The Apex Developers Responded

The Apex Developers Responded


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@philmcokanbalz6372 - 15.12.2024 21:26

not a single person on my friends list plays apex anymore...its now a lonely microtransactiony gotcha game with dei devs that's taking up crucial hard drive space...I think its time.

@chasethechosenone8478 - 15.12.2024 21:37

Respawn really needs to focus on making the game feel refreshing and performance on consoles specifically. There’s no reason that I should be dropping 20-30fps on ps5 pro or for Xbox series x.

@NikeyMiniyuh - 15.12.2024 21:51

They just need to talk to their community more, it feels so good to just know that they are doing something, and with all the consistent issues that have plagued the game for so long it would be nice to know why they arent doing anything about such impactful gameplay elements…

@vincentVGogh20 - 15.12.2024 21:54

I don't understand 2 things, 1. Everyone's saying apex is dead, how? Over 250k active players doesn't seem like a dead game to me, also , I dont get the hype around rivals, its literally overwatch, slow as shit too

@Gonourakuto - 15.12.2024 22:08

"Rampart was released in a balanced state" what ? do they really think release Rampart was any good ?

She was probaby the worst legend in the game , even now with all her buffs she aint that great if it wasnt for sheila she would still be garbage , the rest of her kit is still garbage

Do they think that now she is overbuffed or something ? does sound like it from what they said , jeez they really don't know nothing about balance

@ostersoysters3326 - 15.12.2024 22:16

I just wanna play on my Steam Deck, man...

@isabellaj4608 - 15.12.2024 22:22

I'm glad that the devs are finally talking with fans

@Ballistic-vn6em - 15.12.2024 22:24

Thank god they are not reworking Ash. She doesn't need a rework.

@Apexforce-db9ve - 15.12.2024 22:35

Support is top notch at this point. Just buff other class such as skirmish legends. Scan care package, really. Scan should go to reacon and come up with something new for the skirmish class.

@John.graef117 - 15.12.2024 22:36

Having no audio in every game and getting crashed on hard, that can do a lot of things to the human brain.

@gilbertogutierrez1605 - 15.12.2024 22:41

Imgine wall running for the skirmishers class as a brand new passive

@kuzanjp9336 - 15.12.2024 22:46

Crypto needs buff. The fact that his EMP can't nuke Lifeline ult is bad since the EMP should be able to destroy every breakable objects. They should also revert the nerf to the drone that allows it to take damage while outside the ring.

@ak.dontcarelmao - 15.12.2024 22:48

apex should rework on the shitty maps instead of characters💀😂 only good maps that make me want to play this boring game is worlds edge

@basuyarbrough5365 - 15.12.2024 23:05

If you can’t tell how long you have to glide with the drone stop playing Apex use square😂

@ostravamasterson4178 - 15.12.2024 23:10

The game will die

@supermiaoumix - 15.12.2024 23:13

They should remove some maps and some legends

@Izueno - 15.12.2024 23:19

The devs are just lost and dont know whats going on in their own game tbh the fact blud said they purposely do habe their stuff overtuned is funny when its really them not knowing what is good and what isnt

@eVoluci0n - 15.12.2024 23:20

super excited for the mirage buffs coming mid-season. i hope whatever they add lets him shine for a bit <3

@SKUNK_The_underdog - 15.12.2024 23:20

Batt pack is a weak ass perk ngl

@7ightmrfr864 - 15.12.2024 23:20

I cant use text and voice chat in lobby idk why.

@nnoir - 15.12.2024 23:39

Respawn & EA better be cooking up huge content updates for 2025

@Loba_Andrade. - 15.12.2024 23:42

Omg i hope that loba buff is goooood stuff

@shtupurgnamakit - 16.12.2024 00:13

I hope only controller legends will be able to use ring consoles, why does fuse and others get this.

@adil_diamond - 16.12.2024 00:18

Plsss just give her a second jump drive 😊

@SentryUwU - 16.12.2024 00:30

the devs are just reta**

@TheLolers420 - 16.12.2024 00:47

Random helldivers footage?

@damirisdamir - 16.12.2024 00:47

Lol they're giving some vague asf answers to questions concerning the future of their game. Meanwhile fortnite peaked a few weeks ago at the start of their new season with 14.3 Mil players. 😂

Basically calm letting they game die while other games are cooking.

@SAI-LuNaaX - 16.12.2024 00:47

"We want support class to have stronger class idendity"

Skirmisher: Carepackage here 💀

@ALLOFTHEBOOST - 16.12.2024 00:50

Game is absolutely rediculous now. Utter garbage. That Dev is gaslighting us, surely. Control got what, extra 25hp when in ring. Recon got, can see health bars? Wow. I'll take double healing any day of the week.
I got a lifeline down to 10hp, chased them, they were full hp and shield by the time I got to them in like 10seconds.. Then you have drones following people going up zips and things just full healing for free. Totally stupid this game right now. And they gave LL a glide because it looked cool in trailers? Seriously is this what devs Apex have? Cos it looked cool. That stupid.
Support arnt op, they are stupidly unfairly, unbalanced op. And we have to put up with this crap for a full season if not longer.
Yeh pass, I can't even be bothered playing anymore, if you're not playing a support legend, youre at a major, major disadvantage that it's not even enjoyable to play.

I've come to realise that this unbalance in legends is a major factor as to why this game is declining in numbers. When you want to play fun legends, but every try hard plays a movement legend, and lands on your head, with no audio mind you, the game instantly becomes a bore. And these devs are actual brain ded.

@nephillim8641 - 16.12.2024 00:54

"That was a good answer, that was a good answer" these answers mean nothing. They are lip services that do nothing cause we see what they actually do in game. Also the release op then nerf idea is not good. If you want people to play new characters actually make them fun not broken just to nerf them later.

@ryancarter2959 - 16.12.2024 01:02

Yeah the gripes against the halo feel strange to me. It’s a very large target and its pretty easy to toss nades into it. Especially if you stack from above

@Prof.Albusdumbledore - 16.12.2024 02:06

Y’all will trust anything they say. Y’all are sad

@JaymanG12-p4l - 16.12.2024 02:18

Ngl I would be happy with Apex/the devs if the devs just kept Trio revival and Winter express as permanent Ltm's

@TalladSirhc - 16.12.2024 02:52

dealing with the cheaters needs tobe the main priority

@iLuseMy1v1s - 16.12.2024 03:08

No problem with the support buff but they need a counter. Going against a triple support stack is impossible to crack.

@nicko401 - 16.12.2024 03:14

Mirage main here, SO STOKED

@dogforce13 - 16.12.2024 03:22

These morons better not rework alter ffs

@MrWeissenHerz - 16.12.2024 04:21

I still dont get it with this buff and nerf and whole situation loba ultimate still cant pick up banner teammate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@joedumbassbuck5755 - 16.12.2024 05:06

In rank they need to lock classes. So one support character per team. And then make hybrid classes like loba and mirage should be a hybrid in between scrimmager and support.

@mohamaddurranibinmoenkpm-g65 - 16.12.2024 05:22

The health bar indicator while taking damage is the shittiest changed they have done. Absolutely bad for Mirage

@YouraverageFPSplayer - 16.12.2024 06:21

Me and my duo returned to apex after a few months (keep in mind I checked and it was 9 months since I last played) and our second match we found a 7k kills revenant with a apex predator banner, like fuck this game I’ll keep being trash and play Fortnite, cause at least there’s less demons

@Yungjm - 16.12.2024 06:52

If woodshinR5 sees this, yes, it was grrt

@otiyz - 16.12.2024 08:11

what they need to do is stop caring about legends pick rate and start making gameplay/ rank more enjoyable.

For a first ever movement br they couldn't give players wall run still. Before more legends with shields and instant teleport ability maybe they should add abilities that go with movement. For example, octane , wraith , pathfinder etc.

Another legend with support, shield or some type of Teleport wont do shit.

Alter was flop, there is no situation in game alter is helpful. Idk what where they smoking when they thought about those ability.
On other hand ash was a good concept but her ult placing and her Q ability just became useless.

They make changes to something without thinking how that might affect the other legends.

@kingofecchitv8984 - 16.12.2024 09:04

They need to nerf tf out of Mirage. I cannot stand him.

@Madsdross - 16.12.2024 09:34

meh i will just play Marvel rivals.

@kiwisolider3955 - 16.12.2024 10:28

I’m addicted to
