Thinking about starting or re-establishing a vegetable garden? Dr Uwe Stroeher gives his expert advice on what to plant and when, and what fertiliser to use to give your veggies the best start.
🌿 Gyganic for Fruit and Citrus was specifically developed to enhance fruit size, quality and taste. Gyganic is a premium organic based, chemically boosted complete fertiliser with the full range of nutrients in an organic form, coupled with boosted levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron and magnesium. Gyganic’s unique organic base of manure, humates and rock phosphate have been composted and blended with the biologically active GOGO Juice containing kelp and seaweed – producing a very nutritious organic base product high in organic carbon. Following extensive trials by members, Gyganic for Fruit and Citrus is now recommended by the Rare Fruit Society of South Australia. This endorsement provides gardeners with the confidence to use and recommend Gyganic. For more information visit
Interview Transcript
This week the Doc from Neutrog will talk to us about setting up your vegetable patch and what to feed them. Hi Uwe
Hi Graham, Now is the time to really thing about replanting that veggie patch for your next harvest. There is still plenty of soil temperature so seedlings get a good start and there should be enough soil moisture. You can now plant pretty much anything with the exception of say your capsicums or chilli probably a bit late for that now. But particularly good now are your brassicas so cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and the like, for should also consider planting out your greens things like spinach, lettuce and the like, autumn is really a time when there are few restrictions on what you plant.
So what about replenishing nutrients in your vegetable garden?
It’s a great time to add some of your home compost to your beds the microbes will love this plus it acts to hold nutrients in the soil and retains moisture so that’s one thing to do. Next you need to ensure that your plants have some of those nutrients that firstly are often lacking in home composts and the ones we often don’t think about. Things like sulphur, iron and micronutrients such as zinc, manganese and the like. This is needed because plants remove a lot of these nutrients from the soil when they grow. Have you ever wondered why when you cook thinks like cabbage or Brussel sprouts they have that distinct smell? That comes from sulphur compounds in these plants. So these plants extract this nutrient from your soil, so it needs to be replaced. Onions, radishes do the same thing andwe know things like silver beet, kale, spinach and even pumpkins remove iron. This is why it is critical you use a well balanced fertiliser to replenish the soil.
I can see what is coming I am sure you are talking about using Gyganic.
You are spot on. Gyganic is a chemically boosted organic based fertiliser. We have taken a base of composted chicken manure and supplemented it with things like sulphur, iron and the like. But the great thing is, because it is based on composted chicken litter it already contains significant amounts of other micronutrients. This is because chickens are feed a balanced diet so you get some of those nutrients coming out in their droppings things like zinc, magnesium, calcium all of these are critical for animal health but also for plant health. Gyganic replaces all of the nutrients which have been extracted by your previous crops and also recharges the soil of sulphur, calcium, iron and the like ready for your next crop. I have seen myself the difference it makes not only to the yield but also the health of the plant.
So now is the ideal time to get your next crop of vegetables into the soil to ensure your nutrient requirements of your veggies are meet use Gyganic you won’t find better. Gyganic from Neutrog is available from Bunnings, other hardware outlets and of course good garden centres.
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