i wouldn't mind dying with you.. -CBR 1000RR

i wouldn't mind dying with you.. -CBR 1000RR


55 лет назад

79 Просмотров

Follow my IG! @jakeramii

My exact camera set up links below!

-GoPro HERO 7 BLACK -https://amzn.to/3GSkrJ3

-Canon m50- https://amzn.to/3mRNG6N

-GoPro Mic Adaptor - https://amzn.to/3bNWDaE

-MotoVlog Mics -https://amzn.to/31B4VRA

-Helmet- https://amzn.to/3GTOVdr

**All videos are filmed in a closed course in Mexico, unless otherwise specifically stated.**

*All content posted under this domain has neither any affiliation with its poster nor any relation to the rider portrayed in any way which includes, but is not limited to his or her likeness, location, or personal identity.*


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