10 Things You Should Know About Lever Action Rifles: A User's Guide

10 Things You Should Know About Lever Action Rifles: A User's Guide

Honest Outlaw

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@TheCaptnHammer - 11.03.2025 01:15

The loading gate helps when you use this suppressed. That’s why it also comes with a threaded barrel. Edit. You mentioned that but I believe you missed the fact the suppressor will block the feeding tube. You wouldn’t be able to load it without removing the suppressor. Great review thanks!

@victoriasrandomstuff - 07.03.2025 20:55

I love my Henry!!! I had wanted one ever since seeing the movie "Silverado" back in the day. I used mine for cowboy action shooting so I have not had to shoot very far. I would not mind trying a red dot on it though.

@REBELSCL - 03.03.2025 07:57

Putting a red dot on a lever action is sacrilege. My preferred sighting system for a lever action (I wish I could remember the manufacturer’s name but I’m sure it’s easy to find, they’re famous) is a flip up ghost ring sight that sits on the top of the stock just behind the receiver. It gives you an excellent sight picture in terms of length and can be adjusted out to relatively far distances. That’s more suitable for gun developed in the late 1800s. I grew up shooting a Marlin 39A… absolutely loved it! I used to set up a lawn chair outside our 1870s church and pick up pigeons roosting in the belfry..(there was nothing behind the church for 4 miles)

@CCMachinist - 02.03.2025 23:12

Talk about cold, we had to bring our brass monkey inside last night.

@carllove3705 - 02.03.2025 21:26

I have several lever action rifles chambered in 357 mag. A Winchester 1873, Winchester 1892, and a Chiappa 1892. The Winchester model 1873 does not cycle any 38 special ammo that I have found so far. The two model 1892 rifles do cycle both 357 mag and 38 special.

@justinscott1691 - 02.03.2025 12:36

I don't understand the ad or thumbnail looks like an rpg but doesn't look like one , why add stuff that doesn't make sense, other then is this more then a lever action video.

@imtr0yy - 02.03.2025 07:29

My best friends dad offered me a leaver action I don’t know the brand he just told me that they don’t make them anymore and they are sought after as a collectors item it shoots 40-70 that same day he passed away he offered me 1200$ with a scope my friend is gonna still sell it to me and I definitely want more now then ever just because I saw him as a uncle I found out in 4 days why it is

@justinalfieri8095 - 26.02.2025 17:13

Watching this years later. So sad the POF 9mm mag fed lever action sucked. I see here he was hyped for it 😢

@Michigancountrypicker - 25.02.2025 01:56

Absolute JUNK! Remington 870 is what I put it on, the clip that just snaps on is loose and moves up and down. It rattles, and will just get worse I'm sure. Cannot believe, that anyone expects it stay attached to a 12 ga shotgun. Do not waste your money. Old saying you get what you pay for is correct. So disappointed.

@josephohare8702 - 24.02.2025 10:27

I have an older 336 Marlin and 39AS. Both JM stamped. Both beauiful guns and no complaints. My biggest regret is way back when I was in High School I had a Savage 99. I can't stop kicking myself for selling it.

@royneder351 - 22.02.2025 04:01

The smoothest lever action is the Bullard.

@jlrockafella - 19.02.2025 16:53

44mag rossi lever is what I can afford, those Winchester and Henry's are ridiculously expensive. Why would I spend that much? Might as well get a modern rifle for those prices like AR-10/15 or AK-47/74 at that price point.

@matheoperez - 17.02.2025 00:13

There is a 5.56 lever action ! And a 308

@ogchaxzor3562 - 14.02.2025 02:48

The biggest problem I have had is squeezing my oversized hands between the rifle and lever and getting a good pinch.

@davy1458 - 13.02.2025 16:31

Is it safe to dry fire my 1894 marlin sbl ? I d9nt do it often but I've d9ne it on occasion.

@loganmeline9233 - 13.02.2025 10:34

I totally watched this to see if the pitfall was stabbing your trigger finger with the trigger. I've heard of that, but never thought of it before. All that other stuff I'd never thought of.

@micwell2247 - 10.02.2025 16:32

Levers have always been a favorite of mine. Light weight easy to carry and in 30/30 a 100 yard plow through the forest bull dozer. But, like everything, "practice" makes perfect

@FubarSir - 02.02.2025 22:33

Pro tip: lose the sunglasses when on cam.

@Youandfourothers - 01.02.2025 23:45

I made a mistake by buying a top eject Rossi r92, worst gun I’ve ever owned getting a Henry model x next

@Colt76180 - 01.02.2025 20:19

I bought a used Marlin 336 30.30 a week before Brady went into effect. i only mention that because the guy at the pawn shop I found it at, saiid if I bought it next week we would be there a while. It also makes it easy to remember when I bought the gun. I have read many places that more deer have been harvested with the 30.30 than all other calibers combined. IDK who figured that out, fact check them, not me.

@davidcudlip6587 - 31.01.2025 15:22

Great video. Do you have Skinner sights on any of your rifles? And do you own any Savage 99 rifles? My first lever was a Daisy model 99 when I was 9 years old then a Browning BL22 and I just jumped up to a Rossi R95 45-70. These guns are addicting and I do live in Illinois, a state governed by a fat bloated putz. So levers are a great option.

@nugmug123 - 30.01.2025 03:36

Can you do a episode on lever action shotguns? I love my lever actions. I have a Henry .357 and a Marlin 39a. And I kinda want a lever action shotgun. Or maybe an episode comparing lever shotguns, pump, and AR-12?

@DaddyHacks101 - 27.01.2025 14:06

Any recommendations for .410 levtec sight ?

@smartass6071 - 26.01.2025 08:36

Henry has dozens of calibers to choose from.

@TheDukie54 - 24.01.2025 13:48

ROSSI 92R in .357 mag? BROWNING 22LR BLR? Didn't even get honorable mentions? Wow.

@larryfritz9459 - 24.01.2025 06:06

Nothing fancy, Mossberg Maverick 88, 98 Mauser sporter 30-06, Savage 99 243, Ruger 10/22, Ruger P85. I've had them all a long time. All very reliable and I've had the time to become VERY PROFICIENT. PS, SKS folder for nasty stuff!! OOPS, This was for the "Only 5 guns" video 🤪

@larryfritz9459 - 24.01.2025 05:33

I have an old Savage 99 in 243. As far as I've heard, the strongest lever action. Rotary magazine loves pointy bullets.Action is still smooth as glass.

@croaker4747 - 24.01.2025 05:33

My grandads 300 Savage is a terrific lever action hunting rifle.

@Jbaroune - 21.01.2025 13:42

What is the recoil difference between the 357 mag and 44mag? Is it the same or noticeably harder with the 44? I have a 357 marlin 1894 but was thinking of getting another in a different caliber. Maybe 44mag or 30-30.

@Middleofmonta - 20.01.2025 05:05

Not one bother me I was raised with em

@victordelosreyes1157 - 19.01.2025 08:20

Best rifles ever . If you want tactical then get you a an ar , don’t dog the iconic guns !! , every rifle has an specific use , just my opinion

@axiomaddict - 19.01.2025 04:21

Thank you. I live in a ban state and have started to run into problems trying to get firearms shipped so, “….that’s how come me end up here.”

This was really helpful.

@jayclark2077 - 19.01.2025 02:29

You don’t mention the increase in velocities and especially power with pistol bullets from a rifle that has a 16” or a 20” barrel. Of course I am talking about full power loads and not cheap factory plinking loads, but if a .38 out of a rifle will deliver .357 magnum velocity and energy (V/E) then a .357 cartridge from the same gun is in fact “a Great Leap Forward” and will do anything you ask of it!
I think not mentioning this is a serious oversight. If a rifle in .357 magnum can deliver a 180 grain bullet at, say, 1750 feet per second (FPS) and put nearly 1200 foot pounds of energy (FPE) down range I think people should know it!
And, since politics is an increasingly important issue, people should know that with a .38/.357 rifle with the right sights—not ‘pronghorn’ sights—a “poor Boy” can defend his perimeter out to 500 yards and beyond! Shouldn’t people know this about these wonderful and often affordable lever guns? And adjustable peep sights will take those 158 and 180 grain bullets way out there!
Jay Warren Clark

@Hillbillyhound - 16.01.2025 03:26

i thought the way you used a buck horn sight was you had the big window for quick close shots and then at the bottom of the window ya have that fine notch for percice shooting. still prefer a skinner sight but the buck horn i have on my 357 is plenty good out to 200 yards long as you can see what your aiming at

@VR-vv2qe - 14.01.2025 22:34

You need to update with the new Henry's

@Formaldehydex - 11.01.2025 21:31

Glad you finally got to the point nearly 3 minutes in.

@ernestoluzan - 11.01.2025 18:54

Best caliber for handgun/lever action combo?

@3budlite - 11.01.2025 17:19

Can you post a link for the leather stock pad? It looks Awesome!

@brandonb417 - 09.01.2025 17:11

There might be "better" rifles, but seriously, lever action rifles are just sexy.

@kvonzwild8979 - 09.01.2025 10:06

For defense and no semi auto...pump is a good choice. Limited calibers these days though.

@brentazevedo3845 - 06.01.2025 06:21

300 Savage, model 99 is hard to beat.

@oldschoolboyscout - 05.01.2025 02:34

Lots of levers take clips as well.

@Huynhduu - 04.01.2025 17:58

Do you guys have a video like this for bolt guns? Great video btw!

@coreyperez13 - 03.01.2025 23:12

"I'm 6'4""... Dude is the biggest battle gnome I've ever seen!

@LaLaLucky7777 - 03.01.2025 03:14

If you ever see a dog scratching ? Then most likely you got fleas! Yeppers

@zaknafein641 - 02.01.2025 22:26

What holosight are you using on your Henry and where did you get the adapter? I'm thinking about buying skinners for my lever guns, but I kind of want to try out holosights too. :)

@akbychoice - 01.01.2025 17:23

On one hunt my rear sight on my Winchester 94 got knocked off, disappeared forever.

@PostTenebrasLux93 - 01.01.2025 02:09

There are ways to mount an optic on an 1873 or 1892 though I'd call them, at best, "workable but inelegant." But that doesn't mean you're stuck with the stock sights. Skinner peeps are vastly better even when the aperture has to be mounted forward of the action for these top ejectors. You can also put a long eye relief pistol scope forward and have yourself basically a lever action scout rifle.
