Monday, March 3rd, 2025

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

Albert Mohler

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@Bobbychildree - 03.03.2025 13:40

People on cocaine have been known to act as loud and rudely as Zelensky. Remember some of Joe Biden’s outbursts?

@juancordova8509 - 03.03.2025 14:24

Excellent análisis.

@traian2decebal - 03.03.2025 14:38

President Trump failed miserably, I think, to lead in his "own home" in front of the cameras, where he should very good at. He created, he presided over the context of a circus. President Zelinskyy was setup, berated, treated like a football, like a five year old by J.D. Vance("honey, did you say thank you to your mum?"). They kicked president Zelinskyy while he was down.
It is sad, in my opinion, that Mr. Mohler, in spite of his moral fortitude, leaves it to posterity to decide if this was a colossal diplomatic failure, or not, by the US Executive Branch.
(P. S. - I voted for Trump, by the way, three times. Not because of his vocabulary, or his speeches (his speeches are boring and predictable to me), or his moral character, but because I believe, now I hope, that his policies are overall good for USA and the world, are closer to our Judeo-Christian values that we want to permeate our society)

@TurtleTrackin - 03.03.2025 15:00

It seems like Libertarianism can depend on interpretation. Reagan once considsred himself a Libertarian. It can be consistent with a pro-life view in that the rights of the unborn child are taken seriously. And it can be complementary to a Baptist world view in that, while a particular religious view is not endorsed by the government, it is also not to be suppressed.

@dougperrett332 - 03.03.2025 15:00

Thank you for the explanation and clarity.

@truthtriumphs5289 - 03.03.2025 15:14

It was a comedy show

@CAVUAV8R - 03.03.2025 15:36

Democrats and naive RINOs meeting with Zelenskyy prior to Oval office with Trump was intentional politics to assert a false narrative. Trump did not fall for the petulant Ukrainian. After meeting with the UK Prime Minister he has seen up close never trust a Democrat

@philr3381 - 03.03.2025 15:56

It's hard not to feel that the United States is starting to side with Russia, who is the aggressor. I really don't like the comment VP Vance said about him supporting the opposition. Either way, thank you for your Christian analysis.

@richardthenryvideos - 03.03.2025 16:05

2 words.
Defund Ukraine.

@gregoryanelson5631 - 03.03.2025 16:17

Mr. Milner has confused Libertarianism with Libertineism.

@gregoryanelson5631 - 03.03.2025 16:29

Russia feels it has a moral right to the Planet Earth.
This is not by definition a war. It is a clear cut invasion.
Trumps action was premeditated. How would Mr. Mohler report
this if we were in danger of falling under Russian dominance?

@TSBJunkie - 03.03.2025 16:50

Hugely disappointed that you seem to have lost the ability to call a spade a spade. Theres a reason you haven't commented, even now, on us siding with our three biggest enemies, communists and dictators all of them including Russia, in naming Ukraine as to blame for this war. It was completely indefensible, and it reeks of your sickening kowtowing to the cult of Trump akin to the IVF issue by waffling on the issue. Do you think his "attitude" maybe, just maybe, had something to do with that?

Vance and Trump have no reason to lose their cool; it's not their country at stake, but they both quickly deteriorate into finger wagging and mocking. And the "great television" line..seriously.

Just don't come crying when the churches have their tax-exempt status removed.

@wilsonowuor3868 - 03.03.2025 16:58

There was a time when the term "presidential" meant something. Can you imagine Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy or even the reviled Carter and Obama behaving as what we saw in the White House this past week? The dignity of the presidency has suffered a great blow over the past 10 years and this is not good. You don't see the kind of primitive behaviour we saw in the White House even in failed states or dictatorships.

The saddest part is hearing respected Christian leaders using all sophistry to justify the despicable behaviour.

The relationship between the "Christian Right" and Trump has become idolatrous. Only God is always right. Trump cannot be always right. Am calling out this idolatry. American Christian Trump followers need to repent and come back to Christ.

@peterkaapcke7790 - 03.03.2025 17:10

From a biblical stand point leaders of nations are addressed respectfully and used for God's plans. Zelenskyy quite frankly is a disrespectful man especially to a country that has given so much. Keep in mind that the majority of Americans do not support the war. Ukrainians want to end the war Zelenskyy wants money 💰

@LucaEickhoff - 03.03.2025 17:10

Hearing and seeing all the news stories and reading some of these comments led me to believe the exchange was worse than it actually was. If you negotiate and argue for a living and deal with businessmen and lawyers, this was a mild exchange between people with competing narratives. From the clip I saw in the Oval Office, it was clear the use of “you will feel the pressure (in the US)” was leading up to previous ways the conversation about the war has been framed, i.e. fist Ukraine, then Europe, then the world and America and freedom and democracy. This is rhetorically effective but also manipulative. Judging by the response of the POTUS and VP, they saw this chess move and moved the squash what they appeared to see (perhaps based on previous conversations or the moment) and overt attempt by Z to steer the conversation publicly. They then dominated the conversation and berated him, because they were making the main thing the main thing, and reminding him they weren’t beholden to this tactic (which has been so very effective for decades now). The man looked like a whooped dog after the owner discovers and finds out the mess he’s made in tearing up the living room couch pillow.

@maxwell4322 - 03.03.2025 17:36

JD Vance also said something that no one really mentions.

Ukraine forces are so low from its losses and lack of volunteers that they were going into the their own streets kidnapping and forcing their own people to throw them in the front lines into the meat grinder.

When you are doing things like that. It makes me wonder why you wouldn't want an immediate ceasefire fire. He doesn't want to stop.

@annbrucepineda8093 - 03.03.2025 17:44


@timm9271 - 03.03.2025 17:44

Excellent commentary on this sad situation Dr. Mohler

@peterandolph7628 - 03.03.2025 17:58

It was not a showdown. One entity has the money to escalate this war and the other doesn’t. It was theater at best.

@markdevine4888 - 03.03.2025 18:01

Excellent analysis. One more point. Putin took land from Ukraine under Obama and invaded under Biden. Neither happened under Trump. Who is the president of the United States seems to be a predictor of Putin's behavior. Ukraine cannot look to the United States for its security. But it can better expect security if the right president occupies the White House. Zelensky either has not figure that out or he wants more war for some different and ostensibly better outcome he envisions.

@frederickswartzendruber9099 - 03.03.2025 18:08

Zelensky's repeated futile efforts to drive out the Russians and "make them pay" meet Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results. The Ukrainian people have suffered enough. Hoping Trump's goal to change the approach will lead to lasting peace.

@dust8754 - 03.03.2025 18:11

트럼프의 거래의 기술의 텍스트는 손자병법입니다 손자병법에서 병법의 기본 원리는 속이는 것입니다 그 원리를 마스터한 트럼프는 자신의 목표를 얻어내기 위해 온갖 방법으로 혼돈시키고 기만합니다 트럼프가 푸틴은 치켜주고 젤렌스키는 면박주고 하는 것은 그가 얻어내고자 하는 목표를 얻기 위한 트릭으로 보입니다 사람들은 그 본의를 파악하지 못합니다 안심스러운 것은 트럼프가 속물적으로 보이기는 하지만 그렇게 나쁜 사람이 아니라는 것입니다 그리고 나름 올바른 도덕적 가치를 추구하는 사람이라는 것입니다 겉으로 보기에 그는 추한 사람으로 보이겠지만.

@Wren_Farthing - 03.03.2025 18:25

To speak as if Trump and Vance went into this meeting as good faith diplomats who simply desire peace is a gross mischaracterization of what happened. This meeting was staged, and the outcome was predetermined. It mattered not a jot what Zelenskyy said or did. Trump had already cast his lot with Putin and Russia. He has telegraphed his preference for wealth and power for years, and has consistently allied himself with wolves. The rhetoric about diplomacy is a smokescreen to rationalize siding with the aggressor, and breaking a promise the U.S. made to Ukraine long ago .
Christians, don't take your spiritual leaders' wisdom for granted, especially where politics is concerned. When pastors- be they celebrity pastors or those close to home-- make repeated statements in support of a particular political figure or party, it is a BIG RED FLAG. Read what Jesus has to say about the powerful vs. the vulnerable. Be open to the Spirit's guidance, and judge for yourselves.

@Alex1233192 - 03.03.2025 18:27

It is sad to see that dr. Mohler does not recognise that it was a set up. It was not Zelenski who decided for the press to be there but US team. Also the questions were combative from the start as US administration wants to force Zelenski to negotiate on a losing hand. It was all calculated.

@davidsykes2825 - 03.03.2025 18:51

They appeared to throw a temper tantrum about the fact that he hasn’t said “Thank you”. That’s the “main” thing in this whole situation?

@cbwilson2398 - 03.03.2025 19:07

The Ukrainians starting WW3? Should the Poles have been blamed for starting WW2 because they resisted German invasion? ​Hitler claimed that his actions were meant to protect Germans in Poland; Putin claims that he is protecting Russians in Ukraine. Poland had defense agreements with France and the UK; Ukraine has defensive support from NATO. Germany controlled parts of Poland before WW1; the USSR controlled Ukraine until the dissolution. As historical analogies go, this is about as good as it gets.

@davidsykes2825 - 03.03.2025 19:09

I have yet to hear a coherent argument explaining what we saw as disrespectful from Zelenskyy. Mr Vance escalated the temperature and started the shouting. Of course I don’t know what lead up to this meeting that went on behind closed doors, but what we, the public, ACTUALLY saw, was weighted overwhelmingly with disrespect and lack of self control from our leaders. Its seems to me to exhibit a real lack of self awareness (or, unfortunately, being dishonest) for republicans to push the narrative that he was so disrespectful when he wasn’t even allowed to complete full thoughts (all while trying to do so in a language that is clearly a struggle for him). If I’m wrong please give me good reasons as to why.

@xyzabc1371 - 03.03.2025 19:20

What happened to the narrative that Ukraine is corrupt? Follow the money
Now the new president new people at pie.
How can the USA invest in Ukraine without real protection

@davidsutter1846 - 03.03.2025 19:21

So thankful for President Trump!

@recgamer019 - 03.03.2025 19:41

No mention by Al Mohler that Zelensky has already agreed to give up land in return for NATO membership or at least security guarantees. That was very disappointing.

@Dorina55 - 03.03.2025 19:53

Zelensky committed political and economic suicid in the OVAL OFFICE! Stupid!

@tomkeller6982 - 03.03.2025 20:13

Russia did "not" invade Ukraine, in the way you explained it. This gave a completely wrong impression.
Putin showed incredible patience in the face of the refusal of NATO to honor its Minsk Agreement. He held back the primary force of Russia's military until NATO left him absolutely no alternative. That is the point where he actually did invade Ukraine and it was completely justified.

@jasonnickel384 - 03.03.2025 20:58

Trump has never been diplomatic. This event will be remembered as a part of the decline and eventual demise of America.

@soroka186 - 03.03.2025 21:04

Sadly, I feel like a lot of people miss the point that Zelensky was making. He is ready for peace, but he needs the assurance that Russia won't invade again. That's what he is asking for! He kept repeating "Ukraine needs to go into these negotiations strong". Russia already said multiple times that they are ready for cease fire if they get to keep the territory that they occupy. Trump is not offering anything new, this deal is on the table already. It makes no sense for Zelensky to sign off mineral rights to Trump and gain absolutely nothing (including the no security guarantees that Russia won't start another war next year). Zelensky knows that he can't go back to the borders of 1991, but you don't start negotiations by giving up everything. This cease fire mineral deal was first brough to Zelensky in Kiev, he was given 1 hour to sign it. They are trying to strong hand this man into giving up his country. If he sings it, everyone wins except the people of Ukraine. Victory points for Trump - look how quickly I ended three year war, Victory points for Putin - the war is extremely unpopular and he wants to end it soon, while still in power. The only side that is loosing is Ukraine.

Also, Trump lying about the amount if $$ given to Ukraine (119 billion, not 350). I watched the Oval office conversation and felt so ashamed for America. They are attacking Zelensky, being so disrespectful to him, interrupting him. This is not a change in Diplomacy, this is bullying. I admire Zelensky for his self control not to walk out of there. Really really shameful. A journalist asking Zelensky why he is not wearing a suit, JD educating Zelensky about what is going on in his country and Trump unfortunately repeating Kremlins propaganda that without US help, Ukraine would have fallen within 2 weeks. Ukraine didn't received any help for months, and fought on its own as the rest of the world watched what would happen. Zelensky didn't give his county to Putin and he will not give it to Trump either. I liked what someone said, there were a lot of suits in the oval office, but only one man.

@JDD-hg4vc - 03.03.2025 21:24

Mr Mohler, Did you not notice that it was President Zelensky who broke protocol by discussing the topics of the upcoming diplomatic meeting before he was behind closed doors with President Trump?

President Zelensky first broke all protocol by doing that in front of the American media.

Trump & Vance should have shut down the press conference as soon as President Zelensky started that.

@neilevarts6887 - 03.03.2025 21:38

The war between Russia and Ukraine is more complex than most take the time to realize. While Russia did invade Ukraine in an unjust manner, the United States provoked Russia in several ways: the existence of black opps labs, the promoting of Ukraine joining NATO, etc. Ukraine has been regarded as one of the most corrupt nations in the world for years, and Zelinsky is a pathetic leader. There has been no accountability of the billions of US dollars sent to Ukraine, and Biden depleted much of our military's armaments reserves by sending them to Ukraine, to our own peril.

@motorTranz - 03.03.2025 22:06

Hopefully America will not continue funding this mess with billions more. Hopefully America will never get into a shooting war with Russia.

@justintillett - 03.03.2025 22:11

The Biden plan was clear; continued war in Ukraine with never ending financial contributions from the US taxpayers and the concomitant corruption of Biden’s family and NeoCons in Congress.

@justintillett - 03.03.2025 22:19

Mohler gets halfway through his podcast and then completely loses the topic he started with. Is he consistent about anything? It’s frustrating.

@boldfaith777 - 03.03.2025 22:21

Important detail that is barely reported on, special envoy General Keith Kellogg made it clear to Zelensky not to expect negotiations in the Oval Office; sign the deal no more negotiations. Zelensky has kept his country under martial law, refused elections, has yet to for a war cabinet with loyalists and opposition members to form a coalition government. Ukraine is not unified and America is tired of fighting proxy wars.

@chrisgillespie4455 - 03.03.2025 22:24

Ukraine is a money laundering scheme run by the globalists. Its so obvious!! Zelenski is a corrupt puppet.

@JosephAJester - 03.03.2025 23:32

She got more money than me but is more jumpy than me.

The women and womanly are covering up a wreck of nerves under strength in a can.

@viraarmstrong9784 - 04.03.2025 00:06

Europe's Military Status.

The Peace and War Footings of the Various Nations.

The St Louis Globe Democrat.

Page 31.

Sunday, January 21, 1894.

St. Louis, Missouri.

@kimkerr4791 - 04.03.2025 00:25

Dr.Mohler, allow me to implore you to research further back than 2014 to understand the history that lead to “the Russian invasion”

@livhuff2854 - 04.03.2025 02:12

Is this what you would have said to Churchill in 1940?

@benmaugaotega - 04.03.2025 03:41

I’ve watched the whole video twice and it’s enough to make my opined conclusion. First I believe the first communication was done‘BEFORE’ they came out for the media and of course the Nation, and we haven’t seen the transparency before. After watching twice, I felt for Our President calmness and respect. Now I think a 3rd party who is trying to negotiate a compromise between the two parties is the best candidate to listen to after 4 years of calling a leader who the west been called a nonnegotiable dictator., well, do we want more bloodshed and wealth to keep laundering. I take life as a sacred as any life anywhere on the planet. I hope Our President has patience still to stop the bloodshed sooner than later. “ GOD” bless You Pastor Mohler.✝️🕊️🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇦🇸🫡❤️🙏

@lovesjustice6918 - 04.03.2025 09:25

No one knows the ‘deal’ that Trump was forcing down Ukraine’s throat. We would like to know that. Ukraine has fought a noble fight. I was still ashamed of America. Keep the cameras out of discussions like this. We should not stand back and watch an evil dictator like Putin take over Ukraine.
