Early Median and Persian Kings - Deioces, Cyaxares, Astyages and Cyrus the Great

Early Median and Persian Kings - Deioces, Cyaxares, Astyages and Cyrus the Great

History with Cy

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@Coldbrew365 - 18.05.2022 22:37

A Persian new year? How?

@m.b.y6130 - 28.06.2022 12:37

Long live Iran 🇮🇷

@zolykhamekael5511 - 06.10.2022 14:26

This vedio was so good as for me i am a kurd in iraqi kurdistan

@aliakturk2418 - 22.10.2022 06:34

That is why persian are Indian they are the same people. The Kurds are totally different and they are amazing people..

@Azaritalebi - 02.12.2022 23:01

Corrections , In today Iran no one climes to be Persian . Parsua was one state of Ar-ATTA . some believes the Turk tribe of Parsmush have some thing to do with it which we do not have prove of it .
Over 63% of entire population of Iran are Turks in ancient time more like were over 90% . why ?
Assyrians first of all have written the Turk history other than that I could had to agree with you no choice with Altay theory ! Hpw ever Ormieh theory answers all questions , Mada means owner 4 years sheep in Turkish. Sheep were way of life in ancient time if you do not know i can give you example even in western countries how important they were ....
Mada united the other turk tribes such as Xarxar , kise sue , Gezel bot with two Bailarlks , silbar , Arapha , Maday ...then they Ally themselves with Kurds in ancient Khrasun ( which it is in eastern of Iran) and Babylon and it Took them 60 Years to take the Assyrians out of the map . they moved the kurds from eastern country to the western country and Assyrians started learning the Kurds language !
Sir they are ruins in caucus over 5000 years old that people used to celebrate new years ! Fars came in this country about 2700 years ago not a single ruler of this country was fars other than 200 years Arabs have ruled this nation all rulers were Turks . you are mentioning persians or kurds they have been in this land past 2600 years Manna in Azarbaijan and Mada and prior to them all were Turks .
Cyrus was not that great . past 95 years Jewish and Greek histories have come in this country Fars like birds have started gobble away !

@Azaritalebi - 02.12.2022 23:33

Turks . were original population of Ar -atta ( my fathers land ) or today Iran and plus .
Mada built empire and 1500 years later Fear Dosie called them Persie and other empire in our country he call them them Turan after ruling of family of Toor . In fact their true name was suga ! Suga empire were covering northern half of Asia,eastern Europe , caucus ....
But there is whole a lot left from Suga . all we know that Turk tribes such as ALMUA , MAJAR , BUGAR FINDLANDARS and others have moved to europe in 2500 BC and Ar-yana or Aryans cut lose after over 2000 years slavery and with the time they moved to the afghanistan most of them moved to the India some moved to the northern china and mixed with chines we call them Mongols yet small tribe by traveling nights they reached to the southern of Elam which it was occupied by Assyrians.
since 1936 this fars tribe have been busy to built persian history and Persian culture because of 2nd arab language farsi ottoman Turks and turk families used to rule my country have used it that gave them bigger edge some one like call this land persia , yet these people have been busy by changing the names . 6000 years old gezel osen river gets call Zerine e rood , or Pupag the king in Sassanie dynasty or Azarbaijan national hero Pupag gets called BABAK .....
i can give dozens of example that they were not any persians for along time. Greeks were proud of their town when Turks got in there city question was where are their city . Soldiers gave them answer. in Parsua . the word of Persia started from their on !

@Azaritalebi - 02.12.2022 23:51

Cyrus history have lots of differences ! His Turk grand father ordered to get him killed because it was Turk culture to predict the future , Allow me explain few things about Turks , Most Turks do not even know it . their religion gets practice along with Islam and Christianity among the people New year celebrations customs also belong to the Turks ...
in age of 7 Cyrus was brought in to the Palace, up to age 25 years old he was educated by his grand father . in age 25 he decided to go visit his fathers family in south when he returned he killed his grand father and he became solo ruler of the empire . when he arrived to gates of Babylon they did not know his grand father have been killed they though the grand son of their ally is out . he did the same thing with Babylon that he had done it with his grand father...
Sir this Man was not a hero Jewish histories and greeks history have made a hero .
about 95 years ago no one have heard cyrus in Iran ...

@Reign119 - 10.12.2022 19:37

This was pretty good! Thank you love!

@Amadeu.Macedo - 13.01.2023 19:42

Hello Cy! As customary, I truly enjoyed (and learned from) this historical production!
Most importantly, while I was barely familiar, beforehand, with the name "Deioces," II was not aware of any detail of his life and progeny. Under these circumstances, I was delighted with (and surprised by) my immediate recognition of the name "DAHYUKA," due to his participation in one of my favorite historical novels (consisting of two books) titled: 1) The Assyrian; and 2) The Blood Star (both of which constituting the mini-series "Tiglath Ashur") by Nicholas Guild.
According to such an adventurous/romantic "epic," its fabulous protagonist - Tiglath Ashur - would have been Sennacherib's son (by a Greek concubine), who would have grown up along with his dear brother "Esarhaddon," given that they would have grown up together in the palace's "House of Women,"
According to the novel's plot, Tiglath Ashur would have been his father's favorite and would have been designated as the king's legitimate successor on the Assyrian throne (if he could have had his way). Yet Esaharddon's powerful, malignant, and extremely clever mother Naqi'a-Zakutu would have manipulated/blackmailed the almighty god Ashur's "High Priest" to formally nominate her son - Esarhaddon - as the legitimate future king (representing the god's command).
Anyhow, during several episodes, following a bloody battle, whereby Tiglath Ashur obliterated the Medes, he would have met and befriended "Dahyuka," subsequently meeting him several times. Since their friendship eventually became very close, these men would have become "brotherly" to one another).
Anyway, thank you so much for this video, for it enabled me to reconcile Deioces with Dahyuka, thereby enhancing my historical knowledge and my appreciation of the said novel - which highlighted many times the mysterious Dahyuka" in the (second) volume (The Blood Star).
Thanks for the clarification. Cheers!

@karwanrostem5569 - 23.01.2023 15:26

Well done. I really enjoy your videos.

@WanderingVincent - 14.02.2023 00:13

I've become a bit of an Iranophile ever since discovering you and Trevor Culley's "History of Persia". Indirectly, it got me studying the histories of the Ancient Near East all the way to modern day alongside cultural topics like the Maronites of Lebanon, Zoroastrian texts like the Avesta, Golden age of Islam, and how it all interacted with the world. I got to study the fascinating history of Bulgaria as an indirect result of me indirectly studying Byzantine history due to the Sassanian Empire. Also learned to cook Lubia Polo :)
Thanks for all your videos and I hope there'll be many more to come!

@depaeskara422 - 25.02.2023 13:58

Nice video about the mede kurds .

Nawros and Zeruadtriam are kurds Medes hertsge

@Ardonbb - 26.02.2023 03:22

Do please of the Medes und there king 👑 Thank you

@EzKurdim1 - 07.03.2023 23:20

Medes were Kurds ❤️☀️💚✌🏼⛰️🦅

@user-ky7jx1cr5k - 28.03.2023 21:00

Deiocis-His name is Diyako. Still a popular name with the Kurds. Dahyuka meaning land in Kurdish. Diyako is known as the father of the Kurds.

@str.77 - 08.04.2023 09:48

Good video but the Zagros is still not in the west of Assyria.

@NinaNina-ry8fn - 08.05.2023 00:52

So you are a zoroastrian, very cool.💥

@martaakh8105 - 27.05.2023 00:58

Great people ❤👏

@susanpower9265 - 27.05.2023 15:48

This seems to be chronologically first video on Persian history/could you please arrange your videos so that they succeed each other in right order? also would like to know if on nowruz they still visit Cyrus THE Great tomb as your lovey painting at 0/40 shows? do you know where is this painting?
a 1971 video of the late Shah honouring Cyrus is one of my favourite historical videos so maybe you might like to provide a link to it as my new Iranian neighbour Darius and his wife Lydia both being much younger than me had never heard of it till i recently told him /while the former empress Farah of Iran seen in the video is still living at 85 in Paris and did so much to promote education/culture and history of PERSIA/ but alas not Biblical history of PERSIA for example like book of Esther which i always felt she should have done especially among women and their education as she is connected to TEHRAN UNIVERSITY

@ladyzioness - 10.06.2023 05:31

Bel and the Dragon 1:1-3
[1]And king Astyages was gathered to his fathers, and Cyrus of Persia received his kingdom.
[2]And Daniel conversed with the king, and was honoured above all his friends.
[3]Now the Babylons had an idol, called Bel, and there were spent upon him every day twelve great measures of fine flour, and forty sheep, and six vessels of wine.

THE BIBLE IS SO REAL evil doers took the records of ASTYAGES out because it was RELEVANT to HISTORY. The above scriptures is from the APOCRYPHA

@daeron1 - 22.06.2023 12:54

median kurds

@geoffreybslater1146 - 01.07.2023 09:44

However the Kingdoms of Mitanni and Urartu were also proto-Kurds who spoke Hurrian. So the connection of the Medes with Kurds needs some investigation.

@geoffreybslater1146 - 01.07.2023 09:46

Also it should be noted that all Turkic groups across Central Asia from Azerbaijan to Kyrgyzstan also celebrate Novruz

@geoffreybslater1146 - 01.07.2023 09:48

Also, Urartu was NOT Armenian ethnically since Armenia is a place name and the Armenians came from Thrace and are essentially Phrygian (Mushki).

@Cyaxares-of-great - 09.07.2023 15:17

Cyrus is med he is kurdish

@Teacher2Polis2XtraRice - 22.07.2023 22:22

King Cyrus also built a house in Jerusalem for God.

@John14.6OuO - 09.08.2023 02:26

I'm here cuz I was just reading the book of Daniel, so I wanted more insight on this. Btw👇

God LOVED YOU so MUCH that He sent His only son to die in YOUR PLACE so you won't have to die under Gods judgement but live forever IF you fully trust in Jesus, now that he's risen. Please repent 🙏🙏🙏

@markomarko451 - 25.08.2023 21:22

‼️ In 2001, an international symposium was held in Padua to review all accessible sources in order to present an accurate as possible account of Median history. Due to the lack of sources, no consensus was reached. However, it was generally agreed that there was no proof of the existence of a Median "empire" and that it should therefore be considered a hypothesis.[

@ڕووداوڕاستیەکان - 31.08.2023 09:26

Zagrosyan people 👍

@shaswarmuhammed-et2te - 14.09.2023 17:07

The Kurd is Gotian and Sumerian karda kardo kardochi kardos kurtie kurt kurd. Are more more older than farsi

@mitannie1033 - 29.09.2023 20:31

Yea , According to historians Medes are the Kurds , and Cyrus made it Persian and Medes one country . Since Kurds and Persians are blood line cousin and similar culture / language

@ZeeshanKhan-bu3kb - 03.10.2023 19:04

Both Medes and Persian were Iranian tribes

@livialivia1421 - 25.11.2023 18:14

Why all these piece of evidence are in London museum ?

@omranhoseinpour658 - 28.01.2024 13:24

Perfect 👋👌

@AaronPoitras-lg5rm - 29.01.2024 19:18

How about a video on the complete history of the k8ngdom of Lydia

@ariebrahim2011 - 22.02.2024 03:01

Median is kurdish befor parsian

@ariebrahim2011 - 22.02.2024 03:03

Median kurdish empir

@EEE-b7x - 24.02.2024 20:38

Based Kurdish empire

@aarishwani6602 - 05.03.2024 05:01

Newroz wa Perozbet. Happy Newroz to Persians and Kurds. Her Biji

@KurdishKing-v2e - 13.04.2024 09:15

Persians are t errorists

@bringemyoungpbuh4123 - 21.04.2024 02:19

So is Cyrus the Great and Darius the Mede the same person?

@rojvankoc7252 - 26.05.2024 01:50

The Kurds are related and have roots to the Medes. Those who deny it are ignorant or racists

@personalmobile9421 - 27.06.2024 21:27

Even a 7 years old by doing a simple search can understand Medes were Kurdish origin , and yet this channel is introducing them as bercians , this is nothing but a paid propaganda to steal the Kurdish culture and language and history , report and block this this channel my Kurdish people ❤️☀️💚

@salamyaya162 - 16.07.2024 22:08

Kurds have no connection to Medes except in their heads.

@user-cl5lv1ss3u - 19.07.2024 22:16

Median Empire Our Proud ❤☀💚

@Kurdish20226 - 05.09.2024 09:12

Medes have nothing to do with kirds

@bashdar_krzhay - 01.10.2024 00:43

Media empire kurd❤️☀️💚 kurd zagrosian not iranian

@TonnelEl - 09.12.2024 17:43

Media/Persia is one of the powers and principalities in the statue of Daniel. They have been edifying evil for centuries making satanic stars. I rebuke Darius the Mede

@AG-gm7sz - 19.02.2025 19:22

Media is Kurdish Empire in Zagros area ❤️☀️💚
