How to Start Practicing Again - Josh Friedman + Ben Levin

How to Start Practicing Again - Josh Friedman + Ben Levin

Ben Levin

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@alexbolek4256 - 24.04.2018 17:11

Hey, Ben! Love the content, love your unique music. Take your improv skills on the hippie circuit, we'd love to have you. Best regards.

@simargl2454 - 24.04.2018 17:12

I don't trust anyone that wears a hat indoors

@JimDooley - 24.04.2018 17:13

Great honest advice. I'm going to add a meditation reminder to my calendar right now.

@dougreynolds4721 - 24.04.2018 17:26

Highly recommend the Kenny Werner meditations. I also use a simple “Breath” app that sets a timer for controlled rate breathing, uses haptics on Watch to lmk interval and duration.

@erikw4193 - 24.04.2018 17:32

Great advice! Now let's see if I can employ it...

@giorgiooliviero8554 - 24.04.2018 17:33

I love these videos and their style. The guests are great, especially the ones you make music with. Great video

@woodpigeon9260 - 24.04.2018 17:37


@IIITrunks - 24.04.2018 17:46

Whats the name of the track you featured as you were introducing Josh?


@FowlerMusik - 24.04.2018 17:58

Just what I needed to hear, thanks Dr. Levin and nurse Friedman!

@Secure81 - 24.04.2018 18:20

Ben Levin was in a bad called Tritone which featured someone who wears an eyepatch. That'll be showing up in one of my dreams in a couple of years.

@NavarreAnthony - 24.04.2018 18:25

I really enjoyed this. Its comforting when you offer your friends, and their thoughts along with your own views on meditation and mindfulness to body and mental health every now and again. Thanks Ben & Josh

@fudgesauce - 24.04.2018 18:30

It is not the least bit surprising that someone as thoughtful and kind as Ben has friends who are as thoughtful and kind. Nice video.

@midnitesongs - 24.04.2018 18:30

beautiful ( and personally needed )
Thank you both

@Someone89a - 24.04.2018 18:34

This is fantastic, discussions of mental health for musicians does not seem to be prominent enough on the internet and in education, but it's a necessary part to discuss, as even the most dedicated and music loving individuals can feel depressed and unable to pick up their instrument. This video was very much needed, thank you very very much to both of you :)

@gregor.908 - 24.04.2018 19:47

this was really inspirational and insightful, thanks ben and josh!

@MooImABunny - 24.04.2018 19:49

This gave me a small anxiety attack, when you said "these are just thoughts", but I felt like I had to stop that moment just to practice it.
My mind often gets foggy when I'm anxious but I'll do my best to remember what you've said and use it

@rjwusher - 24.04.2018 19:53

Dear Dr. Levin and nurse Friedman, thank you so much for this video. I have been dealing with a severe form of Crohn's disease since I was a teenager and sometimes that interferes with my ability to concentrate and perform music. Looking after my physical health (no alcohol or tobacco, eating and sleeping properly, joining a sports club) indeed helps a lot. I had not considered meditation or psychological help before, so thank you for that suggestion.

@nachofian8934 - 24.04.2018 20:20

Great, man. thanks, i am on that way too

@Whodidthis12345 - 24.04.2018 20:28

Cool video, not what I expected. I have a hard time meditating because I’m really ADD and can’t knock the nagging feeling that I’m wasting my time or that it will be pointless

@handupy - 24.04.2018 20:35

This works for many other psychological issues. I used to have terrible anger management problems until I started doing breathing exercises.
It's helped me tremendously with my personal relationships and to practice with my music without getting frustrated (I still suck though). Doing these types of exercises can really change your life for the better.

@alscarosclex7967 - 24.04.2018 20:46

I love how the background makes it look like you have cat ears

@tumpperi3891 - 24.04.2018 20:52

That mindfullness practice idea hit me hard, just what I've been struggling with. Haven't published stuff in 2 years because that's happening to me all the time.

@gnomethy - 24.04.2018 22:01

Thanks for making this video.

@JacobSoucy - 25.04.2018 00:45

thank you so much for this

@MarcoThaDon - 25.04.2018 01:03

This is awesome! Ima check his music but I really related to what he was saying about not finishing projects. Thanks for posting this!

@amg_0302 - 25.04.2018 01:12

This really hits home. For years I have suffered from Ulcerative Colitis, and it confines me to my apartment at times. A lot of times. Playing guitar is a huge outlet, and what you said with anxiety, and being mindful of your health is spot on. Never really made the connection. Thank you for this video, man.

@MarceloKuroi - 25.04.2018 01:49

This video is totally misleading! I came to help me make music and it helped me live! Give my money back! LOL

Thanks for the video, I discovered about that kind of breathing 2 or 3 years ago and it helps me center myself.

Also, you can be David Lynch, a perfect American gentleman and meditate, not some hippies like you and me. LOL

@ar156 - 25.04.2018 03:46

Good to see this type of advice posted, I've been having anxiety problems since I was a teenager (including mild panic attacks) and all of this thing mentioned really help, breathing exercises, meditation and also seeking professional help (if you think you need it look for help, talk to someone close to you to help you out if you need it).

@Lkease - 25.04.2018 06:31

I find that when I'm alone at home, I desparetly want to play my instrument (marimba). However, I can only play it at my school. When I'm finally at school, I hardly want to play it anymore. It's a constant vicious cycle that I wish I could flip around, but I guess I'll struggle until I can afford to buy one for myself.

@R0b1zzle137 - 25.04.2018 07:32

" i am that, but you dont have to be that" most self aware shit ive ever heard

@a_wild_Kirillian - 25.04.2018 08:24

These are great things to talk about! It's what I've been implementing to my ĺife since like 14 too

@lovesowing - 25.04.2018 08:38

I have an additional tip as far as breathing goes!! My choir teacher taught it to us and i find it amplifies the effectiveness of the exercise for myself personally, especially as a singer. He taught us that instead of inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds, we inhale for 3 seconds, hold that breath for 3 seconds, and THEN exhale for 6 seconds. It helps you control the start AND end of both the inhale and the exhale. idk maybe it’s just a me thing but i figured i’d leave it here in case it helps someone else too.

@sannylad9204 - 25.04.2018 17:53

I thought he had cat ears at first

@StompL7 - 25.04.2018 21:03

Thank you guys for this video, really !

@joaosantos9896 - 26.04.2018 04:57


@RCAvhstape - 27.04.2018 07:44

I'm so out of shape that breathing exercises leave me out of breath.

@busteronlyfullscreenmode - 28.04.2018 00:38

The thing that helps me is just to do whatever I need to do, no matter if I "feel like it" or not. Because if I just force myself to do it, then that anxiety that was stopping me from doing it starts to get solved.

@ronpaulrevered - 28.04.2018 07:44

Dude has to get laid so often with that eye patch.

@emngaiden - 29.04.2018 11:53

Hey men, can you do a "Lets write a conceptual album"? It does not have to be a full album, just how to make a idea/feeling/theme into music.

@apzzbn - 09.05.2018 04:46

Love you guys

@Prskati - 31.05.2018 11:07

Oops, misheard Ben! I thought he said "The one-night kid".

@sombersombrero9338 - 01.06.2018 16:05

This video really helped me to figure out how to get the motivation back to practice. I could have a day or even a few weeks where everything I play sounds on point, and I'm totally in the zone, then something just changes and nothing sounds right. I think anxiety does have something to do with it, because the main way it kind of poisons the thought process is all the "what ifs" and the feeling that there's something more important that I should be doing.

Also the breathing thing definitely helps with performances. Before a show, I'm excited, and pretty confident in my ability to actually play properly, but I get nervous about things that are beyond my control, like what if my pedals stop working, or if nobody shows up to watch us. Having a minute or two of breathing exercises right before I walk onstage helps that anxiety to melt away, and makes it easier for me to live in the moment of the performance.

@marco.saller - 21.06.2018 19:28

Holy sh*t.

You are amazing Mr. Ben Levin. Very inspiring videos and awesome guest speakers!
All about music. Nothing else. Only music. No bullsh*t. Pure music. Thank you so much!!!

@flitzmaster_piep - 15.09.2018 00:25

Thanks very very much for that video! (I really liked the doodles a lot, too)

@billyjeckel407 - 17.08.2021 14:26

Ben and Josh, this video is so important in 2021. Thank you for being the positive role models we all need
