寵物急救小知識 急救指南篇 (First Aid for pets demonstrations : Pet First Aid Instruction)

寵物急救小知識 急救指南篇 (First Aid for pets demonstrations : Pet First Aid Instruction)

Pets Central

54 года назад

232 Просмотров

寵物急救指南 A Cheat Sheet for Handling a Pet Emergency
第一在頁面會寫上寵物和主人的基本資料,甚或你常去的獸醫診所的資料。在緊急情況下, 我們未必能保持鎮定,這些資料就能在你去就近的獸醫診所時,供你作快速登記。我們會知道狗隻的歲數, 品種, 有否絕育等,能有效的幫助我們快速診斷盒治療。當你填了長去的獸醫診所資料, 我們也可以有效地獲得我們需要的病歷,特別藥物使用和敏感的資料。
第二, 指南裡面會講解不同情況,例如緊急情況下的處理方法或緊急急救的方法。
We may not always know what to do in an emergency. If our pet is in pain, it’s understandable if pet owners get a little panicked or flustered.
Our First Aid manual for pets is included in the Pets Central First Aid kit, to help us respond appropriately.
This is a “cheat sheet” to help you get through the initial stages of an emergency. Quick action and quick thinking can ensure your pet gets the care it needs.
The manual has two functions.
The front of the manual has space on it for you to record basic information for your pet, as well as you, as the owner.
This information can be used for quick registration at our clinic, or the nearest vet’s clinic in a major emergency.
We will instantly know the age, breed and sterilization data for the dog or cat. This enables the vet to perform a quick diagnosis, and initiate treatment immediately.
If you provide the details of the vet’s clinic that you normally visit, Pets Central can instantly get the clinic history and record of any drugs that your pet uses.
This is the exactly the kind of information we may find hard to remember in urgent situations. Having it to hand ensures fast and precise treatment.
The rest of the manual provides quick steps for emergency care in the most-common situations.
For instance, there is guidance on treating eye injuries, steps for performing simple CPR on a pet, and advice for handling contact with hazardous chemicals.
There are also instructions for handling common conditions such as bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea.
We hope you DON’T need this manual. But equally, we hope this manual means you are well-prepared in an emergency.
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