Pros And Cons Of Living In San Antonio, Texas

Pros And Cons Of Living In San Antonio, Texas

Living in San Antonio, Texas

2 года назад

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@jeffwright9536 - 26.02.2023 15:01

I miss San Antonio

@ourhousetx - 08.02.2023 10:57

We moved to Schertz in 2008 and moved out of Texas last March. I agree with all that you said but would like to add to your cons... Bugs... The humidity brings on a lot of bugs. I was stuck in the house from May to Oct. Whenever I went outside I would be bitten more times then I could count. Also, our property taxes were super high. We paid over $450 a month of a basic track house of 1450 sq. ft.

@righand - 05.02.2023 11:16

I lived there for 3 years and it was some of the best of my life. I love that place.

@jamin6517 - 26.01.2023 21:44


@foreverkc8164 - 27.08.2022 05:23

That first bbq restaurant on Broadway is a tourist trap...210 best bbq is on Austin HWY The Big Bib
