A look inside Gambia’s infamous Mile 2 prison

A look inside Gambia’s infamous Mile 2 prison

Al Jazeera English

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@Spiritual_guide_69 - 06.09.2024 02:43


@bloodmasta1 - 26.06.2024 13:19

crazy how those officials are straight up lying to the camera.. i know many gambians who have spent time in mile 2 for the most pettit crimes and the treatment in there is horrendous, they definitely cleaned it up for this media visit

@sankungsillah-cg6uo - 02.06.2024 05:49

And is my community as i am to be a journals equatorial to interviews yaya jammeh

@sankungsillah-cg6uo - 02.06.2024 05:46

Ist my knowledge to youth people good job than probably problem 😢

@ZakHorrocks - 31.05.2024 03:38

Billionaires with more money than sense can make a difference to places on earth like this and they wouldnt even notice a change in the bank balance lets start pointing the finger at the small percent of people in the world who can make a difference and just arent doing

@echohunter4199 - 11.04.2024 09:09

Who cares.

@tallupjahlove5975 - 13.03.2024 19:56


@BakebbaSaho - 08.03.2024 11:42

They are treating our own citizens like a slave 😔😔

@lisa196409 - 21.02.2024 13:27

If Africa and all these other places even America continues to go by this patriarchy y'all are going to see everything burn and be destroyed there'll be nothing left but void. Men should not be in charge of anything. The guards are raping the women in the prisons same thing goes on in America ain't nothing different

@KeitaBukary-kh8xz - 26.01.2024 09:55

One muslim number amonge the reast

@nyimasetousillahsillah8393 - 12.01.2024 23:46


@katiestephenson1442 - 11.12.2023 03:17

oh no it sad to hear that happen hope things get better with him

@gettingmoe - 10.08.2023 22:08

Poorest country on African mainland by stats. The prison is not the only thing terrible in this country

@stephenmurray2851 - 02.08.2023 18:03

This is the way prison should be

@liveToImpressNo-OneMLSBLACK - 22.06.2023 15:55

Aljezera can lie this whole information is a lie

@moderndesign5282 - 22.04.2023 23:11

Pimitive. Want to know how advanced a culture is ? just look at how they treat their prisoners.

@fsin-jj5kk - 20.04.2023 16:37

This is lieing how can a prison be like this is hate this people at least they should change the prison I hate them alll

@ManeSuleimane-rl2pq - 11.04.2023 22:58


@SUMMERGIRL4500 - 06.04.2023 16:08

Every country is different, people need to stop doing crime

@CoffeeSuccubus - 17.02.2023 09:21

So this is an American prison

I see

@gboysamura - 01.02.2023 00:54

Good afternoon Gambia people

@katharinastromp6805 - 20.11.2022 03:47

6 years for stealing a bottle milk!!! Oh my god!

@jankobah8263 - 13.11.2022 13:46

Chai gambia

@tamina2270 - 17.09.2022 06:00

Sadly it is still open I just googled it 😢

@d.c.347 - 12.09.2022 07:17

🥵🥵 Where is juliet Ryan ( blaxit ) when you need her 🤨🥵🤨🥵🤨🥵

@khalifajatta9460 - 09.08.2022 22:02

Gambia 🇬🇲😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🇬🇲

@samuelmitchell9542 - 01.08.2022 03:15

I was there also for one year that is not a good place

@gohardafrica - 10.07.2022 13:09

6 years for stealing a bottle of milk? I live in the Gambia. These network make it seem worst than it really is.

@CBrown9758 - 13.04.2022 03:32

Shut that hole down.😡

@euroboss8841 - 08.04.2022 02:31

Sad 😞 😢 heartbreaking 💔

@saulnjie885 - 27.03.2022 14:18

I hear black in Ukraine are been treated some hope and black people complaining about it all over the world why do u should up when is your own doing u or black doing black is okay

@heavilychild7711 - 19.02.2022 18:26

I hope this has changed, locking someone up over a gallon of milk!!

@SlyceofJC - 28.12.2021 17:44

It's a shame on those lame "leaders" they are useless and men who says Yes to everything (YES man's) this is why Gambia is falling. Yaya Jammeh was an uneducated idiot WE ALL KNOW THAT.

@wakeupdonkey1991 - 10.12.2021 06:05

At least you won’t go back to prison

@f_d7497 - 02.12.2021 02:14

Africa is freaking done for. Idk what’s the solution. Sometimes I be wanting outsiders to come in me take charge cause it’s shown that the government cannot govern in a moral way. We cannot find good moral people to govern out people. Everything is about personal gain. I’m so glad my parents immigrated to America otherwise idk how I would tolerate such corrupt government. Americans government is corrupt but the governments in Africa put America’s government to shame.

@timajitteh4877 - 01.09.2021 22:44

It's not That the Gambia is a bad place
Why won't talk about the good things too

@omarjarju6097 - 02.07.2021 15:11

The government of is very bad too much of corruptions in Gambia there is no human right they always treat peoples bad

@mamadavidyouthebestnjie2819 - 23.06.2021 02:43

Am so sorry gambia is not easy

@mahlonkarpaiya252 - 15.06.2021 14:36

im convinced that Gambia like to have prisons that are in bad conditions as Islam dont like criminals so there is no rush to to make the place beter. I can understand. Prison is not a hotel but there are better way to make good people out of criminals. All prisons should be factories with a educational aspect to it. Train them then make them work. FEAR does not reform prisoners. I should know, i have done time. It was a waste, i did nothing. As a man i want to learn and do as much as i can. I want to help Gambian prisoners.

@oghensatumah7867 - 27.05.2021 19:32

Welcome to Africa.

@martamariacorell3955 - 21.05.2021 15:41

When government leaders don't knowing the poorly situation in own country and nothing doing for better life for own citizens in Gambia then is not good president and all the governments leaders...about one bottle milk can't no one going in prison...Heartless president and heartless governments leaders...

@martamariacorell3955 - 21.05.2021 15:35

Inhuman prisoners situation...

@nestamarleyn367 - 09.05.2021 13:18

6 years in for stealing a tin of milik very sad

@gaye792 - 23.04.2021 14:35


@madouafrica8127 - 18.04.2021 16:23

Stop tucking lying police no good

@tsietsiphiri4874 - 13.04.2021 10:49

That’s y Europeans think lil of us
Because we don’t like each other
We abuse power
This is nonsense

@gibiresaho4072 - 06.04.2021 17:54

David coley mor mun fen chai😭😭

@bambamanneh9412 - 28.03.2021 23:38

David colley is lying about not beating prisoners 🤬🤬🤬

@JesusiscomingExodus--gj8bs - 23.03.2021 17:44

There will be violent earthquakes, and famines and plagues in various places, and there will be terrifying sights and great signs from heaven.
Luke 21:11 Then many will fall away, betray one another, and hate one another. Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. For at that time there will be great distress, the kind that hasn’t taken place from the beginning of the world until now and never will again. Unless those days were cut short, no one would be saved. But those days will be cut short because of the elect. “If anyone tells you then,‘ See, here is the Messiah! ’Or,‘ Over here! ’Do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Take note: I have told you in advance. So if they tell you, ‘See, he’s in the wilderness! ’Don’t go out; or, ‘See, he’s in the storerooms! Do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. “Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not shed its light ; the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the peoples of the earth will mourn; and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. He will send out his angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. “Now concerning that day and hour no one knows - neither the angels of heaven nor the Son - except the Father alone. As the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. For in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah boarded the ark. They didn’t know until the flood came and swept them all away. This is the way the coming of the Son of Man will be.
Matthew 24: 10-14, 21-27, 29-31, 35-39'

@sponkycrabble2659 - 16.03.2021 10:49

This was literally 1 month after Yayah Jammeh has been removed from power so just "yikes" in the chat.
