seriously considering using my minotaurs as blood angels with this new oath of moment. SCARY GOOD assault intercessors, scouts, and phobos, especially.
ОтветитьThis again?? Oath of Moment is massively overhyped and nowhere near as good as people complained when it had full rerolls, in fact it’s a middling faction ability that was nerfed, not because of its efficacy, but because people knee-jerk complained.
So one unit a round, is vulnerable. That’s five units a game if it lasts that long. ANY player who is not prepared to lose a unit a round (apart from knights) have to already know how to deal with this and your opponent can always make sure to leave whatever he doesn’t want nuked out of line of sight of most of your army, or whatever given primary threat is on the table. IN PRACTICE this ability is nowhere near as impactful as a simple armywide reroll, which was common during 9th, and it’s not going to have any sort of massive impact in competitive, where all players know how to position their units.
Anyone who complains about this? This ability is not your problem. Your inability to use a tape measure is your primary challenge.
OoM is broken and its funny how the CSM version didnt get the same buff. If they seriously wanted to improve space marines they just needed to tweak the cover save rules that penalises 3+ and 2+ saves.
ОтветитьThis update is wild with flame throwers in firestorm assault force. With Vulkan Hestan essentially making a mega oath target that lets you reroll torrent and melta on 1 target unit, Infernus marines go fwooosh I took down a chaos knight in one round of pyerblasters with the rerolls and the plus 1 to wound
Ответить+1 to wound is still a bit nuts jfc I got my ass beat today :(
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ОтветитьI hope this finally shuts codex compliant players up for at least a single god damned moment of peace for us all.
ОтветитьThis was needed, there are so many SM chapters that were getting trashed. It was starting to look stupid to play any other chapter than DA/BA. This applies to Imperial Fists / Salamanders / etc from what I’m reading. Any straight Codex SM
ОтветитьMy Ultramarines finally have some teeth, and I don’t have to play them as Ravenguard to win games. I know it’ll get nerfed in the next update, so I’m going to enjoy my day in the sun until then.
ОтветитьI like it, but GW better cum HARD with new loyalist chapter/ Primarch material in order for this rule to remain untouched.
ОтветитьExcited to hear about the new Warhaus store, it's local to me
ОтветитьWell, my marines only have the keyword "Blood Ravens", so they're stealing this rule.
ОтветитьHellblasters can wound basically any vehicle on a 4 or better now
ОтветитьMakes it pretty obvious when to use your defensive strat lol.
ОтветитьRepulsor executioner in iron storm did 30 wounds in a turn to a repulsor executioner.
ОтветитьIt just doesnt make sense reading this as a divergent chapter player. New OoM rules is applicable to deawatch detachment? So more than half my detachment strategem s are not usable. This is probably a FAQ check that seems to have slipped past GWs design team and writers, like most things. Like true, us players could abuse the written rules but its also probably not intended and will likely get reaolved in the near future
ОтветитьThe funny thing about the rules quirk you mentioned is it actually applies for me and a few others I know. I play Emperor’s Spears, but I field them using Champions of Russ as the detachment for a bit of flavor and getting them closer to their unique rules in 9th. I don’t run any Space Wolves-unique units. I’m very much looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Ответитьwhy there is this feeling that there are going to be 99% Robert Gulliver Lists in thet near future? 🤔
ОтветитьI dont think you can run generic marines with a chapter specific detachment. Doesn't selecting space wolves give every astartes model the space wolves key word? Wouldn't that block champions of russ from gaining the oath bonus? I'm not 100%
ОтветитьOh well it was nice beating smurfs while it lasted
ОтветитьIf you haven't learnt how to be SM yet, it's literally a skill issue.
ОтветитьAs a salamanders player, I appreciate that +1 to on my flamers. Combined with Vulcan's rerolls will be nasty.
Ответить+1 hit , +1 wound do not teigger crtitcal hits (sustained hits, lethal hits)(devastating wounds) on 5+ ?
ОтветитьI thought that space marine unit gained the keyword of divergent chapter when you play their detachement.
ОтветитьEnjoy it while it lasts, brothers
ОтветитьNewcomer question: Where do you find the updated rules and how do you keep up with rule-changes.
Additionally: the back of the codec says that if both players agree they can just use the rules as seen in the book, does that happen often enough or are players typically very anal about using the most up-to-date rulings?
Oath of the moment should never be nerfed in the first place. Was not even close to play vs necrons,eldar and the old acdc spam even with original oath...
ОтветитьHellblasters + Lieutenant counter everything without an invuln or FnP now. It's great.
ОтветитьI think one of the underrated usages for the buffed oath ends up being Bolt Inceptors. A blob of 6 Inceptors onto an oath target fishing for Sustained 2's can put out a lot of wounds. Firestorm lets you buff the weapons up to 12 inches, which would let you put out upwards of 18 wounds on a T11 3+ unit. Vanguard also lets you buff the AP of inceptors to AP-2, and between Overwatch fishing for 6's, the reactive move strategem, and the put back into reserves ->redeploy combo, the unit can get really annoying.
ОтветитьSpace marines with votann rules, but also re-rolls. And you can do this in the ‘not bringers of flame’ detachment too.
ОтветитьThe Cycle continues: New Edition Drops: SM is first out the gate and draws ire from every other player because Codex army vs non-codex army--->SM gets nerfed due to player backlash--->Several months down the line as other armies get their codex(for various reasons) completely power creep Codex SM (this includes other divergent SM chapters)--->SM winrates gets flushed down the toilet even further--->GW realizes they're now pushing new players to play a bottom 3 army--->Buffs SM(usually during latter half of the edition); which usually involve walking back the original nerf in some respect because it turns out it was actually not that busted but rather it was just seemed that way in the context of it's release.
I hope they don’t let Divergents use boosted Oath in their bespoke detachments.
ОтветитьYou know what else is massive???
ОтветитьMost players in my meta play Core Codex Marines. Me and the other players don't even feel like playing 40k anymore...
ОтветитьThe divergent detachments but no units is clearly abusing RAW vs RAI, and I hope they errata that soon. Im so sick and tired of Space Marines getting nerfed because the divergent chapters break something that they shouldn't even have access too.
ОтветитьWe needed the buff but I believe it will be nerfed just because I feel like not only is it strong but people are going to hate it. I play Ultramarines and I'm not sure how to feel I like it but I think we are going to pay for that buff heavily in the near future.
ОтветитьOh boy, overlap with anvil.
ОтветитьI can't keep up with all this change. We almost need a "seasons" system where the changes only hit every 6 months for ALL factions.
ОтветитьAnother goofy over correction making physical codexes a joke
Ответитьtypo in description? power fo the 1+ to wound
ОтветитьBobby G in first company with sterngaurds, intercessors, and terminators
ОтветитьThis is a completely broken rule that i guarentee is gonna nerfed next balance update. Which will basically mean their whole "fix" for codex marines will amount to nothing.
ОтветитьI cant see anywhere were to say I can't do this, I've been using 1st company task force with Guilliman using double oath, once per game full reroll wounds to then destroy the first oath target in 2 units worth and still being able to full reroll wound roll (+1 wound with the new buff) with the second oath target (that now gets the full benefit from the 1st company once per game ability) to then destroy that new oath target, does anyone think i could not do this? Is there anything stopping me from this?
ОтветитьIt is even more impactful in smaller games, this is an excellent point. Combat patrol oath was only reroll hits right from the start, because buffing wound rolls with such a small number of units was too powerful.
At my club we've house ruled that for boarding actions we're using the pre balance dataslate oath.
Double oath of moment with GMan my beloved
ОтветитьI just hope I can play a 2k game before they nerf it.
ОтветитьGullimann rediculous melee threat now which is so much against any lore... 14s hand wounds allmost everything on 3+ and now the has 2+ hit full reroll lethal and than wounding Monolith and Great unclean on 2+ ap-4 4D even angron needs 1cp with skulls for skulls throne to hit on 2+ reroll and Wound on 2+ ... Absolut stupid
ОтветитьDeathwatch wouldn’t get the improved OoM as the Tome Of Ectoclades can only go on a Warchmaster and he has the DW keyword.