Why Does Gen Z Want To Be Ugly?

Why Does Gen Z Want To Be Ugly?

Misha Petrov

1 год назад

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Skaarxiong1 - 19.09.2023 21:20

this is exactly how you stop Americans from breeding. make them ugly, gross, useless and worthless so no one will (BEEP!) them, thus, no more Americans. GOD i love Kamala Harris's plan about population control in the United States. why do you think American men are flocking to foreign countries to seek a wife and true love? and of course, if you're not down with that, you're a RACIST!

TomS - 19.09.2023 20:47

... For women that shave or wear things that you consider weird or different, maybe you could consider the possibility that they feel non-binary or maybe you don't know them you just see their difference, huh ? Idk, maybe I didn't understand your video but at the beginning I was agree with you, but then felt like you were not really open minded 🤨
Well, for the fact that they try to look "ugly", I understand your point, because even me, as a part of LGBT community and transgender considering as open minded, I truely dislike that kind of "fashion", I feel some way it makes look LGBT community too weird for the non LGBT one, like it is maybe too much guys.

Elias :3
Elias :3 - 19.09.2023 19:06

I have two friends from school who are these non-binary people you described in this video. They shit on me because I buy trendy basic clothes from shops instead of buying old clothes OF THEIR STYLE from flea markets. Like excuse me? You can dress however u want but let me dress how I want to too. Just because I don't look like you and I dress like every other basic white girl doesn't mean you get to shit on me because you're insecure. Also this includes my music taste and taste in men too. I can't be a normal basic person, in their opinions I should be like them. 💀

Harisson Smith
Harisson Smith - 19.09.2023 14:37

The bald head girl with armpit hair looks like she's under in the middle of chemo therapy session but she decided to stop. Top Half done.

Ricardo de Moraes
Ricardo de Moraes - 19.09.2023 13:54

Most of them

Ricardo de Moraes
Ricardo de Moraes - 19.09.2023 13:54

Horrible women from the USA .

Ricardo de Moraes
Ricardo de Moraes - 19.09.2023 13:51

Glory to Russia !!!🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤

Ricardo de Moraes
Ricardo de Moraes - 19.09.2023 13:49

Weird kind of people !!😂😂😂

Bethany Whiteley
Bethany Whiteley - 19.09.2023 13:30

I don’t understand why it’s such a bad thing to dress to look good for other people? I love looking my best for my boyfriend and for me too. But women expect men to look good and dress nice and be clean and hygienic, so why can’t men expect the same from women? There’s always going to be men that find you attractive, even if you have a unconventional style. If my boyfriend went out with me in public looking like a scruff when I have made myself look my best I’d be well annoyed

Emilia Davis
Emilia Davis - 19.09.2023 05:09

I miss my purple hair but i know if i dye it again imma be lumped in with these people 😅😬

Zem XXI - 19.09.2023 01:02

The thing that a lot of people are missing is that: WE GET IT. We get the need to not objectify women and be misogynist. We get that anyone should be allowed to look any way they want to. And that there needs to be more than the conventional standards of beauty that are promoted by the media. But you need to respect those who wish to simply eschew all of that "alternative" stuff and just be what you have chosen to label as "conservative". Some of us enjoy the natural differences between men and women. Some of us enjoy the conventional or "classical" tropes of beauty. I say to those people who don't: "You do you. but you don't need to go on a crusade that the rest of us weren't even asking for."

Lowkey Gaming
Lowkey Gaming - 18.09.2023 23:34

And that’s also why I get a bit triggered by all these, its becouse every gen Z in this modern world just act like their a 10 even tho how shity personality they have, (and its alot of that kind)😑 and everything is just black and white according to them, and if u say otherwhise Then you're harassing them! so I would ask what's the point of ranking them at all when everyone is a 10! but if you flip the coin and ask them to rank us guys then everyone is a piece of shit! ( litarly) so yeah I'm so lucky that I'm not living in the same delusional world as all of these!😂👍

Silvio Dante
Silvio Dante - 18.09.2023 19:32

People who do that have mental illness and lots of childhood trauma for some reason it’s a lot of woman. While the media cares a ton about incels while there are girls like this taught to hate men. Not saying all girls but females are the more sexist gender while they try to push “equality” while being anti man.

Chris Young
Chris Young - 18.09.2023 18:14

try this in Iran
you funny people

onesyphorus Ὀνησίφορος
onesyphorus Ὀνησίφορος - 18.09.2023 08:10

every 60 seconds - a slavic girl from 18-21 is about to get implants, botox injections, rhinoplasty or a combination of the three

ochem123 - 18.09.2023 03:40

Gen Z has grown up in communism 🔥 ♥️

Bronson McLean
Bronson McLean - 17.09.2023 22:10

I hate that I'm part of gen z, it's truly embarrassing.

kellyhead123 - 17.09.2023 19:42

Why do you want to be ugly?

History I Guess
History I Guess - 17.09.2023 19:27

I threw up, with my eyes

C B - 17.09.2023 18:07

It’s not freedom of physical expression, it’s repressed unresolved trauma

LovelyMissMiller85 - 17.09.2023 17:49

I wonder how the poor industry's doing right now

Elin Then
Elin Then - 17.09.2023 16:26

Feminisim is just as bad as sexism

MattsTowel - 17.09.2023 13:28

One of my friends works as a manager at a Costco and he was interviewing this “woman” she had pink and blue dyed hair, shaved sides with lightning bolts, had tattoos all over her even her face, had a so many facial piercings, my friend is a easygoing guy has tattoos but he didn’t even go threw with the interview cause she gave him a bad impression on her way out he heard her call him a misogynistic ass hole which really sealed her fate.

Holly Leafwell
Holly Leafwell - 15.09.2023 23:11

Watched a tiktok of a person with funky coloured hair getting upset because a stranger said to them, "I assume you're non-binary?"

In your quest to be unique and special, you have become the stereotype so that upsets you. Fantastic.

Janelle Lewis
Janelle Lewis - 15.09.2023 22:05

I think looking unique and feeling embodied is better than looking like a horse girl (the girls you went to elementary school with that were fascinated with horses, not some sort of “she looks like an animal” term) who dresses like a conservative dry dream

radnai renegát
radnai renegát - 15.09.2023 21:08

I'm not from the US and I'm not woke. I'm educated, have my own opinions and that's why I will never EVER want to get a desperate man from the US that comes here SOLELY for the reason to find a woman here that will meet all his expectations without raising some on their own. Because this is really what this thing is about, and even though I do despise abhorrent, obnoxious feminists and woke people, I am 100% certion that the men that feel the need to go oversees just to find a women aren't exactly a catch either.
I'm not sure how bad the dating scene in the US really is, but I do assume that the vast majority of them are just doing fine, getting married or staying alone as they prefer. The loud ones always seem to represent the possible lowest in each sides, let it be hairy feminists or mgtow morons and "passport bros".

TheBurntCrouton - 15.09.2023 18:35

I’ve also heard that another reason is because of past SA, to avoid attention from males/females and do it for a way to deal with the past trauma. Which is quite sad.

하늘 - 15.09.2023 04:52

"Thats why you guys are going to get foreign girls. It's because you guys can't handle women." So I'm not a woman anymore because I'm from a foreign country? I'm very confused. I wouldn't consider myself weak and submissive, but where I'm from it's more common for women to play a more feminine and traditional role in families. Yes women still work, but they also do cooking and cleaning. I know not every household does it, but just because you don't want to conform to such a standard doesn't mean you have to hate men for living and breathing.

Joanna Watson Vlogs
Joanna Watson Vlogs - 15.09.2023 04:14

Zoomers are weird. Not hating, just saying.

Slick Shady
Slick Shady - 15.09.2023 00:59

If you like transppl
You are gay or trans

Its that easy for us straight people; We don’t suffer. At all.

Slick Shady
Slick Shady - 15.09.2023 00:56

I would choose a foreign woman over a USA woman
Any day of the week!

I’m attracted to intelligence

Nife Howls
Nife Howls - 14.09.2023 21:26

what the heck. these are all wild assumption and you based a whole argument off those assumptions. Everyone does things for their own reasons. Also there have been eras of music that influence culture like the punk culture. You gotta do some history first. we aren't this generation we are all generations culminating in the moment. We aren't detached. Also, check out the types of people who have started wars in the past 👀
Always support, as long as no-one is being hurt. Live by example and let it go.

noa - 14.09.2023 18:04

can't believe I clicked on this thinking it would be interesting, objective, college style content. instead it's just most boring girl hating on people who like to dress creative and expressing themselves in different ways then her own basic 19th century tastes. kinda get the vibe she is low-key jealous without knowing. funny how she says "we wouldn't wanna be friends with those people" - I know tons of people like her and also tons of people like those she calls "ugly"/not desirable as friends. and the people like her are usually the most judgemental, self-entitled assholes I have ever met (some of them were nice ofc, I'm just talking about overall trend here), whereas the alternative folks have mostly been so warm-hearted and welcoming, and so understanding (my theory is that this is bc they are used to how discrimination and being left out feels like, so they try to be the good they wanna see in the world).

maybe this girl should go out and see the real world sometimes, people are different irl than on the internet (to throw all of the extremes u see online in one bucket and believe u know how any of those people are irl shows u should probably invest in some education or get off your phone for a while) shocking, I know.

Aging Casually Late Gamer
Aging Casually Late Gamer - 14.09.2023 12:43

They do this because once you make everyrhjng ugly, its no longer seen as a crime to destory beautiful things. It be statues, paintings, or even natural beauty. It becomes the norm to stamp out anything that reminds them od their ugliness. To keep people from actually being unique.

Tony Moto
Tony Moto - 14.09.2023 11:50

This is what happens when they close down carnie freak shows

samaralyn - 14.09.2023 09:54

feminism is the real issue here

Everything Thrice
Everything Thrice - 14.09.2023 08:53

They just make it easier to know who is crazy and who isn't

Brooke wyeth
Brooke wyeth - 14.09.2023 08:33

Try hards😂😂😂😂😂😂

Angela Harris
Angela Harris - 14.09.2023 05:29

Imagine having the privilege of thinking that you are so irresistible to men that you have to actively dress and make yourself up to repel them so they won't be so slavishly attracted to you. I never had that particular problem, and I got through life much happier.

smellslikeoctober - 14.09.2023 04:35

Gen Z wants to look ugly on the outside so it matches how they are on the inside.

MASON B KING - 14.09.2023 04:02

as someone born under the gen z bubble im really ashamed of all this kak happening and truly happy all that shia isnt full force in my country

Guy M
Guy M - 14.09.2023 02:13

Some people never get enough attention. Get back to the circus you clowns.

Go Forward
Go Forward - 14.09.2023 02:08

The IRONY of the lady in this video with a Mormon haircut and a mock turtle neck with a pea soup colored sweater.

Kristina Dospoy
Kristina Dospoy - 14.09.2023 00:43

They're nuts

♆ Satan ♆
♆ Satan ♆ - 13.09.2023 22:55

I'm ugly by birth and these women are appropriating my culture

Evonne - 13.09.2023 21:36

Competition with men only puts one in a position of becoming a distorted masculine themselves.
