A Guide To Buying A Home In Ontario (2023)

A Guide To Buying A Home In Ontario (2023)

The Lisa Abbott Team

55 лет назад

333 Просмотров

Whether you’re a first time buyer, a new resident or you’ve been through the process before and would like a refresher, this video has everything you need to know about buying real estate in Ontario, Canada.

From the start of the process until you move in, this is a complete home buying guide for buying a home in Ontario. This is the ultimate roadmap for your journey and if you watch this video, you’re going to be miles ahead of other home buyers in the market when you decide to purchase a property.


00:00 - Intro
1:14 - What Are You Looking For?
4:27 - Prioritizing Your List
5:50 - What Type of Market Are You Buying In?
10:20 - Common Mistake Some Buyers Make
11:12 - Choosing Your Realtor
16:06 - Your Financing & Pre-Approval
18:35 - Down Payment & Deposit
22:32 - Additional Costs
22:54 - Viewing Properties
22:28 - Ranking Properties
29:00 - Making An Offer
32:15 - Conditions In Your Offer
35:14 - Accepted Offer!
36:29 - Firm Offer
37:15 - Do NOT Do This Before Closing Day
37:57 - Final Walkthroughs (Buyer Revisits)
38:41 - You MUST Do This On Closing Day (Important)

Here’s how I can help you:
📅 Book a Call With Me: https://calendly.com/lisa-abbott-team
📗 Free Guide for Home Buyers: https://bit.ly/home-buyers-guideYT
🏘️ Search For Properties: http://oshawahomesales.com/Communities
🫱‍🫲 Find You An Agent In Your Area - Email/Text/Call Me

📧 Email: [email protected]
📱 Text or Call: 289-600-5502
🟫 Instagram (Jessie): https://www.instagram.com/jessiemclellan
🟫 Instagram (Team): https://www.instagram.com/listwithlisaabbott
🟦 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaAbbottwithjazz

Recommended Videos 🔽
🎥 5 Must Know Home Buying Tips: https://youtu.be/CA2lFYI5Ws8
🎥 Canadian Real Estate Has “Enormous Shock” Coming: https://youtu.be/utWnUX9FHA0

** You should always seek your own advice from a professional of your choice and confirm that any information in this video is relevant to your local area & market as things can vary between markets.

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