Warframe - Baro Ki'Teer Returns! [5th April 2024]

Warframe - Baro Ki'Teer Returns! [5th April 2024]


7 месяцев назад

4,992 Просмотров

#warframe #voidtrader #barokiteer
Baro, the void trader, has returned so lets jump in and see what he brings with him this time:

ivara in action glyph
voltaic strike
primed smite grineer
thermite rounds
primed magazine warp
primed cleanse grineer
prisma tetra
ki'teer presence
ki'teer foros shoulder plates
ki'teer foros chest plate
ki'teer foros leg plates
ki'teeer sentinel wings
prisma uru syandana
scimitar cydonia skin
parazon poster
prisma lotus sigil
tiberon elixis skin
lemnas staff skin
chroma immortal skin
don't be afraid poster
lunar renewal rabbit emblem
scoria diadem
gotva prime
sands of inaros blueprint
fae path epehemera
Baro Void - Signal

Baro can be located on: strata Relay earth on all platforms.

Don't forget, his items rotate, he will leave sunday so best to get in before sunday to make sure you can get something if he has something you want, if not, he will bring it back later.

My glyph is universal and the code "ORIGINALWICKEDFUN" is claimable at warframe.com/promocode OR by clicking on redeem code from the in game marketplace, will work on all platforms.

My Discord- https://discord.gg/m2Frx2E
Clan Discord- https://discord.gg/qUra2CF

outro Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Track name (unknown)
"Creator Program" Member Since 6th August 2020


#Warframe_(Video_Game) #free #Warframe #Warframe_Gameplay #Digital_Extremes #Wickedfun #original_wickedfun #playstation #xbox #ps5 #switch #Baro_Ki'Teer #location #relay #where_is_baro #what_baro_has #void_trader #baro_brought #baro_haul #baro_location #05/04 #04/05 #5th #april #2024 #primed #prisma #ki'teer #sugatra #sholders #console #pc #Sands_of_Inaros_Blueprint #which_relay #has #armor_set #where_is_void_trader #where_is #beacon #Baro_Void_Signal #immortal #this_week #Primed_redirection
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