Another outstanding presentation of yours! I really like this project so bought your plans (I usually just try to “wing it” - but your plans are awesome - very comprehensive and very reasonably priced!)
I actually found I can get the entire project pieces cut plus have a 24” (approx) size piece left over using a 10 foot picket.
I have one suggestion - and that is to cut the gable(s) off the dog eared end(s) of the picket(s) - that way you have a lot less waste. (If you’re using two pickets cut one off one and the other off the other picket. - that way you don’t have to waste wood squaring off of the dog eared end(s).
Man, what a great build.....
I can't wait to give this a try
Build is great...not sure the movie is the best choice...might want to read the plot
ОтветитьHey Matthew, 'What Manual?' You taught me something yet again. LOL! I always used one of my table saw sleds to cut notches or groves/slats. I looked at my 12" Rigid compound miter saw and realized I did have a depth set gauge that also locks the saw in place to fold up (contractor stand). In my defense, it is all black, including the groove measurements. Silly me. Awesome covered bridge bird feeder build.
ОтветитьI made this, thank you. only thing i did different was i used paint stir sticks for the shingles
ОтветитьWhat manual? I was 9. Dad was my manual. Lol
ОтветитьI think burning the roof shingles would look really nice and add another layer of weather protection.
Ответить😅 What manual? I JUST bought the exact same mitter saw! I haven't even opened the box yet! Love your content my brother, And the inspiration! Thanks man, i appreciate you.
ОтветитьManual? There was a manual? Hmmm?
ОтветитьWhat manual?
ОтветитьGreat video and project. Man is a great teacher. Soft voice and shows almost every step. Will watch more of his videos.
ОтветитьWhat manual? Hey Matt! Love the out come! How would you guys make the "slats" with out a sliding miter saw??
ОтветитьWhat manual?
Ответитьwhat manual?
Ответить“Who was that guy, and he said WHAT?”
“Manual. He said he’s got a nice tool.”
WHAT MANUAL I just watch your video's and learn with out reading manuals!
ОтветитьWhat manual
Ответитьgreat job Matt. Love the design . I added 3/8 x 4inch dowel under ea. window to help the larger birds. they all seem to love it. It's a little difficult to fill though. thinking of a strap hinge for the top some how for easier fill
ОтветитьGreat project. I do love how you made the cedar shingles. I have purchased cedar shims and cut them with a utility knife or on the band saw. It is time consuming, but worked for me. I have also placed a thin strip of copper shim stock on the peak on the projects that I have built with a cedar shingle roof, just a little more pop. Love your work. Keep them coming. Oh ya, Happy New Years.
ОтветитьThis is a really great looking project! I have had problems with the ends of the sidewalls splitting and breaking off when cutting out the side windows on the ends….any tips to prevent this? 1/2” thick cedar fence pickets split easily.
ОтветитьI'd suggest adding a removable cupola to the top to fill it...good video, Happy New Year!
ОтветитьLove the project . Since I’m into HO Trains. The only thing different is on the ends. Make the ends a little more taller so the train can go through !! Lay in some track your set for your train layout. Joe
Ответитьthey come with a manual? what's that?
ОтветитьLol. WHAT MANUAL?!!!
ОтветитьSo which do you now think I should buy, or what do you like more, brad nailer, or crown stapler? This is the first video I've seen you use a stapler in. I own neither at the moment, but plan on buying one before long.
ОтветитьWhat manual, we don't need no stinking manual! LOL. Many years ago I worked with my grandfather in his woodworking business when I was 16 to 19 when he passed away. I took what I had learned there and worked in a cabinet shop for 2 years until it burned down. After that, I worked in a number of mechanical jobs in the packaging industry until my recent retirement as a project manager. Through all those years I always wanted to return to my roots in woodworking, and now I have the time. I just this month bought some good used equipment a Delta 3hp Unisaw just like Gramps had a six-inch jointer, and a Grizzly 15-inch planner, I already had a drill press, compressor, and a lot of hand tools. I love the way you present things, you really have my imagination ticking over, and I look forward to your next video always keeping an eye out for them. Thanks again so very much.
ОтветитьWhat manual?? Ha cherries and berries started popping while writing this, have to go back and re-watch that, thanks for your work
ОтветитьWhat manual? I've spent enough time with and around tools, the manual is usually less about what features a tool has and more a matter of where they are.
ОтветитьManual? What manual? Cool project for the pile of fence boards (when the snow & ice melts off them).
ОтветитьWhat manual ?!?!? We don't need no stinking manual. 😅
ОтветитьWhat kind of fence pickets do you use and do you run them through a planer before you start?
ОтветитьWhat Manual?
That's all i have to say about that.
hey matt, made 5 covered bridge bird feeders for xmas gifts , then had to make two more for others that saw and loved them, also made one for myself and mounted it to a pole in my front yard. filled it with bird seed but unlike the other feeders in my yard the seed never got eaten. checked with my son , the recipiant of one of the gifts , his feeder remained full also. i added a little perch to each entry and now i have to fill everyday. the birds were having a vdifficult time flying up into the feeder. just thought you might mention it to see if other are having the same issue,
ОтветитьWell Matt, I’m not in the doghouse but I live in an area that has five of these covered bridges and I am forever seeing we call him flatlanders they drive up here to see the leaves on the trees, but they have the same trees in there STATE, and they’re the same color as ours however they come up north with pockets full of money And if I went next to one of these bridges and just sat there with a few of these on my pick up truck tailgate I bet you I could sell every one of those that I build during the
❤️🔥LEAF PEEKER season❤️🔥
What manual
Men do not read manuals
The only problem I see is your uprights you cut across the grain so they will be weak and crack later on other then that I love it simple money maker for sure I suggest making the side walls in sections with the grain running up an down keep up the great work brother
ОтветитьWhat manual ? Now I have to check my saw when I get home. I think all your ideas are great. Keep them coming. How do I get your plans if I want to make what you did?
ОтветитьI live in Knight's Ferry California, home of the longest covered bridge west of the Mississippi. Your video just gave me the idea to modify your design to look like the K.F. bridge.
Ответить"what manual?" I'll be damn....
ОтветитьWhat manual? Now I'm going to have to wade through the snow out to the shop and look to see if I have a depth stop on my miter saw. I'll be retiring at the end of February and plan to make things to keep busy and hopefully make a little extra money. Your channel is very helpful, thank you!
ОтветитьWhat manual!??😂 I just “read” mine!
ОтветитьWhat safety glasses are these?
ОтветитьWhat manual!? 😂 I love this idea! I lived in the northeast for many years and I used to trout fish under a lot of covered bridges so this brings back some great memories!
ОтветитьVery nice bird house but guaranteed squirrels will eat all the seeds unless you make a shielded opening fortress where squirrels can’t get in.
ОтветитьAwesome build you Rock🤘🏻 However when I was watching this build I kept thinking if he attaches the roof to the bridge won’t it be difficult to put bird feed into the awesome feeder? Or can you just have the roof sit on top to make it easy to remove to put in bird seed? What do I know I am a beginner, and I might have missed you explaining something in the video. Or I guess there could be away to have the floor slide out for placing bird seed? Any way like I said I am a beginner what do I know😂 Awesome build
What manual. We don't need no stinking manual...
ОтветитьI am going to start my attempt at this. 3/9/2025