What Is The Biggest Mistake That Average Entrepreneurs Make?

What Is The Biggest Mistake That Average Entrepreneurs Make?

Todd Brown

5 лет назад

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@zeno_zone_1995 - 31.05.2019 16:58

My brother Todd dropping KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!

@iamjerrygoins - 05.06.2019 18:19

💪💪💪💯 gave me some ideas for my channel!

@BrooksHanes - 12.09.2019 04:46

Spit it

@ryanhartigan - 12.09.2019 07:12

I just don't agree on this topic Todd. This is the one thing I've seen you talk about that I disagree with, and I think you're probably one of the best in the industry at what you do. But there is a "time value to money". Money made today is worth more than money made tomorrow, or 90 days or a year out.

What if you use his strategy with an 360 day LTV. Sure, your leads today will generate more money - maybe even double the money that my leads today would make. But now I have direct money being made on day one and you have to wait an entire year to be profitable. That money I make can be leveraged internally to outcompete you with product development or put back into marketing campaigns - meanwhile you go deeper in debt until you have reached LTV360.

I think it also depends on what you have set up for a marketing process and business model. Are you selling a tripwire into a sales funnel that all sells them into your main offer? Or did you just sell someone a car off of no profit because you know they will buy one again in six years and by then the customer will be free?

I just don't think it's a end all strategy to describe how to operate a business. It just doesn't make sense when taken in context. Maybe for how you run marketing campaigns and with a tighter LTV, but not for every business model. It's a surefire way to bury yourself in debt if you're not going to monetize your clients fast enough.

@leonardopipa9984 - 12.09.2019 12:51

Could I take a chance, and say that I can earn money quickly on the back end by selling it Upsell?
In other words, I can say that Upsell is part of the backend. Did anyone get this view like me?

@olaabe8331 - 14.08.2021 11:38

Thank you for this. Front-end versus back-end.
