ICT Gems - A Sneak Peak of Enigma

ICT Gems - A Sneak Peak of Enigma

ICT Gems

1 год назад

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@mrDade9 - 21.02.2024 04:29

Run the range at 830 is it 5-7 am? London lunch What other range after that for the 930?

@babybambi8389 - 10.03.2024 14:35

Oh my goodness how come I didn't understand this the first time I heard it. Man, ICT is just way way in another league on his own.

@Kipprthedawg - 15.04.2024 18:56

The “true orderflow” nugget is gold. Body closes above / below a quadrant indicating continuation!!!! Incredible. Thank you for putting these together. Incredible editing

@24kgolden46 - 28.04.2024 18:44

Can We have the fib levels settings
