Redbad - Official Trailer (2018)

Redbad - Official Trailer (2018)

Epic Pictures Group

6 лет назад

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@commonce420 - 02.09.2018 01:18

Why so few views? It appears to be an exciting film and this is the official publisher.

@blessingumukoroadebayo767 - 21.09.2018 07:37

This is like vikings

@fahritopcu - 30.09.2018 21:07

bad work

@bounceengine1536 - 28.10.2018 01:45

cinematography looks amazing

@ahmedaboudeef2833 - 03.11.2018 09:43

منصحشي حد بفرجته

@RayoSombrio78 - 30.12.2018 22:47

At least, this is ethnically accurate and we don't see black people as frisians. i am tired of hollywood changing history for the sake of diversity.

@hollandmeester347 - 02.01.2019 21:01

Duidelijk een regisseur die geen kaas van regisseren heeft gegeten. Net als Oerlemans met Nova Zembla......

@historywithhilbert - 06.01.2019 16:25

Oh dear...

@mrrolandmusashi - 09.02.2019 22:03

Badbad? oh. Redband.

@peregrinus44 - 28.04.2019 17:19

That`s right: Red is bad

@conillet - 18.05.2019 23:42

Read some reviews and then - largely - believe all the bad bits. Above all, the script SUCKS big time, and the characters are not just flat, but inconsistent and unbelievable.
The best thing I can say about this film, other than its notable production values and some impressive vistas, is that the hero's son is called Poppo.

@Deutschland-qt6cg - 04.02.2020 18:24

The World Was A Better Place Before Christianity. The Pagans Did Not Go Around Slaughtering People For A Religion Like The Christians Did.

@space-zx6ik - 15.08.2020 20:27

why all historical films about southern Europe are shot with colorful clothes and in sunny weather. But all films about the Baltic region, vikings, anient England, always shown in gray colors, yelling as schizophrenics in bad weather and people are dirty, wearing in torn clothes and looks like bums?

@sadsackkvisling9694 - 05.10.2020 01:41

Radbad, Grute Per, Goetz Ehrenfaust, Widukind, Tothilla, Georg Frundsburg... all great warriors.

@singhpawar6036 - 27.01.2021 03:06

Baptize for what, to create more trouble. Wars were fought blindly without any reason. One thing is very very clear that olden time people were forced to war by some missguided leaders. Religion is nothing.

@urbnctrl - 20.02.2022 17:33

Missed opportunity to have actual Frisian speaking actors in this movie. Big time.

@CNGCYoutube - 25.05.2022 00:38

1/16th Dutch and proud of that

@Nanachi79 - 25.07.2022 01:43

I tought he was Kristofer Hivju...better known as Tormund Giantsbane...

@littlehat5188 - 14.08.2022 04:33

Oh the pain of watching this, might as well just had Hollywood make this crap

@guzelataroach4450 - 07.09.2022 20:08

Long live charlamagne

@bekeeugonna9365 - 22.09.2022 10:56

One of the best movies I've watched in my life. Kudos 👍

@PabloMardi - 09.10.2022 21:18

I love it

@misplacedsouthern1236 - 29.01.2023 03:28

WOW! Really Excellent! This got better & better. The ‘stand-in King/Leader Redbad’s Cousin? seems to always be on the Verge of Crying! Once was in okay but later it seemed excessive around such brave men, women & children which may have been done to emphasize how weak he was. How this guy come back to life? The cool little boy, Crown Prince, when his Father dies he seems to be the strongest. He didn’t see his Uncle coming for him, though. The most evil of all. That’s how you handle an ‘HEIR PROBLEM!’ My compliments to the Writers! 🇺🇸👏👏👏❤

@xurajpatel5916 - 02.02.2023 15:25

Long live the heroic people who defended their country and people against mentally enslaved freaks .

@kojivamracku9690 - 02.03.2023 03:53

Female warriors again...get off this fucking crap...

@redterrorproductions1373 - 02.03.2023 23:30

Kinda funny to see Mike as a frankish nobleman

@HYDROCARBON_XD - 06.04.2023 22:16

At least the Frisians are blonde and white like the actual ancient people and not black like most Hollywood woke shits

@dakotasharpe6397 - 09.09.2023 00:01

Redbad was one of my great grandfathers!

@yolobuck2553 - 05.10.2023 09:19

Get those pagans!

@gregoryvanjacobs7031 - 01.11.2023 23:50

Very good movie have the dvd

@ottodurczok7013 - 10.11.2023 19:47

Trailer music?

@JerzyDylewski-r9h - 21.11.2023 03:15

Zydowski paszkwil na chrzescijanstwo.

@bushokjew00t - 20.04.2024 04:27

Deze film was nog slechter dan Napoleon... Weer een gemiste kans voor echte historische films

@thomasjones4570 - 20.04.2024 15:47

Could not get into it. They made a massive mistake of writing this so Redbad and the Frisians were 100% good and the Franks/Christians were 100% evil. it undermined a story that could have been great by having to use every good/evil trope and made a lot of the characters unbelievable.

The production, costumes and sets were fantastic but some of the fight scenes needed a bit of work especially the ones with Redbads wife...great example is a part where someone is about to step over Redbad and come down with an axe on him and she does a super jump from about 10 feet away off an incline and somehow comes down on him with her sword in the front of his chest even though she was to the side of him.

Anyway, a great opportunity lost.

@emrearslan1541 - 29.07.2024 07:45

Christianity was the biggest threat and i wish they would be more careful

@AyoyinkaOduyoye - 21.08.2024 10:52


@Howitzer09 - 12.11.2024 22:06

Eala frya fresena ❤

@Richard-rz4ug - 18.02.2025 18:51

what happen to his sister was she set free
