And look what happened to Sadam and Iraq…
ОтветитьToo bad we can’t hear his storry😒
I don’t believe he try Rebuild Babylon
Rip grate man
ОтветитьIm Glad he said it himself, the Almighty God that Jews & Christians believe in ain't the same god they worship, ( like i didn't know that lol ) i wonder if he still believe they can rebuild what God meant to destroy forever, Saddam Hussein tried and that was it, who's next, Elon musk lol?.
ОтветитьF US and NATO
ОтветитьI was born in iraq naw i live in Australia. But i would wish to go back home and to die in it 🇮🇶
ОтветитьOnly If USA and NATO don't attack iraq for "OIL" owhh I mean freedom,,I guarantee iraq can be great place to visit for tourism sector.. Saw iraq pictures in 80-90s it looks amazing..
ОтветитьHe literally has chad in his name
Ответитьfuck america jfc
ОтветитьThis didn't age well, and now it's desolate again.. Maybe if Saddam would of focused on his people and not building his many palaces and throwing away money on ugly pet projects to try and compete with ancient dead rulers he wouldn't of been found in a spider hole and killed by his own people for his war crimes.
"Why are you restoring Babylon again, don't you know this is violating the order of the God, this is not my God this is the God of the Jewish people" Dr. Muayad Said Damerji
Your "god" Saddam and his sons are now dead, I was in Iraq when we pulled Uday and Qusay from the rubble in 2003, the Iraqis around me wouldn't believe it because they thought of them as gods they told me, they can not die. It's been 20 years they aren't coming back and neither is Babylon, at least anytime soon and when it finally does it will fall a final time. Nice try Saddam, nice try Marduk.
I heard Americans invaded and hung him to steal ancient artifacts that had something to do with star gates and anunnaki super weapons “of mass destruction “ is that true?
ОтветитьAhh the dogs wanna bring it back eh?
ОтветитьDid you forget Daniels dream puppy?
ОтветитьNow you know why god had Saddam killed and his people enslaved again
ОтветитьThat is the jewish god not my god. Then the jewish god will destroy Babylon again, again, and again.
ОтветитьDoesn't look that impressive too me...and God's order is God's order do not question it. And btw martyrs and men are not God. If u notice he has the gold staff it's a tuning fork not belonged to nebadconezor. Stolen from the high priests of the time. So muslims dont wanna listen it was thrifted by mongrels not appointed by God. Perversion of truth...
ОтветитьOkay with me Saddam was not a nice person
ОтветитьNebuchadnezzar turned to the living God, the Father of our Lord Christ Jesus. The god of this world is the Devil, so to rebuild Babylon would be something his children would do. 😢
Ответить😂😂😂😂😂😂what a joke, America wants Babylon
ОтветитьDid slave's build it
ОтветитьI hope they build it and turn it into a modern wonder of the world to bring in money to help the nation out. The UN is a disgusting business model the elites use for war thanks to the likes of the Rothschild's Rockefeller's SOROS ETC people cannot go there remember weapons of mass destruction l mean mass deception by the media the elite own.
ОтветитьSaddam Is My Hero ❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьWhat is going on with these comments? Why do so many care what a dusty old book says about not building a city somewhere?
ОтветитьThank you.
ОтветитьWhy super power country messing with Iraq Iraq is a history history. Why are you guys breaking it? Why are you guys breaking the old technology from the whole world couple dare I don’t know why you guys after Cielio? Why? Why why I don’t forget Jesus‘s hometown also is ascidian.
ОтветитьPretty sad the country and the ancient history along with the people have been destroyed and looted by governments that conspired together to deceive the world and aid Bush and the international banks at covering up their terrorist attack on 9/11. People have to willingly ignore common sense and truth or willfully refuse to believe that attack was orchestrated by the powers within. Sadam was exactly what the US government and Cia trained him to be. Libya same way. The US deserves everything for punishment for what it has been doing since ww2 and for the severity of a naive population.
ОтветитьGreat Efforts of the Saddam Hussain regard protect to Archeology/😢 Monoments of the Great Civilization of the world, situated in Babil city, Iraq...After re-build these Archives, now showing as the construction of yesterday, clean & bright ways between streets & roads of this Ancient Babylon..... Really it's this renovation will be more Attractive to the World 's Tourists.....Prayer for you to All, Always......GOD Bless you to All forever...
Ответитьits not MY GOD, lol OK THAT DID NOT AGED WELL
ОтветитьBut on the other hand he ground leveled Karbala
I think Saddam Hussein was a mushrik in secret
The Hebrew Creator Yahuah is the True Living Creator
ОтветитьThis is such a great idea. If only they didnt do such a shitty and tacky job of it.
ОтветитьAll these things are proves of God existence and mercy, yet you people do not want to acknowledge him 😢
ОтветитьLooks like the ways of thinking of the Babylonians still hasn’t changed…
ОтветитьDaniel's prophecy about Babylon never being rebuilt after King Nebuchadnezzar got overthrown by the Persians still stands. Saddam Hussein tried and then 2003 happened. :/
ОтветитьHilarious considering modern Iraqi's have nothing to do with ancient babylon. The Greeks and even Romans have more claim over Babylon than the modern Iraqi's ffs. Thankfully the Germans found the ishtar gate and removed it from that pathetic excuse of modern humanity before ISIS could blow it up. The original Babylonians would look at modern Iraqi's as barbarians from the south.
ОтветитьBiblical stories could have been distorted by Jewish writers. There are distortions by various aggressors,
The German Nazis,and Japanese fascists did the same. Not everthung in the bible are absolute as they written hundreds of years after tne incidents happened. How accurate were they.?
صدام دمر آثار العراق
ОтветитьSaddam was possessed with the spirit of nebuchedazzer. 😅
ОтветитьThe whole world view of a lot of Americans has been turned on its head about the US always being the good guy in various global struggles. COVID ripped the veil right off and exposed some serious duplicity on the part of our government.
ОтветитьBabylon is not a symbol of Iraq. They are not babilonians.
ОтветитьThe title is misleading
ОтветитьHes on his mission in hell now.🫡
Uh bye bye sucker
Crazy how we think we killed this man for OIL!!!!!! Tbh as a marine it hurts knowing the truth
ОтветитьMike Okay brought led me here
ОтветитьSaddam met his fate cuz God said this place would no longer be rebuilt!!
ОтветитьJeremiah 25: 11-12
11 And all this land will be reduced to ruins and will become an object of horror, and these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon for 70 years.”’12 But when 70 years have been fulfilled, I will call to account the king of Babylon and that nation for their error,’ declares Jehovah, ‘and I will make the land of the Chal·deʹans a desolate wasteland for all time.
Isaiah 45:5-6
“I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. There is no God except me. I will strengthen you, although you did not know me, so that people may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides me. I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.”
Dont worry, Babylon got its revenge for them rebuilding it. Sadam tried to build the hanging gardens, ended up he was hanged to death. Probably totally not a coincidence.
ОтветитьAdam and Lilith and Eve, Cain, Seth all the way to Enoch down to ,Noah,Kush,Nimrod Semiramis and Tammuz, down to Nebuchadnezzar to Saddam.