Walk on Fire / 獵鷹計劃 (1988) - HK Full Movie w/ Eng Sub (Script: Wong Kar Wai)

Walk on Fire / 獵鷹計劃 (1988) - HK Full Movie w/ Eng Sub (Script: Wong Kar Wai)

Samuel Pang

55 лет назад

604,876 Просмотров

Sampan's Rating: B

After 1986's enjoyable "A Hearty Response" with Chow Yun Fat and Joey Wong, director Norman Law follows up with a script penned by none other than Wong Kar Wai. Though some bone-crunching action scenes and a eye-catching cast make "Walk on Fire" a decent romantic cop action thriller, there's really not much to say about this film that sets it apart from other Hong Kong cop movies from the late 80s. Martial arts fanatics will joy at seeing Andy Lau and Dick Wei go at it in convincing fashion, and fans of the always magnetic Kent Cheng and Cherie Chung will enjoy their presence.

Plot: Riddled with guilt, a gangster's moll helps two cops seek justice after their friend is killed by her crime boss.

Director: Norman Law 羅文
Producer: Ng See-Yuen 吳思遠
Writer: Wong Kar-Wai 王家衛
Cinematographer: Horace Wong 黃永恆
Editor: Poon Hung 潘雄
Composer: Tang Siu-Lam 鄧少林
Starring: Andy Lau 劉德華, Cherie Chung 鍾楚紅, Kent Cheng 鄭則仕, Ray Lui 呂良偉, Dick Wei 狄威, Lau Siu-Ming 劉兆銘, Maria Cordero 瑪利亞, Shum Wai 沈威



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