dr fox calling winckelmann "jj" cracks me up....
ОтветитьIt is amazing documentary, but it's not Elgin's Marble... he did nothing for their creation but just to destroy and steal them, with the most brutal way, so he can use them as decoration to his mansion!!
ОтветитьFascinating, I'll never look at my white mug in the same way again!
ОтветитьWhat's the jazz-like song when he introduces James Whistler?
ОтветитьI get the feeling he doesn’t care for Whistler ...
ОтветитьI don’t know why he’s disparaging Whistler for fixating on a color for fun, but practically worships Yves Klein and his blue?
ОтветитьI agree with him on his dislike of installation, deconstructionist art.
ОтветитьMeh, I kind of like the look of the “threatening building”. The curved multiple arches are a nod to aqueducts and the Colosseum and I like the statues on the bottom, also a Colosseum reference.
ОтветитьThe all series was breathtaking. Actually i'm waiting for next colours, imagine history of the meaningful red blood in art. Or even, black the most innocent colour around the world...
ОтветитьWhat’s up with Winckelmann being gay ?? This part was really weird coming from the BBC
ОтветитьThe writing for these videos is dripping in the classic BBC irritating over-dramatic hyperbole.
ОтветитьI hope there’s a subtitle for this video
ОтветитьDiscrediting white entirely as a color for historical reasons is overdramatizing. The blue episode imo was much better, it focused on the evolution of the color itself with a less biased undertone
ОтветитьI learnt that white is not a colour.
ОтветитьWonderful series, thank you 💙💛🖤
ОтветитьSome idiots here seem to think the mentioning of homosexuality with the Winckelman segment is 'prejudice' from the BBC...
Don't shoot the messenger! Dr Fox was merely mentioning that in that time and context it was unusual fore a gay man to be open.
If a white director makes a film about anti-black racism does that make him/her a racist if he/she includes racist segments ie showing black people being abused?
ffs more ads than television, I refuse to upgrade to avoid ads, sooooooooo annoying, great series
ОтветитьEh. If you gonna make this much content, make more. No mention of lead white, people poisoning themselves, zinc white, titanium white etc. Mostly a very specific history of Greek statues and politics.
ОтветитьAnybody know the name of the music track starting at 28.40 during the segment about Whistler?
ОтветитьPity he chose to vilify white by tying it to fascism, while simultaneously trying to convince us some of that ghastly Wedgewood was worthwhile. That cherub (?) face is like a ceramic version of anything by Elgar.
Any artist knows white does not exist, no matter how many coats of so-called "white" you slap on the walls. Maybe he should have read about Le Corbusier's color palettes, or visited Notre Dame du Haut.
Parts of this are fascinating, but the whole things slews into some sort of uber-PC anti-white agenda, really reaching. Renaissance artists vied with each other for those slabs of Carrera marble; it wasn't realized back then that the ancient statues, which were being rediscovered all over Rome to inspire a new generation of artists, had been painted. That said, the overwhelming blandness of all-white is indeed intimidating. One wishes for the patina of age to soften it. And I personally loathe white gallery spaces, but white is easy for the gallery to keep freshening up after each show. Nice to know where it all came from.
ОтветитьHas anyone who has watched this noticed what China has been building throughout Africa?
Ответитьif you know history this charade about whitnest is a lies.
ОтветитьI wish Dr Fox had been about when I wrote my dissertation 10 years ago. I find his take on art history inspirational!
ОтветитьSomehow, the SECOND of the series—on white—has been numbered 3/3, so no GOLD for me! Aaaarrgh...
Insult to injury: TOO. MANY. ADS!
Coherent and intelligent, this was excellent viewing. Shame about the BBC music, though. They can't make a documentary without the same old sound landscape, dumbing it down and intruding into the flow of ideas.
ОтветитьMaybe one tiny technical matter. White is not a colour at all, It is the reflection of light at 100% luminosity. This is a fundamental point in the understanding of light and its reflection of colour.
ОтветитьThe narrator is an idiot dictated to by the obscene BBC. He takes Art , colour and white and perverts it with Politics . Because he wants to link the entirety of monumental statues with Mussolini who organised them, therefore the art work itself is repugnant and bad. Political garbage purified. Virtue signalling junk. The series of gold, blue and white is so so, moderately interesting, but flippant and lacking any depth.,
ОтветитьIf I may. There is no such thing as white or black....
ОтветитьWow I can't believe Rome is home to the world's largest unisex toilet
Ответитьamazing documentary. Thank you!
ОтветитьOh get fooked. You're fake white guilt smells like patronizing bullshit
ОтветитьWhat is the title of the movie used in 32 minute?
ОтветитьPart 4: Purple the richest colour
Part 5: Red for War
Part 6: Green's nature
good presentatin ---except when he spoke about Whistler and referred to painters like Millet{ preraphealites } as" repulsive Art. Have a good look at modern art if you want to talk about repulsive Art
Ответитьwhistlers white on white influence on modernism has maybe been some kind of intellectual arty-farty attempt to take people to another false reality has mixed success-It has alienated a lot of people by taking traditional aesthetics to a different world which has taken a lot of people out of visiting galleries and harmed the art and nature ideologies of what master artists of in history aspired to. Classical music tried a similar experiment in 1960,s and failed miserably. Classical music went back to its roots and has reconnected with its traditional roots. Modern Art has a way to go before it can reconnect to its roots with nature
ОтветитьCan anyone make me a summary of this video, please ?
Ответитьpov: your world history teacher is making you write this.
ОтветитьJames Fox is an absolute TV natural. A brilliant presenter.
ОтветитьThe influence of Michelangelo and Bernini's white sculptures and architecture has been ignored.
ОтветитьThe BBC writers' decision to project 21st century left-wing identity politics onto "white" because white people = bad is such a stupid, lazy take. The stupidity of the argument is that it can easily be flipped on its head. In the symbolism of left-wing identity politics, if white symbolize evil, then black and brown must correspond with the opposite. Yet the color politically associated with Nazism/fascism is brown, as red is to marxism, and Hitler's street fighters were the Brownshirts. Mussolini's street fighters were the Blackshirts, and the prewar uniforms of the Nazi SS were the infamous black ones. So, evidently, black and brown have been used to uphold the evil agenda of white people just as the color white has. If you think hard enough, you can make the same argument for every other color as well.
ОтветитьPeople have forgotten God, completely forsaken Him. The search to be cleanse and make all cleansed, yet no one thinks about what is important. That one sinless Man, God in flesh Who came to save all. Have we forgotten our Saviour Jesus? Can anyone cleanse better than Him? Not really. Do you actually not want a God in your life when you yourself cannot even see into your future? A God that loves you, died and resurrected to save you. The only One who can cleanse. Think about it. He brings forth beautiful life, and all evil shall pass away once Jesus comes back. He is giving us time to come to Him
Ответитьthis man is so boring
Ответить2024 and BBC art documentaries still not losing its greatness
ОтветитьInteresting pattern to see on the pottery