#紫鋰輝 #Kunzite 又稱情人石,可吸引到情人的寵愛。可平衡抑鬱情緒,振奮心情。帶來平和、積極的態度、可消除緊張壓力,是暢通人體七輪的重要寶石。
Kunzite can assist you with your anxiety and depression. It’s a good stone that can enhance your communication with the person you love.
It will help you overcome any obstacle that you’re facing in your relationship.
Kunzite will also restore your trust in yourself and others. All the bad experiences that you have gone through will only make you better in time.
It helps young mothers who are having a tough time taking care of their young child.
It’s a pretty effective stone that will help overactive children settle down come bedtime, and the stone’s energies will also help young children have a good night’s sleep.
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