Elemental Empath Oracle #Anti Pairs Tarot Edition #DeckStrengthVsWeakness

Elemental Empath Oracle #Anti Pairs Tarot Edition #DeckStrengthVsWeakness

Sondering Tarot

55 лет назад

17 Просмотров

Elemental Empath Oracle #Anti Pairs Tarot Edition #DeckStrengthVsWeakness
#playingwithpairs VR @BoHoTarot @DawnMichelleTarot
Deck Flip Through: https://youtu.be/N7l5bWznunI
Part 1: https://youtu.be/JD0wtC5kenA
Part 2: https://youtu.be/Mcx5y3Mvyyk
Part 3: https://youtu.be/iVXpwmUyCoE
As a new series to my channel I appreciate any and all feedback. Please check my community tab for December's Deck of the Month Poll. Pairing videos for Ethereal Visions will release consecutively so be on the lookout for them. Playlists have been created for #DeckStrengthVsWeakness, #PerfectPairs, and #Anti-Pairs already for your use.

Light Seer's Tarot
Tarot of Dragons
Mermaid Tarot
Unfolding Path Tarot
Magical Dogs Tarot
Bloody Tears Tarot
Tarot At The End Of The Rainbow
Tarot Illuminati
Game of Thrones Tarot
Neverending Tarot
Good Tarot
Luna's Bear Tarot
Mystical Cats Tarot
Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot
Baroque Tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot
Myth & Legends Tarot
Out of Hand Tarot
White Sage Tarot
Gilded Tarot Royale
Everyday Witch Tarot
Tarot of the Great Outdoors
Dark Crystal Tarot
Druidcraft Tarot
Surreal Shadows Tarot
Tarot of Owls
Lorenzi Tarot
Egyptian Tarot


#tarot #tarot_space #tarot_tube #tarot_community #elemental_empath_oracle #deck_of_the_month ##playingwithpairs ##deckstrengthvsweakness #miyuki_rose #neverending_tarot #nightmare_before_christmas_tarot #unfolding_path_tarot #tarot_of_dragons #baroque_tarot #good_tarot #myths_&_legends_tarot #lorenzi_tarot #out_of_hand_tarot
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