How do I get rid of forehead wrinkles? - Dr. Amee Daxini

How do I get rid of forehead wrinkles? - Dr. Amee Daxini

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@farhanqureshi9663 - 29.12.2017 13:06

mam where is ur clinic i want to meet you coz i have too much skin problm on my face
give me full address or whts app no.

@indirach4016 - 29.12.2017 15:32

Please doctor I need to meet dermatologist I have same problem & top of my nails black strep line so any advice can you give me if you don't mind your clinics what's up number please

@aspruhaprayas5493 - 28.08.2018 10:24

I'm a classical dancer... I'm 18
Nd early stages of wrinkles have started seen on my forehead
Plzz suggest a good anti aging cream

@aspruhaprayas5493 - 28.08.2018 10:25

I'm a classical dancer... I'm 18
Nd early stages of wrinkles have started seen on my forehead
Plzz suggest a good anti aging cream

@ayaanaly337 - 01.01.2019 13:33

Mam will u plz help me.... I hv facing some problems on my forehead wrinkles... Plz mam give me suggestion ...wt i will do

@hellohowrubye - 06.02.2019 17:59

Dr saiba nai khud baalo ki toopi pehni hai, Matha nazar he nahi a raha

@mudabbirakil3939 - 06.01.2021 16:02

Allah vorosha.

@lanadelreyyy-z9v - 27.10.2021 05:59

I got forehead wrinkles at a really young age but watching this video all she talked about was sunscreen or an anti aging cream but never really recommended any cream which really irritates me. She talked about botox too but not any kinds of other natural remedies, which I was expecting for

@divyatilwani2025 - 05.06.2022 20:17

Hello dr
Pl suggest me a good retinol nd vit c serum
My age is 55 yrs
My skin is dry
I don't like forehead wrinkels

@zparihar - 13.01.2023 23:15

Sorry, I think this is terrible advice. Getting Botox as a trap. It's a continual trap. Consider doing something like face yoga or exercising the muscles of the forehead, along with cream like retinol or vitamin A.

@oscargustaverejlander. - 24.01.2023 16:46

Just grow a fringe like her 🤣

@TVBASICINFO - 29.04.2023 05:01

this doc is nuts.., don't trust her.., funny how she talks about forehead wrinkles while covering her forehead with that ridiculous fringe.., look like forehead curtains....😂😂😂😂

@milademjayy - 06.10.2023 20:23

put chemicals on your skin to help you to get skin cancer.

@1111KO - 10.11.2023 17:47

...or just cut bangs to cover your forehead

@JHSN_6654 - 03.02.2024 13:08

Is it normal to have this at the age of 14?

@Rwarr_mitju - 22.06.2024 01:07

Is it normal to have this at the age of 11? Pls can someone tell me something that will work for it???

@sharifahmal-adros6360 - 22.12.2024 06:08

But all Botolinium Toxins(Botox) brands contain Human Albumin 😔😢. Any other alternative?


How do I get rid of forehead wrinkles? - Dr. Amee Daxini Doctors' Circle World's Largest Health Platform