Merithra, The Green Dragonflight & The Emerald Gardens | All Cutscenes | WoW Dragonflight

Merithra, The Green Dragonflight & The Emerald Gardens | All Cutscenes | WoW Dragonflight


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Merithra, The Green Dragonflight & the Emerald Gardens | All Cutscenes | WoW Dragonflight

You spread the news of war and meet Boku, an anxious mystic who cannot hear Ohn'ahra. You accompanied him to find the other mystics at Ridgewater Retreat and find that Clan Nokhud has attacked. After saving some of the initiates, the Ohn'ir leader Tigari Khan sent you and Boku to find Ohn'ahra.

You discovered the Primalists and Nokhud attacking Windsong Rise as Koroleth tried to capture Ohn'ahra. Though you attempted to stop her, Koroleth knocked the two of you off the cliff and out of her way. Ohn'ahra's Blessing- You arrived in the Ohn'ahran Plains to reach the green dragonflight and help them empower the Emerald Oathstone. To do so, you had to establish diplomacy with the Maruuk centaur so that you could cross their lands.

You met Scout Tomul of Clan Shikaar and aided her hunting party in taking down a proto-dragon. She introduced you to Sansok Khan, the deaf leader of Clan Shikaar. She shared that the green dragons were sending an emissary to the centaur's upcoming gathering and agreed to bring you along if you pulled your weight.

You traveled alongside the caravan, sharing stories and hunting alongside them during the journey. You helped their mystic, Ohn Seshteng, receive a bleak omen from their god, Ohn'ahra, before arriving in Maruukai. Into the Plains. You arrived in Maruukai for the centaur gathering, the Khural. You met the other powerful clans of the plains. You met Clan Teerai, the tradition keepers, and helped cook an offering for the ancestors. You met Clan Ohn'ir mystics and helped clarify an earlier omen, revealing that Ohn'ahra is in danger. You met Clan Nokhud, the warriors, and sparred with them.

You met the emerald emissary, Gemisath, and learned that the green dragons needed the centaurs' aid to push back a Primalist threat. As the centaur leader, the Khanam Matra, agreed to help Gemisath, the Nokhud Khan Balakar arrived and killed Gemisath, throwing his lot in with the Primalists. You defeated his forces that launched an attack on Maruukai.

00:00 The Horn of Drusahl
03:32 Cutscene 1
04:17 Meeting Merithra & the Green Dragonflight
07:25 Cutscene 2
07:35 The Storm Scar
07:59 Cutscene 3
08:13 Koroleth
08:49 Emerald Gardens
10:39 Cutscene 4

#dragonflight #worldofwarcraft #merithra


#wow #dragonflight #beta #lore #history #green #merithra #merithra_lore #merithra_dragonflight #emerald_garden #world_of_warcraft #cinematic #cutscene #clan_nokhud #ancient_bough #ohn'ahra #centaur #centaur_lore #campaign #ohn'ahran_plains #ohn'ahran_plains_campaign #Balakar_Khan #primalist #emerald_oathstone #maruuk_centaur #clan_shikaar #leyst #leysttv #leyst_tv #emerald_dream #dragon #flight #Khanam_Matra #wowhead #warcraft #world #wow_10.0
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@nikolainilsen4053 - 24.09.2022 19:57

just what I needed for my weekend

@liamb2105 - 24.09.2022 19:58

Cheers for the video :D

@TuberoseKisser - 24.09.2022 19:58

Still sad that the new design on the loading screen might not be her, as much as I like Ysera, Her presence just overshadows Merithra and her story.

@martonszentkiralyi2251 - 24.09.2022 20:02

Hopefully that portal will lead somewhere this time around

@deltarek1534 - 24.09.2022 20:07

Have a feeling this expansion will have like two cinematics in the entire expansion

@AstralHealthGuy - 24.09.2022 20:17

Is koroleth an elf or dragon in humanoid form?

@CsStoker - 24.09.2022 20:19

Are all the Khan women now? also how there are centaurs in the Dragon Islands since they had no contact with the world for 10 thousand years and centaurs were born around a 1000 years only?

@GreenblackGBG - 24.09.2022 20:42

Thanks for putting these videos out here. I don't play WoW retail anymore but can still follow the lore and world from great channels like yours.

@sarah-vc9vh - 24.09.2022 20:49

Stuff with primalists reminds me a lot about blood trolls from bfa.

@Cawhi - 24.09.2022 20:49

I hope the recycled voice actors get a raise.

@kaneslives - 24.09.2022 20:56

Eh I’m glad Ysera is coming back. Merryifrahaha er whatever is a literal “who?”.

@RavenIV - 24.09.2022 21:05

I might be wrong but new aspect composition will probably be: alexatrazsa (red), nozdormu (bronze), kalecgos (blue), merithra(green) and wrathion (black)
Alexa and nozdormu being last OG aspects , i can see they will eventualy kill one (or both) of them in next patches :/

@denikehi4579 - 24.09.2022 21:31


@nightwi5h959 - 24.09.2022 22:15

Take a shot every time someone says the word "Accept"....good luck xD

@wesleyvl8572 - 24.09.2022 23:05

A other good vidoe dude keep it up you rock

@rimonshamon8607 - 24.09.2022 23:24

help me understand these centaurs , are they better and more civilized than the centaurs in Kalimdor?

@valeclaw1697 - 25.09.2022 01:22

Ima be honest. This has been a really underwhelming presentation of the Green Dragon flight, and after playing most the zones on beta, I think they've humanized some a bit too much. Bronze and Green dragons needed more mysticism and other worldliness to them. I know it doesn't align with their story so they're prolly just pretending it's not true. But in the lore. The Green Dragons homeland is the Dream, not any fucking dragon isles crap. By their own words they're not creatures of both worlds, like druids like Malfurion are. They're really creatures of the Dream at this point.

@knottalone899 - 25.09.2022 01:55

That green dragon model has excellent weight painting

@MrOrcshaman - 25.09.2022 04:46

I wanna play a centaur

@jameschristophercirujano6650 - 25.09.2022 05:53

I hate these new centaurs if they don't have a logical explanation for this BS.

@tf2010zf - 25.09.2022 14:49

I wonder if druids are going to get another portal to and from the Dream

@mohdimansaifullizan6193 - 26.09.2022 08:55

Choose your side Dragon Alliance or Dragon Horde

@nyx2903 - 26.09.2022 18:04

The way npc dialogues work in World of Warcraft is terrible in my opinion. After BfA and Shadowlands I gave other MMORPG's a try, like Final Fantasy XIV and SWTOR. The way characters talk to the player or to each other is just way more interesting than the way they talk in WoW. In WoW they just talk, and they always talk veeery slooowly.

In SWTOR and FFXIV they talk as characters would talk in a regular RPG game. They don't just talk for minutes without end in slow motion while you ride next to them. Now that I've seen other games handle this topic it really bothers me whenever I see WoW dialoques or even cutscenes.

@tackjens - 26.09.2022 19:26

wonder how much "prove" your self as the saviour of every thing you got to do in wow xD

@Yeshuawillreturn - 27.09.2022 04:57

"how can you expect an outsider to understand?" the entire wow lore in a nutshell.

@arthursebastiany7311 - 05.10.2022 15:25

wtf the centaurs are good now?

@doofus15768 - 20.10.2022 16:32

Ah I will Miss the simpler time of Killing Centaurs And back stabing them for rep and stuff back in classic, oh how I will despise this Force to deal with Once hated enemy of the horde Now... Doing bitch work... this like ultima 8 pagan Thanks blizz... I'm the God Damn Maw walker Why I have to help these Backwater fools?!

@RandyOrlok - 17.11.2022 02:57

4 of 5 centaur leaders are female what a joke wow has become
