$1100 Weekly Grocery & Holiday Shopping Haul for Our Family of 13!

$1100 Weekly Grocery & Holiday Shopping Haul for Our Family of 13!

Natural & Simple Living

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@victoriagootee6884 - 07.12.2024 06:27

Aldi had so many great finds this week! Loved the kid's pajama dresses ❤🎄✨❤️

@emyreotutar3187 - 07.12.2024 06:27


@larry8074 - 07.12.2024 06:29

Hello! So excited to see another Christmas shopping vlog with you and the family! 🎄❤😍

@FitWithJuliana - 07.12.2024 06:30

Merry Christmas!!!!!❤❤❤❤

@hannahgootee - 07.12.2024 06:31


@victoriagootee6884 - 07.12.2024 06:31

American Eagle has so many cute finds! Love the pink Christmas sweater you had on in the beginning, super cute!🎄💕✨

@GraceGootee - 07.12.2024 06:32

Love Christmas vlogs!!🙌❤️🎄✨

@Madelyngootee - 07.12.2024 06:32

HEllo! Only 19 days until CHRISTMAS!!!

@ceciliacalvin263 - 07.12.2024 06:37

It seems weird not to see Sofia and Cecilia not dressed alike. 😉

@jenniferfarvour4852 - 07.12.2024 06:45

This was such a beautiful video ❤🎄❤️ Thank you for sharing ❤🎄❤️

@rosalea1501 - 07.12.2024 06:54

Hello. I go thru so much mozzerela cheese. What brand do find to be best price?

@BeverlySmithJohnson - 07.12.2024 06:58

Our Aldi has opened in central Arkansas. I enjoyed my first trip there. Thanks for your tips for shopping at Aldi.

@peggycarnes-s8q - 07.12.2024 07:22

Great video. Love it!😊

@jamiekendall7245 - 07.12.2024 07:22

Hi Pamela, just an FYI, that hearts of palm pasta is horrible, not the taste but the texture. I love hearts of palm but that is not good.

@rebeccabaker572 - 07.12.2024 07:22

Loved the video

@lgootee7 - 07.12.2024 07:34

Super cute

@Robert-bt1bo - 07.12.2024 07:39

You and your husband have awesome girls and sons have an awesome family they're always smiling having fun shopping with you and your husband

@tarras3292 - 07.12.2024 07:54

Thank you for Sharing I find Your Shopping Videos relaxing and Helpful with Grocery Shopping and Cooking and Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

@sherri-iw8xq - 07.12.2024 08:15

Noah’s Ark Capelin Fish is one of the best dog and cat snacks I have ever bought for my fur babies🤗 There coats are brighter and they really have more energy and my son wants to eat them as well 😂😂😂😂😂 He is a fish lover 🤗🤗

@tiannastankoven3300 - 07.12.2024 08:25

Love your Christmas shopping content!

@naomihartman6623 - 07.12.2024 08:29

Our bananas are $4.50 a kilo in aus

@ZXX984 - 07.12.2024 09:21

I never knew that about yeast extract. Does it give you dry mouth? 😂 Thank you for your Aldi trip to prepare us in our area in FL for our’s coming 2/25. Are you doing a shopping haul without any kids? Like to see what you get them. Thanks Pam.😊

@kelliepineda9822 - 07.12.2024 09:29

I wish I could find boyseenberries or black berries n I would make jelly

@kelliepineda9822 - 07.12.2024 09:30

I found artichoke hearts with olive oil but has basil n I'm super allergic to basil

@kelliepineda9822 - 07.12.2024 09:36

I want ahusky

@НадеждаКруглова-щ6ш - 07.12.2024 09:38

у вас очень красивые дети счастья вам

@carolwhisenhunt7504 - 07.12.2024 09:41

So much fun. I love your family and love the videos.

@evaindriana5168 - 07.12.2024 09:46

Counting the days before having much needed 2 weeks off from the office 😊

@rhondaboggs5539 - 07.12.2024 11:32

My mom and me did a little shopping day. It's a yearly thing we do. And we go eat. This year, my mom chose Cracker Barrel. Great food.
I look forward each week to see your videos. I really enjoy them ❤❤

@naomihartman6623 - 07.12.2024 12:16

I love how Cecilia thinks of Sophia Alex and Thomas and her mum and dad

@shazzasmith1263 - 07.12.2024 12:29

Hi from a very windy london uk , I love watching you and your crew your girls are beautiful so lovely to see natural beauty, but the reason I have commented is about Cecilia and her catchphrase "let's a ago " I have told my mum (85) years young especially about Cecilia but I have noticed she hasn't been saying it lately could you give my mum a shout out shes had a really rough year and I think it would cheer her up her name is Joan , love to you all have a fantastic Christmas and stay safe xx

@teresaburton4373 - 07.12.2024 13:08

Another great video!!

@lornamaynard9708 - 07.12.2024 14:23

Love seeing you all ,I enjoy watching and seeing what you buy ,I don't know why , I weird that way , but just seeing how well behaved and I don't get to see my kids and grandkids much , this helps me love from Maine Lorna ❤️

@susangriffin6491 - 07.12.2024 19:31

Happy holidays! Greetings from Philadelphia PA USA

@debrasfrugallife3703 - 07.12.2024 19:39

I rather buy the mustards and ketchup at aldi . I grab 4 at a time last i think 6 months for my family of 4 nice to always have on hand. But mayo is the easiest to make plus way cheaper.just need to stock up on good olive oil and eggs 😅. I love you guys shopping trip always so fun 🎉🎉🎉

@soniabracero4013 - 07.12.2024 20:26

Happy Holiday!!🎄🕊🕯Hi can you give the recipe of hot cocoa with half and half 😊🎄

@tammyhouse4537 - 07.12.2024 20:56

What Religion was your family

@firstlast-js5yw - 07.12.2024 21:29

AMERICAN EAGLE LINK PLEASE for the pj pants and sweatshirt you picked! Perfect gift for my sister!!

@JessicaD-s8b - 08.12.2024 00:22

I live in Wisconsin and when I saw that this video was from Wednesday, my thought was oh no the weather is going to get so bad that day. Thankfully it looks like you didn’t have to drive in the worst of it!

@ConstanceRamos-jf6bu - 08.12.2024 01:48

I have never heard of St Nicholas Day but I’m catholic in the south

@TeresaStuart-l5e - 08.12.2024 09:54

Apparently the reason for the Aldi madness was these metal reindeer that are pottery barn dupes? People were acting like fools I heard😂

@jwt629 - 09.12.2024 07:16

My daughter got class8c Winnie the pooh friends and nice lego sets at Rhinelander Wisconsin Aldi. Super great prices.

@NavidQurei - 11.12.2024 07:41

I always praise the bags I buy from kislux , to be honest, its durability is very good, much higher than the original

@my5ks48 - 11.12.2024 19:46

I’m gonna have to take a trip to Aldi

@DaijaGrinage - 17.12.2024 22:29

Happy Tuesday Blessings ❤❤ great video 📸📸 great shopping 🛍️ thanks for sharing 😁😁 Stacey from Virginia 👋🏽🪷❤❤❤

@chasz-gc8cl - 19.12.2024 07:58

Aldi good shop.not bad like.❤

@vegemitegirl1971 - 06.02.2025 09:08

What is a burr basket? It's not something I have heard of.

@Simmon-x3j - 19.02.2025 10:21

I know I’m late to this video but it just put me right back into that Christmas Spirit! So glad Grace got some recognition in this vlog. But it seems like her sisters leave her out of there group. But besides that love you and your videos! 🩷🤩❄️
