Treasure Island | Sand Sifting Process | Hurricane Update

Treasure Island | Sand Sifting Process | Hurricane Update

Michael Klesyk

2 недели назад

6,239 Просмотров

A pretty interesting perspective of the intricate process of divvying up the various debris from the sand. We interacted with some of the final product and it's truly perfect, just pure clean sand.


#Hurricane #Treassue_Island #Damage #Milton #Helene #Sunset_Beach
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@dougfowler1368 - 03.11.2024 22:48

Thanks for sharing. This was fascinating. Family has gone there for almost 60 years. Your videos do a great job of showing all that happened andis going into this.

@dontmissthelittlethings - 05.11.2024 01:36

Quite the process and great coverage.

@danielrandolph9170 - 05.11.2024 16:42

Looking like to me needing a bigger hacker to slow but i guess time is someone making lots of money !!

@PlymouthVT - 11.11.2024 07:10

Millions in Beach re-nourishment and Milton sucked it all out to sea then spit it back up on the road. As if to say...your kidding right lol?
