Paul Michel: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Paul Michel: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Steve Ellzey

54 года назад

55 Просмотров

As Superintendent of the largest National Marine Sanctuary in the Continental United States, Paul Michel is a very busy gentlemen. As a dedicated Ocean Enthusiast, his eyes literally light up when the subject of Marine Protected Areas, or Whale Disentanglement, or the Black Abalone transplant program or any of the hundreds of great projects, studies and programs that are currently or have taken place under the auspices of the Sanvtucry system. If you love the Ocean...this is a great video for your viewing pleasure and/or your knowledge-hungry brain.


#MBNMS #Monterey_Bay_National_Marine_Sanctuary #Paul_Michel #NOAA #National_Ocean_and_Atmospheric_Administration #Monterey_Bay #Santa_Cruz #California_Coast #Sanctuary_System #Marine_Protected_areas #Offshore_Oil_drilling #James_Watt #George_Bush_Senior #MPA #Coastal_Development #California_Coastal_Commission #Desalinization #Steve_Ellzey_Producer #Your_Sanctuary_TV #Your_Sanctuary #YSTV
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