How To: Frigidaire/Electrolux Water Filter WF2CB

How To: Frigidaire/Electrolux Water Filter WF2CB


11 лет назад

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@lf9341 - 11.07.2024 18:56

Can you also show how to reset the water filter status light?

@jayknapp5548 - 29.07.2023 00:10

Unit comes out fine, but little metal clamps won’t grab new filter. Keeps ejecting new filter. I turned off water , as soon as I try and prime it, boom , out shoots filter out. Horrible design. Any help would be great

@julielezama8683 - 30.06.2022 04:10

Why does my new filter not pop in? And stay in? The old one will pop in , but no water, could the new one be defective

@innovativetechnicalservices - 20.01.2022 03:12

Can you also show how to reset the water filter status light?

@maj3stikq122 - 07.11.2021 20:38

I can’t find the air filter on this specific fridge

@maj3stikq122 - 07.11.2021 20:21

Where is the air filter for this fridge?

@thebeautifulsouthfan - 05.05.2021 21:07

Thanks for filter does not release original fliter..button depresses but does not eject...all that is holding the unit in place is the rubber o rings pushed into the dual receptacles...any suggestions other than prying it out or dissassembling if even possible?

@k3w1b3an5 - 08.11.2020 19:44

Dont bother turning the water off unless you are having trouble inserting the new filter.

@joseedson6018 - 18.10.2020 15:25

É show. Okay.

@micheleword6933 - 02.08.2020 21:22

If the water tastes like the filter what should I do

@milymarte9270 - 01.08.2020 19:29

Mi nevera hace escarcha pero no enfría ni congela que hago tengo que tirarla o no es una Kitchenaid

@milymarte9270 - 01.08.2020 19:27

Hola Mi nombre es Cruz milagro

@SAMMIsLIFE - 08.02.2020 22:50

How do i turn off the water supply, tried putting the new filter in without turning it off and it started leaking. It also wont go in a click all the way....

@rbohnet - 08.11.2019 05:21

We replaced a filter very similar to this a few weeks ago, and ever since the water flow to both the water and ice dispensers has been very slow. Takes a few minutes to fill an ordinary drinking glass, and the ice maker makes hardly any ice.

@xandernicol3980 - 03.11.2019 20:25

It was my birthday yesterday

@hectictrey8955 - 18.06.2019 01:08

How tall is that refrigerator

@benjensen3789 - 30.05.2019 06:07

My 2004 fridge takes this filter. The new filters don't work. The filter launches out of place when dispensing water. When I reinstall the old filter, it stays in just fine. Any ideas?

@carolbaer8651 - 21.06.2018 06:41

What if the new filter will not click, no water comes out of the dispenser. The filter release button will not release the filter.

@heathermt85 - 16.09.2017 01:00

So when I push the filter in with the water turned on or off it automatically pops back out when I run the water. I have tried everything? Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

@zhi834 - 05.03.2017 06:42

I've replaced but the filter indicator still have red light, why and how troubleshot? help please, thanks.

@renzabass - 08.09.2016 02:15

The instructor doesn't tell you after the filter is installed, you need to run the the water dispenser for 3 minutes or 1.5 gallons. Then throw out that first gallon and half of water. You should take this video down and post a new one. Some people aren't going to read these comments and that first gallon and half of water is nasty!

@davidstrange1946 - 31.03.2016 04:09

I change my filter and the water still looking cloudy what can I do about that?

@michaelangel6201 - 08.03.2016 06:50

there should be a few steps before and after replacing your filter. First you should rinse away any residue, then soak it to allow for the charcoal to activate without creating an air pocket in your system. Also you should flip up your ice switch until you have ran at lease a gallon of water through your water dispenser to prevent loose charcoal from your filter geting into your ice.

@BreelynDeCair - 08.02.2016 06:59

We did not turn off the water but we turned the freezer and fridge off. And took out the ice maker . We will be gone for a week until we can go put a new filter in? Is it going to leak all over

@aleksandrsol2162 - 19.01.2016 08:05

перед установкой закрыл кран ..фильтр поставил и... опять закрыл кран :-)

@tylerrobinson739 - 18.01.2016 04:38

I put a brand new filter in and now I'm not getting any water to come out the dispenser but its making ice. any suggestions?

@michealroscoe543 - 03.10.2015 22:33

I looked at the video I'm having a issue of the filter isn't clamping in like it's suppose to. is there a way to fix it

@rmart96777 - 03.06.2015 23:36

Water began to look clear after 3 days. My understanding is the water will look cloudy at first because of air bubbles. No biggie all good from here on in.

@rmart96777 - 22.05.2015 08:31

Today I replaced my water filter on my refrigerator which is almost identical to the one in this video. I DID NOT turn off the water prior to replacing. I have filled up two buckets (used for mopping floor) of water in an attempt to prime the new filter. When getting water using the new filter I noticed the water is a little cloudy looking.

@nadiamarazita50 - 21.04.2015 01:24

I follow your instructions and whater doesn't came out from the whater dispenser instead is leaking inside where the filter is.  Please advise on this! Could it be the filter is defective? Need advise! Thanks

@tomatelaya69 - 06.02.2015 09:09

i have a maytag refrigerator model msd2542veboo when i tried to dispense ice nothing comes out it makes noise but nothing comes out, please help thank you.

@mctwinsbng3022 - 07.01.2015 07:47

sorry I'm only 13

@mctwinsbng3022 - 07.01.2015 07:47

WHAT???? where am i gonna GET THAT!?

@Dastardly84 - 04.11.2014 05:51

You forgot one step. You need run at least 1 gallon of water through the system before drinking.

@shannonrcochran - 05.10.2014 02:24

Any videos on how to change the base for this water filter?
