Eurasia Group views Russia as a major geopolitical risk

Eurasia Group views Russia as a major geopolitical risk

Quest Means Business

2 года назад

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@kallol96 - 07.06.2022 22:50

Eurasia should have a policy to promote a social media, for countering western propaganda apparatus spreading misinformation to mobilize public opinion. It’s purpose will be to convince pauperized masses that conditions of common people have not and will not change as long as they are ruled by “Imported Government” who are wearing a masks of "Democracy, freedom, and human rights”. In reality, they are renegade leaders and puppets of the west. Their goal is to enrich themselves and transfer people’s hard-earned wealth to Anglo-American banks. These elements are the source of strength and power of Global North who are a curse to human civilization. Let pauperized common masses unite to create such forum.
