Years Before Shooting, Vester Flanagan's Big TV Break Turned Sour

Years Before Shooting, Vester Flanagan's Big TV Break Turned Sour

ABC News

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@Sequel7 - 19.02.2025 03:29

I mean his live shot look like crap lol

@charlottesspot - 04.02.2025 03:51

Was a solid reporter. Just another victim of yt supremacy.

@demijour1234 - 20.01.2025 10:11

What Vester did was wrong in how he took out his anger. What his co-worker said behind his back and he overheard was wrong. To make fun of someone because of who they are or what they wear or anything in general in a ridicule and embarrassing way is toxic and wrong. I can only imagine the struggle he felt and the hurt from what they were saying behind his back all that time when he was trying his best to work his way up. I wonder if they are sorry for instigating the anger. Again, not saying what Vester did was right, it was completely 10000% wrong. Toxic people who think they can play around with people's feelings, I have dealt with that and it is not right and it feels horrible. The woman who says, Vester got angry when she corrected him. I saw a comment below saying, what did she do? I wonder, how did she approach him? Correcting him in a arrogant way and letting him know is two different things.

@mohmmedal-garni3614 - 06.01.2025 11:50

"Being gay is not protected class"

@AnaGonsalez-s4o - 30.12.2024 00:52

Who care you dumb white people think that you're cool no You're not but im sorry for you're lost rest in peace guys love you thank to support CHILD ABUSE❤

@brianwilliams8568 - 26.11.2024 08:56

Wrong is wrong but it is hard being black in the workplace everywhere are people go it doesn’t matter anybody who isn’t like us will always look down on us as black people but still wrong is wrong

@tangobravo5752 - 06.11.2024 21:55

Anti-hetero violence

@tonym50195 - 11.10.2024 00:57

He was a crazy racist.

@syntheticdawn4992 - 04.05.2024 19:59

The UNGOC was behind they located more known threat entities KET classed shape shifters they used him to kill them and later killed him to not spill the beans u can see the Blue shirt he wears same shade as the UNGOC the bookburners ... Un's side organizations have many skeletons of peaceful paranormal humanoids

@brianmitchell8477 - 27.04.2024 11:22

" In tights". Smh! Somebody deeply offended this man. He was a weak one..

@warmbeergamingdude - 20.04.2024 20:10

Lol they’re absolutely whitewashing any fault on the victims. You can’t pick on ppl.

@TherealDtlmako - 11.02.2024 06:16

I don’t blame him these folks at work can be annoying sometimes and racist as well

@CaptainnWalrus - 20.01.2024 18:13

Everyone involved thinks they're a victim irrespective of whether or not they actually are 🤣🤣🤣

@j_m_b_1914 - 06.01.2024 15:15


@GabrielMartinez-pe6ln - 05.12.2023 17:35


@ficationsare6552 - 28.11.2023 03:15

He was gonna find SOME kind of oppression to blame his hate on no matter what. Typical victim blaming.

@averymartin321 - 24.11.2023 05:55

This is disturbing

@biggles8500 - 05.11.2023 17:04

Attorney says he's consistent? So that makes it true? Just a reminder, he made a lawsuit for sexuality which didn't find any traction and then just switched gears to racism. Ridiculous.

Should not give a whole biography of murderers like this.

@chiefrocka8604 - 23.10.2023 07:47

Eyes so wide apart different zip codes 👁️ 👁️

@Mines7171 - 15.09.2023 00:14

Here’s not here to Defend himself

@yosoyringodesanantonio8405 - 02.09.2023 04:35

Vester Flanagan is the Yolanda Saldivar Twist Villain of Journalists!

@readynow12345 - 06.08.2023 19:45

He seemed mediocre at best there was nothing at least to me that stood out, Look at Ed Bradley now he was a standout.

@Rainbowmelon - 05.08.2023 21:18

That guy was a loser... that killed those reporters!!! Now he's a cold blooded murderer.....I hope he got what he deserved. This should never be tolerated....and Im sick of the majority of the commenters giving him and others like him ways to have an excuse for it!!! UNTIL IT'S THERE LOVED ONE GUN DOWN they'd think different!!! He's a POS!!!

@SigmaRho2922 - 08.06.2023 15:12

He worked as a reporter of the news department at Tallahassee NBC affiliate WTWC between March 1999 and March 2000, when he was fired by the station for sexual harassment allegations. The news department of the station would be shut down approximately seven months later, with the 2000 presidential election being undecided at the time.

@briaunamari - 22.05.2023 19:04

Incorrect. Sex is an protected class against employment discrimination. Sex includes but not limited to, sexual orientation and gender identity.

@kylein9869 - 06.05.2023 16:06

Seems like when he showed up to work wearing tights is when his downhill began.

@radicalmoderate2730 - 02.05.2023 04:25

"Being gay is not a protected class' Umm fast forward a decade lol

@aeshaalberts7560 - 30.04.2023 06:19

Workplace bullying is real.

@Mileypit - 26.04.2023 18:59

That meteorologist looked like the sloth in Ice Age

@rancosteel - 15.04.2023 06:23

He was a frustrated closet belt loop boy. Thank God he's gone.

@Jojomusiqk - 28.03.2023 19:20

He actually made his demographic pay even more. He became the “angry black man” and the “bitter gay” who couldn’t stand what society thought about him. He actually perpetuated all the stereotypes, including the “mass shooter.” He actually failed all his aspirations because he couldn’t maintain a control of his life…

@royfr8136 - 24.03.2023 16:24

"good looks" ?

@LuckyJackson2020 - 16.03.2023 22:16

wait him being in a suit is strange or a plea for fam? mf dont all the others wear a suit when reporting?! these ppl smh

@shelocsher2396 - 14.03.2023 06:24

Crazy how they acknowledge he was disrespected, and bullied, but then say that HE turned on his coworkers 🤨. How, Sway?

@atlantasfaithsmom - 05.03.2023 02:13

Huh? Did you hear the station manager give examples of how he was ridiculed, then turned around later and said a thorough investigation was done and "not much" was found. That staff and management played a direct role in that man unraveling and are in serious denial about it. They want Alison's and Adam's blood off of their hands. They should have paid him his money and resumed his job after making every employee go through sensitivity training and warned to never taunt him or they'll lose their jobs! Since when is sexual orientation not protected???

@endtimesclips896 - 24.02.2023 18:18

Negro wearing tights ...LOL loser at it finest..

@thinlion01 - 09.01.2023 15:21

Stop bullying in schools and work. RIP to the victims

@mtjoy747 - 04.01.2023 12:48

There's reporting the news, and there's making the news, Vesper/Bryce did both.

@skipads5141 - 13.12.2022 19:50

Victim blaming

@skipads5141 - 13.12.2022 19:47

Carlton from Fresh Prince Of Bel Air couldn't handle Will Smith slapping him around no more.

@alaricdugas5657 - 08.12.2022 15:25

It's the government trying to cover it up he found out about something corporate did and told the wrong person come why would he kill himself

@livingthedream7642 - 07.12.2022 03:06

Some people can’t handle the corporate world. It’s a lot of BS that comes with it. You have to be even tempered specially back in the day. Think he may have had his fill. 🤷🏽‍♂️

@Elovess - 27.11.2022 08:45

He was Mr perfect and didn't take advise from nobody.
Not even advise about wearing tights...ridiculous.
How can he blame others for his ridiculousness

@user-xg3uy6hq9g - 15.11.2022 11:26

Karen always feel intimidated when a black person doesn't take their BS and stand up to them.

@idontknowwhattoputhere.3572 - 15.11.2022 09:06

At least now he can rip.

@MaNuLaToROfficial - 14.11.2022 14:26

Maybe he shouldn't wear tights when he's a MAN working for a TV station

@krampusx9784 - 14.11.2022 06:02

That man saying that because being gay isn't a protected class, he has no legal case... So he admits that people in the newsroom were heckling him due to his sexuality and yet the station did nothing about it. Just because he may not have had a legally actionable claim at the time doesn't mean the station didn't have the obligation to do the right thing.

@randybridges7365 - 13.11.2022 22:34

Staged Event
