Tips For Moving Abroad | The Expat Life Psychology

Tips For Moving Abroad | The Expat Life Psychology

ICONIQ Psychology

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@Patrick-ep4sf - 01.02.2018 22:01

Thailand! I mean, the answer to your question :D

@danikachilibeck3607 - 26.08.2018 18:39

Back to Austria! Or maybe Australia :)

@Dk-dy6gx - 13.04.2019 14:53

What if you're already isolated and live like you're alone....not lonely dont misunderstand. Sometimes family and friends that you have known all your life you feel disconnected.

@DAREDEVILBKLYN - 02.06.2020 21:17

I have been living in Colombia over 10 years. Tough at times but have family and kids with Colombian wife. Single life here for expats even tougher for some. Tough living overseas most people think we are all rich gringos. And only seen as opportunity by alot of people especially poor inlaws if married. Inlaws always looking for freebees and money down side for expats hard at times "mad stress". Positives good weather lower cost of living and can live cheaper.

@Jim_in_AR - 17.04.2021 17:55

Tips from Captain Obvious

@thiagodesouzaleao2792 - 24.09.2021 16:43

Very valuable tips. Congrats on the video!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

@jackofallvidz9418 - 17.02.2022 15:14

Im moving from scotland to melbourne in 11 days and my anxiety has sky rocketed. Why?
