Free Student-Run Medical Clinic in Tijuana

Free Student-Run Medical Clinic in Tijuana

KPBS Public Media

13 лет назад

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@pttfans - 30.11.2013 05:22

***** How else do doctors actually practice medicine? Surgeons in the US have students sitting in and even helping them out. They'll never tell you this though especially if a mistake was made. This at least lets patients know what they're getting themselves into and guess what, it's free. 

@wonderpec - 24.11.2013 10:44

nice - but medical care is already cheap and plentiful in TJ. It's the USA that is in need of free or affordable medical care more than any other country I've ever been to. Bring some of those Baja Calif student doctors this way.

@Blackhawk6699 - 16.01.2012 18:37

good work !

@jjjlove1000 - 08.12.2011 06:01

really nice.....

@Mrtorofrming310 - 17.08.2011 10:36

love it
