Secrets and Shadows Challenge Tier 3 - Only Need Relics on Daka

Secrets and Shadows Challenge Tier 3 - Only Need Relics on Daka


5 месяцев назад

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@ObiRon68 - 09.10.2024 22:01

Thanks for making this Phil, can you do one for the inq assault battle, fan dev

@TheKingOfAll02 - 09.10.2024 22:32

Are you sure daka’s health resets? I know KRUs health doesn’t in between waves

@jesusdominguezd.2928 - 09.10.2024 22:34

My merrin has no kyros and no zeta. It will not work beyond CT1… but thanks for the video

@borisbalkan707 - 09.10.2024 22:42

Nicely done, sir

@jigglypuffs5044 - 09.10.2024 22:51

Can you do CT2 with phoenix?

@spidey762 - 09.10.2024 23:26

Thank you so much, I finally got through this! Funny enough after a few attempts I was able to get past phase 4, only to get my Talzin killed for good by Death Trooper in phase 5 lol! Once I got RNG to go my way it was clear sailing!

@Greg_R94 - 10.10.2024 00:38

1st try! You sir are a legend

@fiole666 - 10.10.2024 00:44

Thanks for working on this. My girls are R3 but Talzin and Asajj both R5. I tried but failed on Sidious everytime. Subscribed to support your good work for the community.

@JStyle97 - 10.10.2024 00:52

My man, you are the best, I've finally finished all tiers on this damned Assault Battle 🎉

@NicolasGarel1201 - 10.10.2024 00:56

I bringed my daka to R5 from R3 and managed CT2. no luck with CT3 so far. next time it comes i will have assaj rampage zeta and improved mods on daka, maybe that will help.

@KxngTay - 10.10.2024 02:07

Thanks! You’re the best dude! I was struggling for so long ever since I got night sister LSB

@GermanUK21 - 10.10.2024 03:59

Remove Asajj, add Talia. No rng, 3 stars

@captsolo-swgoh - 10.10.2024 04:21

Supposedly the new zombies make it easy

@breakupgoogle - 10.10.2024 06:22

can u push this mod loadout to hotutils so we can copy it?

@dianathomas7592 - 10.10.2024 06:55

Secrets & Shadows finally defeated by GM, Merrin, Death Trooper (Peridea), Night Trooper and Morgan Elsbeth. Keep taunt and bless on Morgan and pick them off one at a time. Nihilus tried to annihilate twice, but couldn't take Morgan down.

@daquan8232 - 10.10.2024 08:15

The "set on auto" saved me a lot of patience, managed to FINALLY get this challenge done with the Crit Avoid arrow (1x defense set, 2x health set). Thanks for the inspo, Phil!

@salsanacho - 10.10.2024 08:33

I think you're good luck... for years I'd pop in to tier 3, try a bunch of times, get pissed and give up... literally years. Last month, I finally beat it but a death at the end made it a 2 star victory... that was annoying. But this video popped up on my feed, and as I was watching it I decided to try a few times, got a good rng run, and finally 3 starred it. You definitely earned yourself a sub and a thumbs up.

@pantheon3236 - 10.10.2024 09:55

If your Nightsisters have higher relics, you may have to take it off auto for the 2nd wave and start doing only basics (or enable auto basic until the end of wave 3). Otherwise you might not have enough time to reset cooldowns on wave 3 if your damage is too high.

@russellsimons6865 - 10.10.2024 10:02

Good work brother, took 6 goes but got there in the end. I used my best mods on Daka, with R5 Talzin and R7 Ventress. Almost every round my Daka survived a Sidious Hit but took a few goes to get the other specials lined up.

@louisglanfield1709 - 10.10.2024 17:54

Watch out for death trooper deathmark in wave 5! you want those revives. Don't need to worry about annihilate at the end this nihilus doesn't have the omega that prevents revives

@leemarks6622 - 10.10.2024 22:13

I need to change my daka mods to defense as currently all health, that might be all the difference i need. Thankyou for the video

@Exar_Kun - 02.11.2024 01:41

Phil you are the fucking man!!! Thank you my friend!!

@EmelieEinarsson - 29.12.2024 13:57

Currently 0-19 attempts lol
