Welcome to a new Cathedral review. Today we make a tour into the huge Cathedral of Palermo a famouns city at Sicilia in Italy. The Cathedral of Palermo is one of the biggest buildibgs of the city and has a long History. Also its the rest place of the members of the Staufer Empire like of Frederic II.
The tour into the Cathedral:
During my trip at Palermo I visited the Cathedrale of the city. I´ve heard many good things about this building in history and architecture. At first I spent time at the place in front of the building which is open so see 24 hours. Inside I went up to the first balcony and from this place via a difficult step tower to the top of the building. There I enjoyed a view to Palermo and the sea both the rocky mountains around the city. Back in the hall I walked between the coffins from the members of the Staufer Empire. The famous Empire Frederice from Sicila and some of his family members are in coffins and to see for everyone.
The altar and the main ship also were interesting for me. I finshed the tour back at the place in front of the Cathedral.
The Cathedral of Palermo:
Loceated in the city center of Palermo is the building with its huge construction next to the Palazzo Reale the biggest and one of the oldest building of the whole city.
The history of this Cathedral begun in the 12 century. Famous for this holy building is the grave rest place of mebers of the Staufer members. The most famous monarch of this imperial family is Frederic II from Sicilia. Also a walk in the main ship is intersting and good to connect with a walk via a dark tower to the top of the building.
Palermo has many intersting places to see but a highlight for most of all tourists from Italy and the world is a visit at the Cathedral.
Frederic II from Sicilia:
Born in December 26.1194 near Acona from the imperial family called Staufer was from 1198 kind of Sicilia and from 1212 kind of Italy and Germany. Famous for the kind is at first the love to falcos and the cooperation to other countries. The king could speak more languarges and this makes him to a popular king in the world. A famous building built by the monarch is the castle called "Castell del Monte in the south Italian district "Apulia".
The king diet in December 13.1250 at Castle Fiorentino at Sicilia. His coffin are toghether with other coffins in the backround of the Cathedral of Palermo.
Video details:
00:00 intro
00:47 the huge place in front of the Cathedral
02:41 the center of the huge place
03:36 the historic entrance
04:52 exploring the right side part of the building
06:24 the faces out of stone on the edge of the top
06:59 walking up a stong step
07:24 spending time at the top of the Cathedral
09:20 the coffins of Frederice II from Sicilia
11:15 the main ship and altar
12:12 last worlds of the tour of me
Here the links where I´ve talked in the video:
The history about the Cathedral of Palermo:
The Staufer Empire:
The famous Frederike II from Sicilia and the Staufer Empire:
The page of other intersting places to see at Palermo:
Here two videos at the Capital of Italy Rome:
The Colluseum:
The Basilica Saint Paul in front of the walls:
Here my tour into the Saint John's Co-Cathedral of Valetta:
And my temple tour into the Wat Doi Suthep temple at Chiang Mai at Thailand:
Also: #jgtripreports #travel #italy #sicilia #cathedral #palermo #exploring #holy #citytour #staufferfamily #citytrip
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