ОтветитьI think instead of making it sound like women should be extra careful about what they wear in case a brother should lust, I think we should remind everyone to not do anything that causes our brother to stumble; both men and women. It removes the onus on women that they are the cause of a man’s lust and not his own spiritual heart condition.
ОтветитьThank you for this. I've been very distracted lately and haven't been growing and maturing where I should. Please pray for me.
ОтветитьRead the fascinating womanhood book qnd pamphlets it helping me be more feminine and wife material.
ОтветитьI Am Tire of Satan Dens, Corrupt Business Shells, Hateful and Misogynistic boy clubs Masquerading as Holy Places of Truth, Love, and Wisdom. So Masquerade yourselves in your Modest Christian Halloween Wear while looking down your petty nose at someone , God sees the Filth inside of you .
ОтветитьHalf the time in the Bible man just means human..
ОтветитьVery grateful for this video. Please pray for me. There is something that has been an ongoing problem in my life for years now that Satan has been using to try and distract me and, unfortunately, I have been very distracted by it.
ОтветитьIt is nice to see there are woman obeying GOD i have a Christian wife who does exactly what the world teaches to wear short or tight pants with her things exposed she tells me its nothing
ОтветитьBecause she made the Christian women in biblical times SOO exaggerative with gems, pearls and gold everywhere, bracelets all the way up your arms and giant things on their heads, sparkles everywhere. She basically gave license to every Christian woman to wear whatever she wants because nothing we wear is that gaudy.
Once again, the church is too afraid to address other Christian women’s clothing.
Please share more teachings from this amazing woman! Thank you 😊😊😊
ОтветитьThank you for a good talk. I would like to expand the definition of modesty to the rest of our life and this applies to men as well. Modesty is not promoting ourselves in anyway through clothing, appearance, possessions, etc. but true modesty is promoting Jesus drawing attention to him in every possible way in our lives. That understanding would correct 99% of all that we would describe as worldly or ungodly.
ОтветитьI would like to expand the definition of modesty that would include men as well. True modesty is also humility. It’s promoting Jesus and not ourselves. It applies to our character, our appearance our possessions are positions of responsibility and authority. And all those things we are to be promoting Jesus and not ourselves. This understanding would virtually eliminate all that we would call worldly or ungodly.
ОтветитьIt's funny that her opening statements are mocking her submission to what she was asked to speak about. She seems to be in rebellion in her heart and it's overflowing in her expression and attitude.
ОтветитьDressing with Dignity, by Colleen Hammond. Is fabulous read about modesty.
ОтветитьWhat a well spoken, wise, and in the truest most biblical sense, beautiful woman. So thankful for teachers like her, who step in to teach other women (Titus 2). We so sorely need women stepping in to teach other Christian women and disciple them (just as we still need men to side up to teach and disciple other men!).
ОтветитьYes ladies, be invisible! Hide your bodies, minds and feelings. Live with the weight of shame and guilt as your predominant emotion, you after all are responsible for the thoughts and actions of men. What this women is teaching is such nonsense and so unhealthy! If you are a women reading this, please know that even on your worst day, you are a walking miracle! You are a human being that is equal to all other human beings. Have love and compassion for yourself and it will flow from you to others. Don’t make yourself small, express yourself however you feel necessary to be the full expression of yourself. You matter!!!❤
ОтветитьI remember that book, "Bobbed hair, etc." and may still have it somewhere. I think it was written by Jack Hyles.
ОтветитьEphesians 5:21 submit to one another in the Lord
ОтветитьThe Holy Spirit is our Plumbline. Many cults twist the words from scriptures. We are heading into a time where women with the Gospel are already being told to shut-up by men in the cult that Measures a Man, and how will the Gospel be preached then?
ОтветитьOmg..modesty and sub-mission..great...what does this all mean
ОтветитьProject 2025!
ОтветитьAmen God's word doesn't change according to culture or design.
ОтветитьMy question as a woman pastor! Did you offer help to the woman who was having issues. Maybe if you would have helped her or found her help. Your teaching is so BAPTIST! Man are women, Husband and Wife are equally Yoke. Partners! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BETTER THAN WHAT HAPPENED TO EVE but also respect who she was.
ОтветитьSounds like the making of the Hand Maid's Tale
ОтветитьI agree about being modest. But there is no virtue in being a submissive door mat. I prefer to be an equal partner with my spiuse
ОтветитьI'm a single woman, but I'm sorry, even if a husband finds me, I don't want children. I wish I felt differently, but I don't. I don't have the capacity to raise children, nor do I desire them. I wonder if that affects salvation?
Otherwise, great message. There is no modesty anymore!
Yes women are amazing and we can also be powerful leaders in the church.
I’ve seen plenty of women or men preach and be great teachers of the Bible.
I think in biblical times when Paul said a woman cannot teach a man ,it was because in those times women were not allowed to be educated (in the Bible or otherwise).
Times are different now, therefore in my opinion I think a man or woman can preach over both sexes. ❤
Whether you’re a man or a woman, if you have the gift of gab,discernment , and the gift of teaching the Bible publicly , then it’s A God -given gift and calling.
I think there is strength in being submissive to your husband , if he is submissive and serves the Lord God our savior.
Social intelligence,spiritual intelligence, intelligence in the word and of other subjects,God’s gift, etc are given to both sexes.
There is a respective way to approach teaching men the Bible as a woman. And vice versa.
Respect goes both ways. A man and woman can both be deceived and have throughout history, so therefore a woman can be a biblical teacher over both sexes. ❤Yes as wives we were made to compliment our husbands, and we are both supposed to sharpen each other. Iron sharpens iron. You can be a smart,Bible following woman /wife and still be submissive and allow your husband to be the leader of your home. Just my thoughts that it should be a healthy God-centered balance.❤
You are wearing jewellery yourself. And preaching against it.
ОтветитьVery excellent teaching. God has used it in my life
ОтветитьYes, both Adam and Eve DISOBEYED, but the woman was COMPLETELY DECEIVED by Satan while Adam KNEW and WILLFULLY DISOBEYED the LORD GOD! Adam KNEW Satan was lying, Eve didn't!
ОтветитьI am an elderly disabled widow, but, PRAISE JESUS, I have been born again for almost 46 years now! My late husband was saved also, and we were blessed with a son and daughter who are now middle-aged! Both of them are saved and married, live in their own homes and serve our Darling Savior! I agree with EVERYTHING my sister IN Christ is saying and give God the glory for her sound Biblically teaching for women on this subject! Thank you, sweet Sis Susan! Hallelujah!😊❤
ОтветитьWow this is terrible.
I am glad I left this nonsense.
Also, Paul hijacked the mission.
Ooo I’m sooo grateful I found your teaching 🙏🏻
We stood up for Biblical Truth and we were scoffed at, and even treated with hatred.
We can only pray for the women and even pastors that believe women can be pastors 😢.
But God will sustain us all when we stand up for righteousness.
Thank you so much Susan.
May the Lord bless you continually.🙏🏻❤️
34: 50, on the verse of women being created for the man; does that mean that it's a sin if I choose to remain single?😮
ОтветитьI thought women being saved through childbearing was because Jesus Christ entered into the world through childbirth. No? Maybe I have that wrong or it can be applied to both..?
ОтветитьIt is hard to find modest clothing sometimes
ОтветитьWow, ladies you are representing Christ in your dress, speech and service
ОтветитьThank you for this awesome video
ОтветитьModesty and Femininity, maybe.
ОтветитьThis was the best explanation of this scripture I have ever heard. Thank you very much 😊