I noticed that more cruisers than ever are staying on board their cruise ship rather than getting off in ports to self-explore or go on excursions. With many changes in ports and on ships in recent years, I too have started remaining on board in more ports too.
There were even two cruises in the last year where I did not get off the ship in any port at all! What is going on? And why and when should you also make the smart choice to stay on board in port?
ABOUT TIPS FOR TRAVELLERS: If you want to get cruising right, Tips For Travellers makes it easy to plan and have the incredible cruise experiences you dream of every time. All my Tips For Travellers advice, tips and tricks tips draw on everything that I have learnt on the 101 cruises I have done to date.
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00:00 Start
00:36 Risky Ports
01:56 Little To Offer Ports
04:26 Overwhelmed Ports
05:54 Unwelcoming Ports
06:50 Getting Package Value
09:16 Budget
10:00 Ship Destination