Giant patch.
Noise coming from the Disting mk4, being VCO'd by Maths to make the waves. Pink noise for base, white noise for peak.
Marbles dealt with all of the sequencing and main triggers
MCO did the bass drone, with ripples cleaning it up
Plaits did some pretty chords
Rings did some stuff from clouds with a Mikrophonie scratch frozen
Plaits, Rings, and the waves went into t-wrex. Decimator was modulated by the same modulation for the waves. Bit crusher was modulated by Pam, and clouds had some random CV from Pam.
Main clock was split on branches to soemtimes trigger waves, sometimes strum rings.
Disting EX was a mixer, with channel 4 being a CV control for the channel 6 audio. Channel 6 audio was the clean waves before t-wrex. The CV control was a unipolar thing with inverted signals and both set to unipolar -20. 6-2 was set to 0, and 6-1 was set to 100. This swept it left and right with the CV. That was then taken from the sum output of maths, the same thing that was modulating the decimator.
#Jademalo #Music #Ableton_Live_(Software) #Ambient