How do you measure the ROI on video?
At Dialog, we care about two types of results for our clients.
1) Leading indicators like engagement rates.
Likes, comments, and shares are key.
Shares are especially valuable on LinkedIn and hard to come by.
If people are sharing your content, it's a clear sign your message is resonating.
2) Lagging indicators like quality of lead.
Measuring lagging indicators is tougher.
There’s no perfect way to tie a specific video to a lead or a sale.
One reliable lagging indicator we use is what prospects say during sales calls: when people say, “I feel like I already know you,” that’s huge.
It means they’ve connected with your content, especially your videos.
Video is powerful because it builds trust.
People want to do business with people, not companies.
So while we do care about engagement rates and views, we care more about the quality of leads.
If they’re saying, “I feel like I already know you,” your video content is working.
Have you ever heard this in a sales call?