Armada - Squadron Storage Method - Magnets

Armada - Squadron Storage Method - Magnets


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@patrick.bastiaensen - 18.03.2020 14:25

dam muskito nest

@flaviobertholdo8371 - 18.03.2020 14:27

I do hope that makes you play with squadrons more, or else, that was for nothing. Want to see more carriers builds from both factions.

@patrick.bastiaensen - 18.03.2020 14:30

baking paper and metal plate work to Crabbok, when the gleu is dry, peal the paper off

@TheManFromGallifrey - 18.03.2020 14:31

Cool idea

@patrick.bastiaensen - 18.03.2020 14:36

i can disgn something for the U-Thing of the ship

@Biodragon882 - 18.03.2020 14:37

Kinda wish we got more Bounty hunter squadrons, or crime syndicate ships

@OscarBSilao - 18.03.2020 14:43

feldherr foam+bag ?

@alexgloor7414 - 18.03.2020 14:51

Interesting. Magnets are such a great way to store and transport war game minis

@AlphaLegionTacticoolShitposts - 18.03.2020 15:06

Storing them is annoying but they way too fun not to play with.

@wordwyrd - 18.03.2020 15:34

Blue nitrile gloves could be helpful, no?

@gilbertogawa9372 - 18.03.2020 15:53

Why just sand it down just enough so you can fit the magnet?

@joshuaarundell3764 - 18.03.2020 16:20

Would be great to see you using more squadrons again!

@Tom-cl1wx - 18.03.2020 16:34

Have you ever considered putting magnets in the stems of ships

@vineheart01 - 18.03.2020 16:55

i use individual boxes (think simple deck of cards type box) that are just big enough to hold a squadron. It helps me keep them organized as theyre individually marked and stack beautifully. The core box holds i think its like 50 squadrons in these boxes nice and snugly.
Doesnt work very well for the Ships though as i tend to fumble with getting those out lol

@xombie7979 - 18.03.2020 16:57

squadrons make for fantasy play it makes armada feel real

@Giraffasaur - 18.03.2020 17:07

As a somewhat new player, and as a squadron player, I am very much in awe over your vast quantity of squadrons sir.

@Broforce1 - 18.03.2020 17:15

This sounds dumb but use a stack of magnets for the Ships base (not on any of the bits that come down). Only glue the bottom one, then when you take them off the rack to play you can remove all but the one glued magnet from the stack so you have nothing hanging down that can hit obstacles

@nancyleerollins7363 - 18.03.2020 17:23

I know you say you don't like squadrons but if you had to pick one to use every time which one would you pick

@asinglegreatarmada1998 - 18.03.2020 17:27

I've painted 15 Warhammer armies, and 1 legion army. I am VERY hesitant to start customizing my Armada fleets for some reason. I have painted the edges of the base cards/discs, and the tokens but that's it. The white stands are tempting though.

@PStew64 - 18.03.2020 17:42

I will have to try this!

@Bazscoobz - 18.03.2020 17:53

Hey dude, is there any known dates for armada restocks? New to the game but theres like nowhere i can buy anything 😂

@JKSSubstandard - 18.03.2020 17:55

Tip for superglue. Get a bottle of activator for like $5. A little spritz instantly sets superglue

@potatogrifter1097 - 18.03.2020 17:55

Great advice as always. Thanks man!

@Bobbyjones2345 - 18.03.2020 18:08

I like the foam trays from feldherr for squadrons. I don’t need more than a few dozen squads so a tray or two doesn’t take up very much space at all.

@johnstuke4850 - 18.03.2020 18:30

Magnets have served me well in 40k. This will definitely help with moving squadrons during tournaments.

@isped8650 - 18.03.2020 18:42

leaning tower of magnets

@lastresort1plays - 18.03.2020 18:51

Whenever the republic comes out you’re going to be using a ton a squadrons, their whole military doctrine was based on carriers.

@TwoYoots - 18.03.2020 18:56

I know what I'll be doing during quarantine!

@Istock5 - 18.03.2020 19:22


@theriddler2006 - 18.03.2020 20:54

"I got a magnet glued to my finger. Awesome."

@Kinetic_Animations - 18.03.2020 20:55

I hope we get Galactic Civil War ships before the Clone Wars comes out.

@xr8rgreat - 18.03.2020 21:20

Put a magnet on each of the side shields plastic peg

@trevorsatchell-sabalja3949 - 18.03.2020 22:26

It’s not a bad plan!

@jabbejonsson2773 - 18.03.2020 22:43

Great solution for squadrons!

@erichludwig2095 - 18.03.2020 22:58

I'm right with you on running squadron-less lists. They slow down an already slow game.

@paulking4097 - 19.03.2020 00:10

Great idear man, kinda wish I had this for my warhammer 40k back in the day.

@paulking4097 - 19.03.2020 00:17

Instead of horizontal why not vertical?

@shinraco - 19.03.2020 01:37

Lol I was hoping you had a solution to the ships magnetization

@susiduo3438 - 19.03.2020 01:54

Star Wars without squadrons is heresy :D

@austinstubblefield9907 - 19.03.2020 03:07

Put the magnet on the table, put the glue on the magnet, and then put the base on the top of the magnet. Voila! Fingers never have to touch the glue.

@keikan300 - 19.03.2020 04:35

I was looking at Armada and I thought that the squadrons were a cool aspect to them. A lack of people around to play it has dampened my interest.

@dobob3698 - 19.03.2020 04:42

To quote the late, great Leonard Nimoy: "Fascinating."

@neijia78 - 19.03.2020 04:55

I think I'm going to have to invest in some magna racks

@EliWintercross - 19.03.2020 07:37

That's a good idea.
Might have to get some magnets

@josephmoberly2109 - 19.03.2020 17:31

The issues you are having have been the same for me. Good idea on the 1mm magnets!

@Hailthecloudslayer - 19.03.2020 19:37

I would say I’m in the same boat... I’m still pretty new to armada but I do have a healthy collection of parts right now and they all reside in a single box. Convenient, yes but I end up fishing for most of my squadron parts. I’ll have to look into this later. Nice vid!

@doctorpwnagegaming - 03.07.2020 19:05

Hey Crabbok, why not try putting the magnets sideways on the middle piece of the ships? Alternatively, a 3D printing locking piece which could be magnetized and you set the ship on that so the ship is just physically stuck (so flipping it would still let it fall)

@FrozenFlesh - 05.12.2020 10:17

I just use Feldherr trays. You can easily carry your fleet or even your entire collection with you without being afraid of damaging them.

@Falcon52 - 26.09.2022 12:50

Quick Tip: If you get super glue on the tip of your fingers, just get an emery nail file and file the dried super glue of the fingers... this is a much much less painful option for having to scrape it off or peel it, and solvent free. Hope it helps
