Some Thoughts about War in Ukraine, My Haters and "great" russian culture

Some Thoughts about War in Ukraine, My Haters and "great" russian culture


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@giacomomencarini8799 - 29.03.2024 00:09

Дякую за ваше відео! Ми любимо Україну і вашу культуру! Я радий, що я вчу українську мову!! ❤🇺🇦

@iiannRB - 29.03.2024 00:33

We pray for you 🙏BE🇧🇪❤️🇺🇦

@borutjurciczlobec9302 - 29.03.2024 01:03

Ukraine had Minsk agreements. 15000 death in Donbas in 8 years. NATO etc.

@leifiseland1218 - 29.03.2024 01:21

The North (Nordic's) remembers, & are (re-)uniting to help face the threat.. & will continue to provide materal.

@kian-88romanov86 - 29.03.2024 02:00

Honestly I know very little about Ukraine, but I know a little more about Russia Do you like war? I like a war no one wins, only those who sell weapons like the USA

@Welcome-1984 - 29.03.2024 05:01

I hope PEACE 🕊️☮️🙏 between Russians and Ukrainians in a close future!

@LarryMendaros - 29.03.2024 08:01

Communist always want to expand.. even in reality they were big already.. like The biggest county in the world.. Russia.. the second biggest is china

@myedoxx - 29.03.2024 09:18

Ви робите неймовірно важливу роботу 💛💙

@kristinash5360 - 29.03.2024 11:23

As a Russian who subscribed to this channel after the reels, which is discussed in the video, I can only sadly confirm that the majority of Russians really are so dismissive of Ukraine and its language. And I can’t think of anything other than banning everything Russian until the war is over. “Great Russian culture” will survive years of neglect and will not lose anything. but the war must end and people must learn.

@Not-Impressed..1821 - 29.03.2024 17:10

Russian culture has given the world a lot more than many European countries. I can't name a single thing Ukraine has given.
Ukraine has been the puppet of the West. The west will abandon you and the only things you'll have left will be some comments of sympathy on your channel.

@Lukas-fk6pw - 29.03.2024 21:36

Привіт Ніко. Such an honest speech! Thank you for reminding us how everyday life of Ukrainians look like.
Хоча у мене є друзів в Україні, з якими я регулярно спілкуюся, насправді вони вже настільки звикли складним умовам, що вони здебільшого навіть не говорять про щоденні повітряні тривоги, шахеди, ракети...
Ви такі молодці, які за останні два роки вивчили адаптуватися до тих умов, що насправді нам іноді може здатися, що це "не так страшно". Але це все неймовірно страшно і треба це нам, хто живемо в інших країнах, постійно нагадувати. В новинах можна бачити (тільки) найгірші речі. Але досвід повсякденного життя, це дуже важко передати, але одночасно це дуже важливо. Дякую за те - це допомагає мені залишатися мотивованим постійно продовжувати допомагати.

Українська гарна мова - і насправді я почав цікавитися українською саме тому, що росія вторглася в Україну. Вивчати вашу мову сприймаю як один зі способів як можна Україну підтримувати. Також це мені відкриває багато шляхів, як дізнаватися більше про життя українців. Ви розумієте - я б ніколи наприклад не бачив саме це відео, якби я не цікавився українською. Дякую за всі ваші відео про українську, які мені дуже допомогли вчитися і також дякую за все, що ви відверто сказали в цьому - це важливо, дуже.

Слава Україні! Гарного дня, Ніко, тримайтесь 🙏🫂

@Kreen5467 - 30.03.2024 01:53

أوكرانيا سوف تفوز

@henlovell6928 - 30.03.2024 02:22

Slava Ukraine! 🤘

@Rabahchennit-c2z - 30.03.2024 04:04

excuse me miss....but this is pure nosense , this war didn't start at february 2022, it has been going on since 2014 when the governement of ukraine started bombing and persecuting the dombass because the population speaks russian, what you're talking about is just the narative of mainstream media in the west , so make an effort to go educate yourself about the topic so then you can see clearly what's really hapening in your country .

@stevehayes776 - 30.03.2024 06:10

Добрий день з США! Я б хотів сказати дякую вам дуже для вашого чудовий канал. Я не можу уявити стрес і втома що ви всі переживаєте кожен день, хоча я завжди стежу за новини з України щодня.

Я вивчаю Українська мова зараз половина року і мені здається ваші відео дуже корисні, щоб вивчати граматику та культура Українська.

Я сподіваюся вас та всі Україні залишаються в безпеці і я також сподіваюся використовувати те що я вивчав, щоб подорожувати та розмовляти з всіх Українською мовою в Україні після цього жахливі війни.

На перемогу тотальна. Слава Україні та її сильні люди.

@ildarman5708 - 30.03.2024 13:22

я сейчас заплачу...убивать мирных людей на Донбассе вам нравится, каждый день обстреливать жилые кварталы Донецка натовскими снарядами беспорядочным огнем. А как в ответку получили по военным объектам сразу ноете, лицемеры - получаете что заслужили

@jizzervirusreptikonski8756 - 30.03.2024 15:48

Russia is great only for those who know russia by memes and cringe country edits

@MarcMetral - 30.03.2024 17:06

Привет всем, я сейчас в Украине. Позавчера я был в Харькове. Очень сложно жить там. Ракеты и дронов почти каждый день. Я был недалеко когда напала бомба в городе, один погибший и много раненых, даже младенцы. Женщины которые работают там плакали... Как жить так ??

@gabrielfriedmann2043 - 30.03.2024 19:28

So sorry to hear that! Thanks for sharing your experiences❣ Honestly I feel very hopeless - how will the future look like? As the west (our governments) seems to only want to support Ukraine enough to let them survive, but not make you win😭Anyway, I still want to dream (like Martin Luther King) - mine is about justice and peace, truth, territorial integrity, democracy and a humble russia. Seems so far away, but I will keep on dreaming! And doing as much as I can while also continuing my normal life!

Слава і перемога Україні! бережи вас Бог!

@спутник69 - 30.03.2024 19:41

Energy infrastructure is not Ukrainian, it's Soviet, so the successor just takes back what belongs to him

@paulwittekind - 30.03.2024 20:33

Shouldn't have been attacking Donbas since 2014

@paulwittekind - 30.03.2024 20:35

You should be talking to Victoria Nuland

@ThomasMullaly-do9lz - 30.03.2024 22:05

Most people look at Ukainian history from Catherine the Great's rule on wards.. I don't because as a young Newfoundlander new to working in the mines in Northern Ontario I was adopted by the Finn's and Ukainians that I worked with and I was treated like a son a brother. Had dinners in their homes learned many things a rural Newfoundland boy never would have. The Finn's taught me about SISU. I painted easter eggs Ukraine style and went to the orthdox church and met the saints. They made me more than I am and made sure I didn't get killed or hurt underground.. The Russians I ran into not so much.. more backwoods of the bear..

@naoengland - 01.04.2024 22:50

We support you, Nika and Ukrainian people 💙💛🇺🇦💙💛👍

@miketan4803 - 02.04.2024 11:38

Stay safe. I've stopped supporting GOP (republicans) since they start supporting dictators & invaders. They've forgotten pearl harbor and guess they'll forget until Alaska gets invaded one day and they wonder why the countries they abandoned are possibly fighting with the invaders.

@Konradh269 - 04.04.2024 00:40


@Konradh269 - 04.04.2024 00:41


@user-mh1lo8tn4w - 07.04.2024 10:10

Ukraine doesn't exist they are Russian stop following the stupid west

@user-mh1lo8tn4w - 07.04.2024 10:13

You don't have the history that is why the west use you as a proxy war against Russia and the victims are you

@zlauriault - 12.04.2024 16:49

Just seeing this thanks to the boost from Andriy Kulish. I've been learning Ukrainian so I'll check out your teaching videos as well.

Разом до перемоги!

@CieplinskiPawel - 13.04.2024 02:27

Oooooor all those arguments since 2013 (when I partially lived in Lviv) I had stating YOU SHOULDN'T SPEAK ruSSian...

@d.k8746 - 25.04.2024 02:02

The reality is that many of the analysts in the thinktanks that pushed for the creation of this war Knew that the modern state of ukraine will be destroyed and the people destroyed ,yet they did it Anyways.

@vnsworkshop9961 - 25.04.2024 09:15

People of Donbas suffered bombing fir 8 years.
In a normal world Ukranian people figth they own governament taking Power only for following Nato dollars.
In Donbas they are Iraniana like you and they live under the bomb now and from 8 years.
Why Ukranian people accept a parliament with "Svaboda" nazy party?
Why you accept Azov,Aidar,Donbas nazy battaglioni?
Why you accept your people taking 150 euro of pension?
Why Ukraine Is worst than before 2014 now?
Russian they act only because you are a very problematic neigthbour with the High corruption state...
I m Sorry,i have many Friends in Ukraine and they escape the country before Russian invasion.
You forget to Say that all start with a coup de etate in the 2014 , the euromaidan.
But rigth now there Is no Europe for you After 10 years..
For Usa ,Uk and Europe , Ukraine Is Just a trojan horse against Russia and you,your house,your school,your everything Will be propriety of Blackroch investir or other euro-usa group (to pay back military help).
I wait Ukranian they really reach Freedom but this war Is not the case.

@vnsworkshop9961 - 25.04.2024 09:19

You hate Russian..
In reality you hate your same culture.
Try to ready Gogol Tars Bulba!
Gogol write Always "we Russian.." but he was Ukranian...
Wath you think?

@donnaturner4939 - 07.05.2024 01:52

I live in the USA and have been learning Ukrainian for about a year now. I take lessons online from a Ukrainian, talk to people on Tandem, and watch your videos. My goal is to go to Ukraine in two more years, once I can speak the language well enough. There, I want to volunteer to help children and animals.
Ukraine is in my heart. I fly an American and Ukrainian flag at my home to remind my neighbors and friends, even though they already listen to me practice my Ukrainian to them. Anyone who knows me hears updates on the war.
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the heroes!

@valeriestangret3031 - 15.05.2024 22:49

Merci pour vos vidéo. C est vrai tant que quelqu'un parlera l ukrainien. La patrie de mes ancêtre restera vivante. Alors je tente de l apprendre. Mais mon anglais est tout petit. Slave ukraina

@andrewthompson5728 - 23.05.2024 05:41

As someone who has family ethnicity with Poland, Ukraine and Russia, I am left somewhat conflicted. Yet, for all of the troubles and misery going on there, blame should not be thrown at the majority of regular people, for we only want to live peacefully, have family, friends and serve the Lord - our anger should be placed on the leaders and evildoers who organized and started the mess.

@MamaJanella - 07.06.2024 20:09

Thanks for saying this. Love from Canada.

@mikrasiatis_1924 - 13.06.2024 02:24

So, the orcs believe that you don't have your own language but your language is kinda stollen from them and altered to something similar.
It reminds of the fyrom's propaganda that they're descendants of Alexander the Great, in other words descendants of ancient greeks and share the same history with Greeks and the same geographical area of " Aegean's Macedonia ".

These were their goals during the 1940's in Greece.

In Greece we had a triple occupation of Italy, Germany and Bulgaria. That happened at the end of 1940,when Italy invaded Greece. Greeks kicked out Italians and liberated some parts of northern Epirus. Albanians were allies with Italy and Germany ( Mussolini and Hitler ).
Then the Germans invaded Greece as their allies didn't succeed, and invaded Greece at the start of May of 1941. Germans controlled all of Greece, except its northern area of Macedonia and Thrace that left to their allies Bulgarians, the strategic allies of the Kremlin back then ( as a socialistic country back then ).

Russia's goals back then, were to exit to the " hot waters ", in other words to the Mediterranean and to control it. And to control it, they would have to "control" their socialistic friends, like Bulgaria, FYROM ( then called Jugoslavia ) and who else.... TURKEY.

Turks are allies with the Orcs since the Orlov revolt and after.

PS : Russians helped Bulgarians to prepare and commit the 3 guerilla wars, ( Sept 1941- October 1944, December 1944 till mid January 1945, and finally the 3rd one that started at 31/3/1946 and lasted till 30/8/1949 ).

@ИльяАбдулин-у5э - 12.07.2024 01:27

Нужен мир, надо дождаться пока Путин уйдет щитаю

@dansugardude2655 - 03.08.2024 22:28

I showed this to my russian ex-girlfriend alina and she scoffed at it. Like all the russians who wrote such hateful comments on Nika's videos, alina has no soul and no compassion!

@ljiljanamirotic856 - 04.08.2024 20:20

Dozvolite da primijetim da zivite udobno dok vasi vrsnjaci ratuju na frontu.S obzirom da ste tolike patriote pridruzite se njima.Lako je iz fotelje davati podrsku.

@ez243 - 11.08.2024 12:23

привіт і дякую I just found your channel. You are making me aware and I am very sympathetic. I live in USA

@Лука-ю8д - 17.08.2024 23:16

I think their life sucks, really. They may come from nowhere, where you can't do nothing of your life. They are angry that everybody gave them up. So they love to waste their damn life to critize and complain. I have trouble to understand why they behave so. They really aim to hurt and yeah they are for sure brainwashed. It makes me think more and more to 1984. The reality breakthrough the fiction. Because it's obvious that if everything goes well in your life you would never need to insult someone. I think they kinda died, their emotions and animal instincts control them much more than the rationality that they won't never experience. All is come from your education, people you meet, and the general opinion of the group you live in. They don't think by themselves anymore, they aren't tolerant, and they can't see further the propaganda that their government serves them as a suspicious and discusting hating plate every single second. It's sad but not surprising to me, from the humanity that I have more and more struggle and problem to understand. I think it's rare and precious to meet good people nowaday. I haven't met a lot. I'm sure you are so great and interesting and I'm glad you go over haters and continue your great job ! Hold on. Все буде Україна!!

@God-save-the-galactic-tsar - 27.10.2024 20:44

Я русский, россиянин.
Не совсем понимаю всего этого (извините за возможно оскорбительную формулировку) овечьего блеяния перед западом.
Я уважаю вашего призедента за то что он выпрашивает деньги с запада потому что он борется так за свою страну, как может, так, как ему приходится. Но потом я вижу украинский народ который с напыщенными эмоциями на камеру перед западной аудиторией показывает что то в духе "смотрие мы обиженные мирные украинцы, смотрите мы хотим быть с западом, а русские плохие"
Честно сказать, нахожу такое поведение унизительным.
Мне кажется что украинцы глубоко обиженны и травмированы и из-за этого хотят найти поддержку от "крутых стран, не то что россия", таким образом находя там поддержку, они доказывают себе что находятся на "правильной стороне".

Мне кажется мир устроен сложнее чем то что есть добрые и злые страны.

Быть обиженным - плохо, но унижатся перед кем то чтобы найти поддержку - еще хуже. Вот как я считаю.
Добра вам

P.S. так как я рос на русской культуре и ассоциирую себя с российской историей то я не потерплю любого посягательство на это! У вас украинцев своя культура, но стараться поднacpaть нашей - мерзость.

Чистейшее проявление рессентимента

@olenagiovinco379 - 12.12.2024 17:14

Здоров’я і терпіння Вам, люба. Тримаймося ❤

@BlaiseMonton - 14.12.2024 22:45

