Jeff Powell Tells the Story of The World's Most Expensive Record

Jeff Powell Tells the Story of The World's Most Expensive Record

Dangerous Music

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@charleyhorse6346 - 02.06.2024 11:03

That was cool.

@Oneloudest - 02.06.2024 14:54

Cheif Designer Dangerous Music. Nice title.

@jedgould5531 - 02.06.2024 22:25

So you guys are great at making sound but not so hot at editing?

@rosemarysandcastle - 03.06.2024 23:25

does it have the brown note?

@Appophust - 04.06.2024 07:04

What a complete crock of crap. This is a total collection racket.

@slutbecky7519 - 04.06.2024 09:03

That fresh disc directly taken from a digital source?! I rest my case your honour. You are only adding pleasant harmonic distortion. Can’t you see the wood for the trees?

@slutbecky7519 - 04.06.2024 09:04

Absolute nonsense from a hippie

@carpballet - 04.06.2024 20:35

Good lord the world is complex

@johnhowardnardine6815 - 05.06.2024 20:24

VERY interesting story! And I learned several things I didn’t know. What I could do without is the inserted stock footage of things like an auction or signing: it’s kind of unnecessary for your audience who are serious enough to listen to a long and, by the standards of today’s short attention spans, intricate story. We’re not children needing constant entertainment to stay engaged.

@Ackermanmedia - 06.06.2024 00:17

So this entire process was to see how much one they can squeeze out of people who consider themselves audio nerds?

@erwinvb70 - 06.06.2024 12:01

So would he have a “destroyed” copy himself?

@GgWhyfye - 06.06.2024 19:47

from the first picture of Jeffs room to the end of this video I had a ROCK hard boner the entire time whoaaaa. AMAZING this is HOT AND HEAVY BABY lemme tell yah

@UrbanIslandEntertainment - 07.06.2024 00:09

Wow! What a great educational story and I just bought a "toy" Milty Zerostat 3 for a friend who has static problems in his listening room and it should work for his needs. Thanks Jeff!

@danpessell846 - 08.06.2024 03:36

Just noticed your name on my remastered copy of Big Star's #1 Record. Well done.

@gammaraygem - 08.06.2024 11:33

Imagine showing the greatest lyricist in human history how to sign his name.

@Harzurner - 08.06.2024 14:25

I want it

@muchorelaxo5580 - 09.06.2024 00:59

Cool story.

@davidnewton2598 - 09.06.2024 06:44

Wow, this is elitist garbage taken to insane levels. Music is supposed to be shared and enjoyed. To move people and elicit emotions. To bring joy or sorrow, heartbreak or ecstasy. To have one pristine record that is owned by one person so they can show off the size of their bank balance is the absolute worst kind of sell out commercialism ever.

@Dd-td6jl - 09.06.2024 20:31

WOW, what a story!!! Roknroll

@calvin808 - 11.06.2024 02:41

Shouldn't this be Most Valuable Record? Not most expensive?

@p0llenp0ny - 12.06.2024 06:56

Some people have far too much money.

@ifandwhen-kl2cr - 13.06.2024 07:46

Wait, didn’t that Wutang 1/1 sell for much more?

@twostikks1 - 13.06.2024 15:38


@kzustang - 14.06.2024 15:25

Great video. Great story.,Great to see vinyl tech still pushing the limits. You are definitely doing sacred work. Take care and the necessary precautions to avoid health hazard with the laquer and stuff. Thanks for sharing.

@AlexAlcyone - 16.06.2024 00:00

too many unanswered questions. what was this mystery coating that has such an immense R&D budget for the creation of one one-off disc? Jeff Powell's skills and dedication are clearly beyond doubt. But there is something very odd about this story.

@kyzor-sosay6087 - 16.06.2024 16:50

Interesting,well told story.Thanks for your time and for making the record and the video.

@chrisarnold6852 - 16.06.2024 22:34


@brucelittle3958 - 17.06.2024 02:49

Unbelievable story for a recording of a song on vinyl. I toured Sun studio back in the 70's and it was quite the classic studio where Elvis got started!

@SuperDrumwolf - 17.06.2024 06:15

ah, another toy for rich folks, got it. the song doesn't care...its a song and it doesn't need to be wrapped in a bunch of bull$#@T. just listen to it enjoy it and move on. I'm sure everyone involved is very talented, but at the end of the day its just a song.

@biffedya - 17.06.2024 07:12

who is Bob Dylan

@sl8ofhand - 17.06.2024 17:15

What about Wu-Tang Clan: Once Upon a Time in Shaolin?

@paulsmith1052 - 18.06.2024 05:14

Wu Tang record sold for $2M 😮 Just realized the tittle says most expensive record ever made lol Not sold 😢 Oh wow and yeah that makes sense 3+ years of R&D, multiple labs, etc.. lol Very cool and interesting video.

@donbell8187 - 18.06.2024 13:40

Jeff is a real gentleman and one of the funniest guys I ever met. Amazing ears, too!

@RemyRAD - 18.06.2024 18:40

But for those of us who do know what we are hearing. We find all of these speakers in Negative Absolute Polarity except for one manufacturer. And pretty much one manufacturer, only. And they are known as the JBL Speaker Company of Los Angeles, California. They figured this out back around 1948 I think. Definitely by 1968. When I was introduced to them. At 12 years of age. And I knew I was hearing something different. I was perceiving something, different. From all other speakers I had heard. And continue to this day. All but JBL are in Negative Absolute Polarity. When everybody thinks they are actually in Positive. They are not. Electrical engineers have made this gross mistake. Because they are not Audio Engineers. They are mostly Mathematicians. And mathematics can hear nothing. Neither can they. Neither can you. And you call yourself a Mastering Engineer? Ha! You got lucky that's all. In spite of yourself. You modeled through. And your mistakes sound better. Than those other guys who didn't know what they were hearing either. Who retired finally. Finally. Also never knowing their speakers were in negative absolute polarity. And always thinking it was the acoustics or the gear. Nope!

You see I am not only a multi-major music award nominated engineer. And a Former NBC, Electronics Troubleshooter and Ace Audio Engineer. I'm also known as a Studio Fixer. I fix the Monitoring Issues. In Control Rooms. Large and small. That the Electrical Engineers and Acoustic Engineers can't figure out how to fix the sound of? DUH? Because they are convinced. Their speakers are wired correctly. As they have a little test with the battery they perform. To prove they are right! know they are not.

While technically they are right. Thanks to their mathematics. They neglected to realize. They have forced their speakers. To, Mimic. The motion of the diaphragms of the microphones. Which they forgot to include in their mathematical equation. As, Negative-1. They left that out of their mathematical equation. Whoops. As I have had to explain this. To a number of Electrical Engineers.

And I so wished. I had a camera. To take a picture of their face. When I explained to them. What was going on. Mild's fall open. Expressions look dumbfounded. And comments frequently are… Oh my God? I never realized that before? You're right! Yes I am right. That's why I Fix. Control Room Monitoring Issues!

And while you might have crappy acoustics. And your gear is not high-end. It's old. It's not really that! Your speakers are not wired correctly! But you think they are. And you refuse to try them the other way. Because your little battery tested mathematical formulas tell you you are right. You are not. It is not right. And JBL figured that out. I think by 1948? But I only first heard them in 1968. And by 1978. At 22 years of age. I was able to afford my first pair of JBL 4311 compact Control Room Monitor Speakers. And oh what a difference! And then I found. That his previous speaker. Under the company had cofounded. Years earlier. Called Altec Lansing. His 604 Speakers. Were in Negative Absolute Polarity. To his later JBL Brand Speakers. Starting in 1948. I believe. But he was dead by 1948. He died. His company continued on with his name. And in 1968 they introduced the 4310 speakers. Rated for only 50 RMS continuous Watts of power.. And by around 1977. They introduced the 4311. Which was identical. But could handle 75 continuous RMS Watts of power. Because we were turning them up they sounded so good! And guys started blowing them out.

And so when I rewired by Altec Lansing 604's to match the Polarity of my JBL's. Suddenly those 604 Monitor speakers I also had. Sounded so much better! Now I could use and reference both! Along with my Auratones. Which I also had to reverse polarize. Because they were also backwards. So are everybody else's except for JBL's.

So I've modified the wiring on all of my other brands of speakers. My KRK's both passive and active. My Fostex. My, Tannoy's. My Radio Shaft Minimus-7's. My Sony's. My AKAI's. My Panasonic's. To match the polarity of the JBL's. And oh my God the difference!

And so while the acoustics of your little Mastering Room are miserable. It is not the acoustics that are your problem. Most of those crappy acoustics will mostly vanish. When you have your speakers wired correctly in Positive Absolute Polarity. Because it is only at the speakers. Where one can Establish the Absolute Polarity to be either Negative or Positive. And what do you think you want? Pick one. Pick the right one! And the left one! To get this Correct and in Proper Absolute Positive Polarity. And in phase together. And you will Suddenly. Here the difference for yourself. It will be a Revelation I can assure you. It is for everybody I turn this onto.

So even with your crappy home hi-fi. Reverse the polarity of both speakers. And take another listen.

I just love Fraud Experts. To think they got it right. They don't know what they are hearing. They are idiots. Hopeless terminal idiots. With College Degrees! And as you may have surmised by now? I possess no stupid college degree for Audio! I was born with Ears and a Brain that works. And I've been told. By one of the Finest Audio Console Manufacturers in the world here in the USA. Remy has one of the finest pairs of years in the Industry. Because I fixed their studio! Because the electrical engineers and acoustic engineers could not. When I got the call. To come on town. And please take a listen. Our control room just does not sound right. And we just spent an additional $6000 for nothing! And I fix it in 2 minutes and charge you $400. What makes more sense? Of course my prices going up to $500 now. And it only takes me 2 minutes. Because when you're good. You get it right for people. And you do it quickly and efficiently and cost-effectively. Because I'm an actual Real Audio Engineer. Without a college degree. Nobody needs. And so you don't have a college degree either likely.. But you have never figured anything out for yourself. You've relied upon mathematical formulas, textbook equations. And gobbledygook from experts that don't know what they are hearing. Great! You're an expert.

@RemyRAD - 18.06.2024 18:40

Hey.. Back in 1978. Something changed. It came over from Europe. It was called Direct Metal Mastery. I guess you never heard of it? They don't use Lacquer. The use Copper.. And what you got from those cuts. It was like taking a pillow off of your head off of your ears. Like coming out from underneath a wet blanket. It was a Revelation in Record Cutting.. And that was the only way I then had my discs, Mastered and Cut. Because lacquer sounded rather Lacking. It sounded mushy.

And why everybody stop cutting into copper discs? I cannot fathom? What rock have you been living under? The difference in Audio Quality is Phenomenal! And I would never have a disk cut in Lacquer, again.

And so when Digital came around and we got the CD. I was beyond Overjoyed! As I Hate Vinyl. I hate the way it sounds! Even coming off of, Copper Direct Metal Mastering. Though that sounds way better than Lacquer. If you must have your production on Vinyl.

And so in the end. Guys like you cutting on Lacquer for vinyl. Using a, 50+-year-old contraption. Definitely sounds Anti-Technology. Anti-Science. Anti-Hi Fidelity. Why? There's a reason for that nonsense? A good reason? I don't think so. You just found a good used Neumann VMS-70, cheap. Because nobody wants vinyl anymore! Nobody with a brain wants vinyl! Only stupid people do. Who thinks vinyl sounds good. And pulling your fingernails out feels good. Yeah no. It does not. That's Torture. So is Vinyl. Pops and clicks, surface noise and scratches. They are 100+-year-old technology. And do you still drive a horse and carriage? Do you still drive a Model-T? I don't think so. You're on the Internet. And you are listening to vinyl? You are dragging a little needle in a groove of modulated plastic? Did you have the Audacity to call yourself an cover Engineer? I don't even like that lousy software! It's Crap! Audacity is Crap! It's free shareware! It's Crap! But plenty of crappy engineer wannabes use it. And you are cutting into Lacquer? How modern of you. When you want crappy old sound. For that Nostalgia. Of scratchy records. Yeah no.

Let's face it. Back in the late 1970s. Nearly 50 years ago. All of the good Virgin Vinyl. Left the USA. Because the manufacturing thereof is, too toxic. For American humans. So we had to start having our records pressed. Overseas. Mostly in Asia. Where human life is worthless and they have no EPA. And for a while we got some better sounding vinyl. That we knew was poisoning the workers to death. But we want no child labor. We should only kill their parents. For your lousy musical records.

And so 16-bit, 44.1 kHz, Redbook standard. Sounded way better than any Vinyl Ever! And still does. From 40 years ago. As good as the day they were new. And there is no relaxing of the grooves. Physically or musically.

And so how long do you wait before you plate after the cut? Do you wait for the Lacquer to relax? And sound like mud? Or, do you immediately electro plate that, Lacquer? Before the Lacquer can relax? When you want something to not sound like mud? From a bunch of dead crunched up bugs! Lacquer is made from millions of crushed up bugs!

And you still exist in the 21st Century of the New Millennia? And you are recording on bugs? A bunch of liquefied and dried up bugs? Are you kidding me!??! You must be? Or you are on LSD. And don't know what the hell you are hearing? You have no hearing. You should be in Prison! Has there is something wrong with your hearing. If you are cutting into liquefied dried up bugs! And do you do a little dance to make it rain? Likely so.

Vinyl is hurtful and wasteful to our Environment. It is Poisonous to our environment. And yet? Some Homo sapiens want to be that kind of stupid. And for what? Because it sounds better? IT DOES NOT SOUND BETTER! IT SOUNDS LIKE GARBAGE AND MUD! But some people like garbage sounding mud and think it sounds better. Than what? They never heard the master tape! And so they know better? How? What have they heard? What can they hear? They know nothing! They are troglodytes! They are Neanderthal Audio. They like analog cassettes! They think they sound great! They sound worse than vinyl! And they are encoded with Dolby. Because they sound so awful. And when you don't play them back with Dolby. Stupid people think that sounds good. It does not.

And so I'm an actual Audio Engineer. I understand Audio. I am not a troglodyte. I do not use stones and knives, bear skins and crunched up bugs. I use Electrons! They are slightly more modern than dead bugs. And they sound much better. There are no dead bugs and electrons.

And hey. You haven't even realized yet. Your left and right channel speakers are in phase together. But what you haven't noticed. They are in Negative Absolute Polarity, together and in phase. You don't even know what I'm talking about.. You think phase and polarity are the same thing. They are not. You were taught wrong. Your college professor taught you wrong. Because your college professor doesn't understand this, either. Because textbook formulas and mathematical equations. Can hear and evaluate, nothing. They are inanimate. Test equipment is inanimate. We are not. Apparently you are. You don't know what you're listening to. You have no idea. A huge Electrical Engineering Joke.. Has been played on everyone. Everyone who does not know what they are hearing.

(More Non-Audio in following post)

@RemyRAD - 18.06.2024 19:28

This is such incredible Dangerous Bullshit! They want to put something on the lacquer to make it more solid. How about copper? Make a great big penny. Put a hole in the middle. And cut into that. It won't relax. Look at any penny that's 100 years old. Those are the best grooves ever! You can put them into one brutal gumball machine after another. And they will last over 100 years. Crunched up liquefied dead bugs won't. Dead dinosaurs won't. They dry up and turn to dust. Then what are you going to play back? It will be lost to time.. For all eternity to come! It will not be recoverable. But going into a copperplate would. That does not melt from cosmic rays. We do. Bugs do. Dead dinosaurs do.

And so they are spending all this money. To create an acrylic coating. A polyamorous coating. That will fill in the cracks of the high frequency response. Ugh! So you'll have to turn up the preemphasis when you are cutting. And it will sound Incredible! All FUCKED-UP. Again. Like the loudness wars were. Both on vinyl and FM Radio. Until everybody's ears were ready to bleed. And they are doing it again very Dangerously. As they also don't know their monitor speakers are wired in Negative Absolute Polarity, either. And everybody wants to be a Freak! And do all sorts of technical and chemical gobbledygook! To prove their engineering Prowess!

With all you need to do is to be cutting into Copper Plates. And it makes electroplating so much easier also. At lower voltages. Because copper is more conductive than a bunch of liquefied crunched up dead bugs. That melt. When sprayed with metal. As everything has thermal energy when electrified. DUH. And no matter what you coat. On to your dead bug juice. You're going to take away from what the cutterhead, cut. You don't get something for nothing you know? No you don't know. Because if you spend a lot of money and make it really expensive it could be Dangerous? It will sound Dangerous. Their stuff their gear has a certain sound to it. We call the Dangerous, sound. They are simply trying to figure out how to put that onto a piece of dead bug juice that's all liquefied and crunched up. Goodie for them! They spent a lot of money! So is Donnie Trump on lawyers. But it did not work. And it won't with this crap.

Sure. Some freaks like you will use it. There will always be those. Thinking they hit the mother load. And then it all dissipates and disappears. Because it isn't. It is not all that. Direct Metal Mastering sounded way better. But it's a little more difficult to do? And little puppy engineers like you don't know how to. Isn't that cute. Now you want the more expensive better record! Because your mommy and daddy can afford to fund you that. As they always have. For their precious, bubblahla. So you can have fun cutting your records. And have people spray expensive gobbledygook all over your dead crunched up bug juice. Mazel tov! Hand me some grape wine. Concorde please. Because it looks like grape juice. And nobody will know you are getting drunk. And cutting records. In two crunched up liquefied dead bug juice. Because you're drinking all the grapes! We can make polymers from! You are drinking polymers! How about some water? Have you looked at your waistline lately? No. You are cutting records into crunched up dead bug juice. Bug patties. You are playing with dead bug patties. What the hell man? What the hell of you been drinking? Budweiser Bugs? Or Bugs Buddy?

Does your nose also wiggle? When you are cutting records? Sniffing those fresh-cut dead bugs?

@RemyRAD - 18.06.2024 19:51

You know what you cutter guys haven't figured out how to do yet? It's a simple thing we have been using in broadcasting and recording now for quite some time.

It's called, Multi-Band Spectral Processing. This does not mean it has to be dynamic in origin. No. It just has to be split up. Kind of like speakers. Big ones. Midsized ones. Little ones for the high frequencies.

And so. Instead of trying to cut a broad banded cut. The recording should be split into spectral frequency bands. Each one of those bands. Should go through a separate cutting amplifier and pre-emphasis network. Where they are all summed together. In the cutterhead. Yielding a much more clarified cut. In its perceived sound on playback. Because the amplifier does not have to work hard over the entire frequency spectrum. With all of that preemphasis. That is very difficult to do. And nobody has thought about doing it this way. Not even in Germany. You have to leave it up to an American. Without a college degree. To figure these things out. Because my thinking is not limited by textbooks and mathematical equations alone. I know the essence of that. I don't have to know all the precise numbers. The computer can do that. So people don't have to. Anymore.

So I simply use my own Artificial Intelligence. Which is not Artificial. But crunched up liquefied dead bugs are. When you are trying to stick them in your ears and wonder why it doesn't sound good? Dead bugs make no sound. So how is that supposed to sound good to begin with? That was still so 1970s. That was over a half-century ago. Where have you been? What rock or rabbit hole have you been hiding under?

I know I know. You always wanted one of those Neumann this cutting lathes. We all did. Now they are affordable. When you really should have purchased a Scully. As they later made tape recorders that were pretty fine. I know. I was there last Quality Control Manager and Technical Troubleshooter. Without a college degree.. As I had to work with the other 2 electrical engineers and one mechanical engineer. Who could punch in the numbers for me. For the modifications I needed to make. Of course I would make the modifications first. They would figure out the math that I had done. Without doing the math. Because that's where genius comes from. It doesn't come from a textbook. It doesn't come from a mathematical equation. You have to think about something. And that is very difficult for most Homo sapiens to do. With college degrees. It's unfortunate but true.

So where do we go from here? I say Digital. I been digital now myself since 1983. And it is unfortunately PCM. But it sounds better than vinyl. Thank you very much. It sounds more like the master recording. The Producer, Artist and Engineer, created and Accomplished. Without you scrambling all the sound. To get onto a bunch of crunched up liquefied dead bugs.. I mean think about that. They might want you in Zimbabwe perhaps Kenya? They are slightly behind the times there. I think they just created fire? So they will definitely want a Neumann VMS-70 disc cutter like yourself. A fossil. From a bygone era. That should stay, By Gone! It's bad for the environment. Why are you doing that? Don't you care? If we live or die? Because you want to cut into dead crunched up bugs? Why don't you just raise bunnies instead? And feed them dead bugs meal. Because there's lots of bugs in the world that need to be eaten. Not made into records! What the hell are you thinking? What will we do without bugs? If we waste them all on records? There's only so many bugs in the world! Of course they are not like the dinosaurs. And they keep making more but? They are bugs! They are not electronic reproduction systems! They are dead bugs. Stop playing with dead bugs already! What is the matter with you son?

I mean honestly man? That must be some really good beer you are drinking. It shows.

@RemyRAD - 18.06.2024 20:06

What is really being described here is a very complex and involved, cockamamie religious procedure. It is entirely unnecessary. Wastes far too much time and resources. It adds to pollution. It is unhealthy polyvinyl chloride we are talking about here. It needs to be removed from the environment. This is over. This is done. Time to send these lathes. To the scrap yard. Let us recycle that metal. It has lived beyond its value and usefulness. While helping to continue the pollution of the planet. And for what? Incredibly selfish narcissistic humanoids? This is why we have the EPA. They protect human lives. Mostly American lives here. Would've had far reaching influences around the world. Because America is the Greatest Country in the World. And we have been since 1776. But for those not interested in history the don't want to be Woke. How would they know? That cannot possibly concerned them. It's history. And they have no desire to be Woke. But they have college degrees. So I'm not quite sure what that means?

It's difficult as an intelligent person. To try and construe. What insane primitive creatures are doing? With their religious fantasies, cults and procedures. Like offering young women as sacrifices. On top of pyramids. And kick them in the ass. Watch them fall down the stairs of their death. What fun! Yay. Grab another. Keep it going until they are all gone! And the boys will have a great time. Cutting records. Using crunched up dead bug butter. On tasty, 12 inch cookie snacks. And he goes through hundreds every month. Along with the beer. And never any time to shave. He is so busy cutting bugs. He never figured out what to do for a career? So he ended up cutting bugs. With a fine tooth of his comb. One little itty-bitty tooth. And so he can only drink beer.

I really think you need some more pot. To figure out what's going on. It makes sense of everything.

@RemyRAD - 18.06.2024 20:23

No in London. They have far more money to spend. I mean the king has prostate cancer. And he needs to see some action now. And to discover the potential profits thereof. They haven't had a Beatles in a while. Beatles is just a term of making a big chunk of cash from little or nothing. And the King is very keen on that. Especially with prostate cancer. As everything is government-funded for entertainment over there. They learned their lesson back in the 1960s. Of how to do it. And the financial chances they will take.

That is to say. I've heard a number of other British groups that were coming out of Studio-B Abbey Road EMI. Recorded with their procedural methodology. And they all sounded like the very first couple of Beatles cuts. They all sounded the same. They all sound like the Beatles.

But then John Lennon Paul McCartney and the gang smoked a bunch of pot and took LSD. George Martin did not like this. He told me. He would leave the session. And simply tell Geoff Emerick. Do whatever John tells you to do. He's got enough money. If you ruin a microphone. He will pay for it. And you will not get fired. And Geoff Emerick said okey-doke.

And from there. We got different recording techniques. That up until that time. Had not been used. And it's all John Lennon's fault actually. Not even Les Paul. Not even Elvis. None of those guys were trying to destroy microphones. Like John Lennon told Geoff Emerick, to do. And it was those $10,000 each microphones we use today. That's what they are worth today. I had a couple of my own. I recently sold them. After owning them for over 40 years. So I know. I never put those in my bass drums. I put the $100 microphones into my bass drums. Sometimes the $275 microphones. But usually the $100 microphone. But Johnny wanted that Neumann U-47 or maybe it was a 48? Inside the bass drum. And that's how our lives all changed. We simply elected to use the $100 microphone. And would sort of be like using a brand-new Neumann rereleased, U-67 vacuum tube microphone today. That cost $5000. To use inside your bass drum. Yeah no. Most of us will not do that. Unless you have a $30,000 contract or so. And maybe not even then? Because we are not on LSD like John Lennon was. Like these guys might be? Jumping through hoops. Of crushed up compressed dead bug Patty cakes. And packing them and praying over them. Spraying them with gas. Spraying them with holy waters. Lying them reverently face down. On a soft piece of paper. LOL. Why would you do that? It never did anything to hurt you? You don't like them right side up? I like my partners right side up. Sometimes 69. But that's both of us.

I am not sure with this elderly young man is, into? He's playing with crunched up dead bugs. And praying over them reverently. Handling them with, nonhuman skin. Spraying unforeseen ions at it. And doing a little dance of glee.

It's a good thing you can still cut some records for your friends. I haven't purchased one since the 1980s. I was so glad they were going away. I thought. They were going away. But there are those little audio church lady men. That have not gone away. Not yet. They will soon enough. As I'm a Baby Boomer of almost 69. I will be going away soon enough. To the great Mag Tape Library in the sky.. I walked away from by the turn of the new millennium. Out with the old. In with the new. You know? That's the only way you can make babies. Or maybe that's in with the new and out with the old? I am not certain? Either way it works. Most of the time you get a perfect baby. But not all of the time. Sometimes they catch those mistakes before they happen. Other times not. Because mommy is selfish. And wants to doom her child to a life of disability. So she can have a baby. A very damaged baby. And so we should shun science. We don't want to be Woke. We don't care about the environment. Or people getting poisoned to make your records. That is the ultimate in Selfish Narcissism. Good show old boy. You are batting 1000.

You really need to figure out something else to do for a living I think.

@grumpytuber - 20.06.2024 11:10


@grumpytuber - 20.06.2024 11:13

Blowin’ in the wind 1000 times? no thanks.

@walterhoenig6569 - 21.06.2024 04:17

You misspelled’Chief’.

@jgm65203 - 22.06.2024 01:04

Great story- thanks for sharing

@timkimware3537 - 23.06.2024 09:00

“Cheif” “Enginneer”? Y’all need an editor (and less B-roll filler)! Very interesting video, though.

@xtraflo - 05.07.2024 00:33

"1 of 1 and Destroy the Rest" - yeah right. A Recording that special, I Guarantee they made a couple extra for themselves!!

@CM-lk6du - 09.07.2024 08:38

Please don't use stock videos/images to convey very simple concepts. I would rather look at his expression.

@patrickstorey6576 - 09.08.2024 20:09

So did the magic coating for the lacquer actually do what it was supposed to do?

@RadioShack-vo2sn - 30.09.2024 04:15

