Understanding New Moon Nakshatra Cycle in Vedic Astrology

Understanding New Moon Nakshatra Cycle in Vedic Astrology

KRSchannel - Learn Astrology

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@kritikamathur1030 - 31.05.2020 06:50

Did not get it clearly. Moon is in 1 day in 1 nakshatra not 1 month right. Then why are you saying for the month this wil be the theme
Can u explain please on the comment

@vinitabrahmbhatt5550 - 31.05.2020 06:51

informative.. thank you

@kritikamathur1030 - 31.05.2020 06:51

Also. Can you make a series on how planets give result when they go over another planet on transit

@mahhima - 31.05.2020 06:57

Thank you Kapiel , where to study the themes of nakshatras ??
I have watched your videos with Dr Pai

@mohansheshu4049 - 31.05.2020 07:07

bhaiya, please continue planets through nakshatra series..!!!

@Stephanie-ku8wl - 31.05.2020 07:30

These are beyond protests. It’s horrible and I worry for our children. Take care of yourself Kapiel.

@ayeshaaeraysh - 31.05.2020 07:31

All your predictions has came true sir .... I feel doomsday is near 😵

@meenal2416 - 31.05.2020 07:51

I love hearing astrophilosophical hour and satsang, could you please do it more often.

@danicaprodanova5559 - 31.05.2020 08:11

Kapiel you are just like wine.. Sexier every year 😍

@HIMANSHUGUPTA-pr2em - 31.05.2020 08:16


@the24thintrovert - 31.05.2020 08:40

Bring back the satsang sessions KRS

@samagarwal2024 - 31.05.2020 08:52

Have you been doing Kriya? Your eyes are lighting up

@Rizaydn - 31.05.2020 09:27

Thank you

@jayakrishnan56 - 31.05.2020 10:34

KAPISH RAJ, one of the worst astrologer i have ever Seen...

@shaveershroff9398 - 31.05.2020 11:03

Your next series should be conjunctions in navamsa charts

@trisha1243 - 31.05.2020 11:22

You were so right about the protests with jupiter Saturn retrograde and also with the world health update with Rahu transiting Ardra.

@mavimavi3621 - 31.05.2020 11:51

I try to understand, it has to do only with the main theme of a month What I get. Then no matter where our rashi moon is right? İt has to do with the new moon and where it is happening, I mean in which house for us. Mmm ok. Thank you.

@mavimavi3621 - 31.05.2020 12:00

And by the way waiting your nakshatra book to understand those things. I want to read your nakshatra experiences because our draconic chart has the same sun sign that is important for me 😉 so I can understand you better from my soul.

@Shreee134 - 31.05.2020 12:14

Fresh surrounding 👌 Fresh You👌 perfect video ...😍😍😍

@alexmora2342 - 31.05.2020 12:20

You were right . Very impressive! I even shared your video on Tiktok. Lol thanks for everything man.... I’m really inspired. I even just purchase a reading from you and soon will sign up for your class. 💪🏻💫

@Danial-yn9qj - 31.05.2020 12:35

U r totally changed

@godschild394 - 31.05.2020 13:06

Can you please answer me that why I feel anxious during full moons and new moons and 2-3 before n after that?

@huma4742 - 31.05.2020 14:05

I love the way you teach the ancient art. Keep going

@dr.urmilayadav5662 - 31.05.2020 14:14

Thanks for informative video.

@DhirajTawlareAstro - 31.05.2020 14:36

Hi kapiel sir, This video is not understand to me😐

@Nozrhul - 31.05.2020 17:53

I don't know how planets transit, I just see them sitting still

@lorrisanders9772 - 31.05.2020 19:14

Omg what has Saturn done to you????? You look different LOL

@abhijeetbhatiya6490 - 31.05.2020 19:21

So interesting.
I am gemini ascendant. Sun is running in Taurus and when new moon happened. Does the result according to the 12th house and that nakshatra in which moon is running?

@saturdaddy9450 - 31.05.2020 19:34

I paid hella attention to when you talked about future protests so I was not surprised at all. You are the man Kapiel🤙🏼

@ZodiacEnFem - 31.05.2020 20:14

Great video! How do you know that Anuradha is associate with plumbing and magha is associated with ego? (Assuming bc it’s beginning Leo but how does that deduce Anuradha to be about plumbing?) how can we know which mundane things are associated with each nakshatra?

@karmaandmoksha - 31.05.2020 21:27


@paulareis2348 - 01.06.2020 02:38

Great great great video!! Will start paying attention to amavasya naks and where they are place in my birth chart!

@shreeshchhabbi - 01.06.2020 03:28

Somehow I got a hunch when you said "lets say" that you will use Magha as example, you did.

@Wellingtonfun - 01.06.2020 06:10

Can you talk about 8th house and how it brings wealth, Talk about lottery, D60 chart something intresting and new

@medhasingh2454 - 01.06.2020 06:34

This is so magical.. I wanted to learn this a day before. And you made a video about this.
Thanks a ton.
But please make a video on understanding full moon cycles as well.

@AlexandraEmerald - 01.06.2020 06:45

What happens when someone has a transiting Lunar return and the lunar return is an eclipse?

@khadijaqureshi7699 - 01.06.2020 16:18

my god! i couldn't stop thinking about that video- you were so right

@sowmiyadinesh1847 - 01.06.2020 19:54

Take a break u look stressed out ! Thanks for video

@johnaxel6419 - 02.06.2020 17:47

Hey , Narcissist 🙉 Where's your cocktail and cigar. 😴 .

@sippysk9579 - 04.06.2020 08:16

Some angelic face ur having in this vedio 😂🙄🙄

@VedicAstroIN - 06.06.2020 07:38

Very nice information, i do practice Vedic and KP Astrology and in that we also give improtance to bhava Chart and we also see the placment of Moon and 4 Parts of Moon in KP Astrology

@Maren3108 - 05.08.2020 11:35

Is there a concept in astrology that associates the woman menstrual cycle through the moon phases/cycles? I sense like it is important for the rhythm of women? I just read many articles about it as they tell full moon would be ovulation etc. But I feel like its deeper and there is more than that. As there is the moon cycle occurring on the one hand and your own cycle your in on the other hand. Do you know anything about it?

@ritushrma111 - 09.11.2020 09:54

agar aapki life me koi bhi problem ho to aap guruji ko call kr lo

aapki sbhi samsyao ka samadhan ho jayega

==- 9783357088

@ritushrma111 - 09.11.2020 09:54

agar aapki life me koi bhi problem ho to aap guruji ko call kr lo

aapki sbhi samsyao ka samadhan ho jayega

==- 9783357088

@marielisabeth634 - 12.05.2021 15:40

"Right as the Moon moves one degree away from the Sun, that nakshatra becomes the Moon cycle."
.1 degree. Also, look at the house it is in, in your chart. 90% of the time it is in the same sign as the Sun.
Look at the sign it is in to see the theme as well.

@silverbullet_6 - 23.02.2022 21:05

Can anyone suggest a book on this topic of new moon cycle

@fazalraheemfaiz6507 - 02.12.2022 18:56

I want to learn New moon Horscope anlysing points .
