Dr. Barbara Sturm's Nighttime Skincare Routine | Go To Bed With Me | Harper's BAZAAR

Dr. Barbara Sturm's Nighttime Skincare Routine | Go To Bed With Me | Harper's BAZAAR

Harper's BAZAAR

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@eren8279 - 09.09.2021 14:48

I want hyram to review this vidio

@eren8279 - 09.09.2021 14:48

I want hyram to review this vidio

@a.m.3719 - 23.09.2021 01:48

I am not hating but she looks older than she really is, so how good are her products? Am just saying

@fruitpunch5260 - 29.09.2021 06:47

This woman really be charging $400 for a basic hyaluronic acid serum.

@dsarah40 - 30.09.2021 21:37

You can her that she is german😂

@lamiahaddadvlogs - 04.10.2021 03:09

I believe her skin doesnt look that mature as much as her overly structured body and that typical practical elderly German woman haircut she's got! Met alot of Germans who appreciated getting their hair as short and well put as it can get like this but sometimes yes it adds age

@terimorris3560 - 14.10.2021 23:39

She looks so old for a 47 year old multimillionaire

@butterberry7852 - 25.10.2021 19:50

Why are there so many dislikes 😫 y'all 😭 stop please

@thebuddingpoetandauthor - 08.11.2021 16:14

I feel people are being quite harsh towards her. She hasn’t got terrible skin, she’s probably ageing naturally as we’re so used to seeing cosmetic surgery. Yes her products are very pricey but then so many people buy into and help other companies make money; Amazon for example or Nike etc. I’ve tried some of her products (travel size) and some of them are quite good. There’s a different quality than a £2 Superdrug face cream. So many people help corporate companies make money everyday so even when you’re criticising her you might be buying from Amazon and contributing further to Jeff Bozos becoming an even bigger billionaire whilst also complaining about it at the same time!!!

@watdahfouk - 13.11.2021 11:59


@thetechlibrarian - 01.12.2021 08:05

I don't care what she is or isn't my skin is oily dry and always uncomfortable in the winter but because it's oily I hate loations I hate getting dressed after putting loations on I feel greesey and if I do put it on it's only at night so I can shower it off in the morning, I got a sample of her body loations and it's the best I have ever used I can not tell I put it on and would have no problem getting dressed after. Yes it's expensive I looked through and it seems like I can buy the body lotion for around$50.00 yes that's worth it to me.

@akadia71 - 02.12.2021 22:49

Oh man. Headstands? Does she even know anything about how the human body works?

@src3360 - 03.01.2022 23:11

If anyone wants a butterfly guasha they are on amazon. I have a pink and purple one. They were less than 20$ They seem like quality, ive had them about a year and use them daily.

@RoySan20 - 11.01.2022 17:46

I can't even do the handstand 😞

@namnam15to18 - 15.01.2022 08:27

Nope, nope, nope.... I just can't..... Nope..... Oh boy, no wonder she aged like a soured milk.... 🙊🙉 I wear sunscreen non stop thankfully! She's not even a qualified dermatologist in first place and telling people not to wear sunscreen because it's bad for us and it has chemical in it 😂🤣

@FirstLadyDiaries - 26.01.2022 23:18

😂 😂 So, I learnt more about her skincare range from the comments section than I did from watching the video... Conclusion ? I'm keeping my coins & saving myself from disappointment, thanks for the honest feedback ladies 😘😅😅😅

@stephaniewilkinson7020 - 25.03.2022 23:43

I need to do all this... love from England x

@websmink - 08.04.2022 22:42

She has managed to scan millions with her products that aren’t better than Vaseline. But people obsessed with beauty aren’t the most intelligent.

@isam.1805 - 09.04.2022 08:02

And that's why her products are sooooo expensive...
Because she worth it!

@anaruthpabst2503 - 01.05.2022 14:09

for the price of her products, she had to look 20 years old

@conniescrustycharredcooter2476 - 14.05.2022 13:53

I'll stick to The Ordinary thanks❤

@jms15ful - 26.05.2022 19:31

If I could show you my receipt on how much I've spent on her line and was influenced by her scam you guys would understand my post. I've spent thousands on dollar in her line and got the WORST skin in my life. Only waiting for new innovations from her skin care line but just went worse. DO NOT BUY HER LINE.

@create77 - 31.05.2022 09:16

Dont know who this is? Now she's trying to be accessible - supposedly she's exclusive.

@richardsorokhaibam - 04.06.2022 10:47

I'm surprised people still buy her products !!!

@geslinam9703 - 08.07.2022 17:00

I love the face cream, it’s very moisturizing without being greasy and works well under foundation, makes my skin look fresh all day. I got a 5ml tube in a sample bag from Blue Mercury. Never, ever, would I pay the retail price on this, though.

@rosewater00 - 30.07.2022 14:08

I wish I could do handstand 😩

@cass9123 - 13.08.2022 16:04

nice handstand^^ i was shocked xD

@sansajune8004 - 06.09.2022 09:23

I'm not even a derm but I feel more qualified than her

@aleksandrajakoska1842 - 06.10.2022 14:37

fr the age of 44 when this video is taken i would say her brand is bad for her skin

@ayseteshdemir3567 - 13.10.2022 03:24

I wouldn't buy Sturm simply for the fact that she has all of Hollywood shilling for her. If her products were good she wouldn't need an army to tell you so. Expensive over priced products you can find with lesser known brands which are much better all around.

@samanthatower5145 - 13.10.2022 05:59

I'm gonna stop at the guasha attempt. I'm sure her products are great.

@Honeymagmangospoof - 14.10.2022 20:49

I don’t understand the hate she is getting? She’s literally a doctor and her skin looks good

@not-even-german4892 - 25.11.2022 15:22

She seems so sweet💕💕💕💕

@shjeula9871 - 14.12.2022 01:50

her iconic ingredient is Purslane....super disappointed at that since purslane has been in the beauty industry for ages now.....but hats off to her entrepreneurship

@carolynmarshall1968 - 30.01.2023 19:19

🇬🇧 You look amazing, I’m almost 58 and my beautician says I have amazing skin (I also don’t use foundation) get told I look like I’m in my 30’s (thank you) 🙏 I’ve always used Liz Earle and always been happy with it but always open to try something new. I did learn something re using cloths just wash off with your hands 😮 shall try that x

@judithgrace8359 - 16.02.2023 05:23

Wow so many fallacies here.

@littllatebloomer - 22.03.2023 23:32

No retinoids???!!!!

@m.t.1716 - 11.06.2023 21:49

I don't know how for whom, but I personally am very satisfied and grateful for "The Ordinary" product 🥰 It helped amazingly and cleared up my skin. I'm definitely not going to buy and experiment with other unnecessarily high-priced useless products 🤗

@alina3254 - 13.09.2023 16:38

if all that cleanser gets into your eyes or your eye socket, god help you. You'll end up in ophthalmology the very next day. Start extremely gentle with your eyes and can go crazy on the skin. certainly no cleanser by the bucket on the eye lid. jeeze.

@orchidworld8926 - 21.09.2023 13:49

No single skin care in the world will give you a good skin . Did not waste your money ,it is all about good genes and stress free life and too much good sleep .

@maximum8 - 11.10.2023 12:11

Biggest con-woman out there.

@riskybiscuit4442 - 16.10.2023 01:26

Helps when you are a millionaire ….

@becca2719 - 25.11.2023 14:23

I‘m wondering how my grandmother washed her face without those products.

@christinalydia - 30.11.2023 12:05

Omg she looks 10 years older than she is 🤯 That's some bad advertising for ur own products I would say ...😳😳😳

@benoneil6665 - 30.04.2024 16:21

its strange this women has wrinkles on her forehead that she uses her expensive skincare line that it doesnt help her skin. her skin looks irriate . fragrance is the worst on the skin

@kumbielenor1473 - 22.05.2024 23:28

This woman is a goddess I’ve always been intrigued by her products I’m such a skincare and make up guru I love it all ❤

@vignayyadayalan9353 - 04.06.2024 11:42

No offence but Orthopedist in a skin care line……no wonder the product and dermal knowledge is 📉. Molecular cosmetics…non surgical anti aging…I mean come on it’s 2024…!!! Each and every components has it’s own action and in combination has a different reaction. You may claim molecular cosmetics but everything is molecular dude all the AHA’s, BHA’s, Vit C, E serums, Kojic, Azelaic acid etc etc everything thing is a molecule…even water is a molecule…😂 I don’t know whom you are kidding but I am victim of this crazy ass expensive product too

@DISCOGLIST - 21.08.2024 01:12

The most expensive skincare products with the most basic formulas. I dont get it. They moisturize well, but that's it.

@benoneil6665 - 23.08.2024 01:53

her skin looks irritated because it has salyic acid in her cleanser not good for the skin to use everyday

@zulem779 - 20.09.2024 17:20

Why is she so famous? Her skin doesn’t look that good to be charging so much money for basics ingredients
