5 Clues to Spot a 'Christian' Narcissist

5 Clues to Spot a 'Christian' Narcissist

Kris Reece

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@virginiarowe4204 - 12.09.2024 06:36

The word “Consistent”was very important. My ex- husband called me a hypocrite, now I know he was projecting.

@jewelsquinlan333 - 12.09.2024 04:00

I am so thankful for God leading me to you last night. 🙌❤️

@paulaboisvert105 - 11.09.2024 21:47

A TRUE BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN will know them by their fruits

@victoriayork9608 - 11.09.2024 03:22

My BFF needs almost constant sympathy for her many many physical ailments. She is at doctors every week, or the ER. She has called me out before because, as she puts it, I wasn’t sympathetic enough for something. 🙄 And oh boy does she dominate phone conversations! I am DONE talking to her on the phone.

@MaryWallace-wv2bn - 11.09.2024 02:17

In the most respectful way I can, I’m going to say.

Why are we always picking god as “all” good when he too was a murderous, gaslighting narcissist.

@deanna8217 - 10.09.2024 17:19

Wow, this is right on. I have been having an experience with a lady who insists I come to her Bible study, and if I don't I'm automatically relegated to "spending too much time in the world", even though she has no clue what I do in most of my time away from her. The last time I heard from her she left a rambling 6 minute voice text where she accuses me of things, then says she's not accusing me of the very things she accused me of a moment before, all the while throwing on the guilt trip on how much she's doing in life that' I'm apparently not. All the while ignoring my own concerns and feelings. .It's crazy. I never answered her. She's unhealthy, and I hope she'll go away.

@richvandervecken3954 - 10.09.2024 16:28

It is impossible for a Christian who reads the Bible and understands what it says even in the slightest to be a Narcissist. In order to become a christian you have to acknowledge your own personal failure to follow Gods commands which the Bible calls sin. After this personal realization of failing God you have to realize that there is absolutely nothing you can do to make it up to God and accept that you rightly deserve the consequences of this failure which is eternal separation from God which the Bible refers to as Hell. After acknowledging these to facts you also have to realize that Jesus came to this earth and lived a sinless life for which He was crucified suffered and died on the cross to pay the price to redeem you from your sins against God. This level of humility of spirit being totally conscious of complete dependence on Jesus for covering your sins and purifying you through His suffering and death on the cross is absolutely essential. The story doesn't end there however because Jesus arose from the dead, defeating death and giving hope to all of mankind that He is lord of all and has gone to prepare a place for those who humble themselves and receive the free gift of God which is eternal life. As a christian everyone is called to follow His example of self sacrifice and service to other human beings, to reflect each and every day for the rest of our lives on ware we failed today and asked Gods forgiveness and strength to correct our thinking to align with His plan and His love. In other words in order to be a Christian it requires a daily decision to die to our self interest and desires and put others needs before our own even in our thoughts. A Narcissist can never do this and therefore can never become a christian in the first place. There are many who were born into a family that went to church every Sunday that think this makes them a christian but that is not the case. Until the individual comes to very specific realizations and makes very specific decisions they are not a christian at all. This is why the Bible tells us that there will be many on the day of judgement who claim they followed Jesus and His response will be depart from me for I never new you. All because they never acknowledge there own sin and total dependence on the sacrifice Jesus made to redeem them.

@pearldupreez4432 - 10.09.2024 16:28

Good afternoon, I am not sure but it sounds like I am dealing with a narcissist. He has been single for 14 years, he lives isolated secluded lifestyle, house and garden is run down, only focusses on his clients,m they are his top priority. He never puts me or my emotions first. Shows no emotional signs, never cries, never consoles me when I am sad or hurting, hardly ever smiles at me but says he loves me. I have not had a good feeling about this friendship. No honesty or open discussions between us, cannot talk about future plans because i am always the one with serious issues - help please

@katrinawilson1901 - 10.09.2024 02:24

I don't think a true Christian can be a narcissist

@user-pm7oj5kx3e - 10.09.2024 01:29

I can understand that you’re trying to help people avoid toxic people and toxic situations, and it seems to me that a lot of these clues are oversimplifications for lots of behaviors and for lots of different reasons. To classify them all as narcissist seems to be too narrow, focused, and narrow minded. I know lots and lots of people who suffer from some of these less desirable less connective behaviors and could be the least narcissistic people ever because of past traumas and abuses and other issues that they have suffered, and they don’t know how to cope and deal with their problems. Saying these are exclusively narcissistic behaviors, and leading people to think that anyone who behaves this way is a narcissist doesn’t seem to be very Christian like and not allowing people to make mistakes and learn and grow. Maybe I missed something in this video; it didn’t speak to me the way the title indicated.

@talshaharfamily - 09.09.2024 19:51

God delivered me from 16 years of being victimized and put down and being felt as an extension of my wife.

@HomeCanner - 09.09.2024 18:25

I have been getting battered and harrassed by the most vile neighbors EVER! The wife made a big deal about attending "Christian counseling". She doesn't need "Christian counseling", she needs an EXORCIST!!!

@Clickybux - 09.09.2024 11:10

I think there is an element of narcissism in all of us lol

@marjorieondine9322 - 09.09.2024 06:59

In my humble opinion and experience, the most dangerous narcissist are Christians.

@GodIsLove1John416 - 09.09.2024 05:28

I've learned that no one has truly cared or loved me but what they could get from me until I was dry & shriveled up before discarding me

@Andrey-xs9hy - 09.09.2024 03:46

Those who believe in the pre tribulation rapture are the narcissist ask them "so you think you worthy of escapeing all the bad and evil", They would say well yea ive been faithful n and perfect in the lord eyes look how hes blessed I am I must be doing something right then say" what would Jesus do in your position , would he run away from evil and the antichrist would he leave to world darker for the rest of humanity or would he fight and be that light in the darkness yes he would .......... But they the narcissistic Christians wouldn't

@seventhson27 - 09.09.2024 03:13

Churches LOVE YOU wen you are packing their pews and filling their plates, but try to go to them when you are really in need and you suddenly become pariah.

@apro4499 - 08.09.2024 10:52


@mamaGentle - 07.09.2024 23:49

Spot on! Thank you for the video!

@georgeshajjar9051 - 07.09.2024 15:02

Seventy seven times.. Well, some people bypassed that by far.

@marylou7089 - 07.09.2024 15:00

When we point a finger at someone else, three fingers are pointing back at ourselves.

@carolined5923 - 07.09.2024 12:31

Your caption could suggest theres a difference between a Christian Narcissist and any other..in my experience there is not, they are all the same but different.

@chrisfreeman7936 - 07.09.2024 05:47

also watch out for sheep in wolves clothing

@timrose5783 - 06.09.2024 23:37

I don’t think it’s possible that a Christian can be a narcissist. The narcissist usually is operating through the demonic. But I have met quite a few in churches, and they will stab you on the back really fast if they don’t get what they want from you. My mom used to say the devil goes to church also.

@claudianatali3543 - 06.09.2024 20:37


@tanyaveith7607 - 06.09.2024 19:57

Your content is very comforting. I wish I could explain my narcissistic experiences as well as you do. Your words are really good.

@alonzoneloms5651 - 06.09.2024 19:53

To scam! To talk to! 😂😂😂

@crystalmitchell4161 - 06.09.2024 19:25

Very good video! I think I have a few narcissists in my life. I may have even been married to one. Thank you 🙏

@myselfalone100 - 05.09.2024 21:32

(beside prayer) What to do when your narcissist wife wants divorce pushing your kids to get angry with you and not communicate with you ?

@elizabethgillespie-gray1214 - 05.09.2024 15:47

I depend on myself. I dont need anyone telling me what to do or how to live my life. I am a beautiful creation made in the image and likeness of God, to grow and mature and be more like my Him. ❤

@cassiafaehayden3683 - 05.09.2024 07:58

Shockingly I noticed all the narcissist signs in my pastor. One of the reasons I jus left the church n decided to stop being afraid to go to school myself to b a pastor

@For_What_It-s_Worth - 05.09.2024 04:47

Wolves in sheep’s clothing are bad, but
wolves in shepherd’s clothing are worse.

@sbyrum315 - 04.09.2024 17:31

My vulnerable narcissist ex-husband of 25 years told me during our separation that he was praying to see if God wanted him to restore our marriage- while he was living with another woman. I was like- are you kidding me? I cannot fathom the thought process. He would text me in the morning- Praying for you today. While she was sleeping under the same roof as him. Uh uh- go on with your crazy self.

@Cami_Settheworldonfire - 04.09.2024 17:22

I NEEDED THIS VIDEO! I was so confused to the behavior I have been witnessing❤😮

@RebekahKauzlarich-j6j - 04.09.2024 12:17

Instead of constantly labeling everything, can’t we just call it all sin. It’s sin from brokenness.

@BacktotheBasics101 - 03.09.2024 22:11

People getting wealthy by making videos on buzzwords. Narcissist for narcissistic behavior is just a selfish people.

Most people don’t even know what a narcissist is for the clinical definition of a narcissist, and like to say that people are narcissistic or a narcissist without proper diagnosis procedure.

It is very frustrating, you read the comments in these type of videos, and it always is the same, my husband was a narcissist. My boyfriend is a narcissist. My girlfriend is a narcissist, yada yada yada.
Always the same, they have a grievance with somebody and called him a narcissist. How do we know they aren’t the narcissist.

People that have sex within the first month of their relationship are both narcissist because that’s what narcissistic people do. Don’t think of the consequences of their actions, nor do they care who they are with in such an intimate time. If you think your spouse is a narcissist, then why did you marry them ? Where is the personal responsibility?

I’m tired of the phrases in the buzzwords.

A narcissist is a very serious matter, and needs to be clinically diagnosed. And there is help for narcissist.
Contrary to a lot of people’s opinions .

@rossaveritt4013 - 03.09.2024 20:24

They always want an argument.

@THirayama - 03.09.2024 12:09

Most people are narcissists, specially the ones calling people narcissists. What you see in the comment section here is only one side of the story. It feels like Jesus is telling everyone: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone...

@gingermarie1760 - 03.09.2024 06:35

Hello, I was wondering, if I can share with you the most important thing ever in your life. God the Father sent His holy Son Jesus to earth, to be born of a virgin. He grew up and died on the cross for our sins. Then He was put into a tomb for 3 days, after that Abba Father raised Jesus to life.He appeared to people, and went back to heaven. We all must sincerely receive Jesus into our life to be God's child. See John 1:12 for this please. Will you today genuinely by faith receive Jesus into your life for salvation?

@adognamedboo9474 - 03.09.2024 00:03

Justine DeVoe!👈

@holyoilm.burroughs840 - 02.09.2024 21:26

She is one of them. She is judgmental.

@maryd90 - 02.09.2024 16:38

So spot on. Remarkable how they all fit a certain template. It took me a long time to get the idea of boundaries after getting eaten alive. Hurt upon hurt, now to dig out.

@offthefront7537 - 02.09.2024 14:42

The easiest way to find a Christian narcissist is to ask them if they’re Christian.

@irenejohnston6802 - 02.09.2024 14:16

Romans 3:23; Matthew 7:1-3. 🕊

@irenejohnston6802 - 02.09.2024 13:51

The Greek word is Dipsychoi. Double souled. The 'soul' in ancient Hebrew means a breather. The soul is the living breathing person. Not a separate entity. The soul/person who is sinning will die. Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 5:12; when we die become dead souls. Born again christians are all wrapped up in their own salvation. Are politicised. There is a far more important Moral Issue. Which is the vindication of the Name of the Sovereign Creator of the Universe. Christendom, The Bible's false friend. Apostasy began after the death of John developing of the centuries. John 17:1-26. JC praying to the Creator. You must be 'no part of the world's society" just as I am" said JC.

@atakuramichael1201 - 02.09.2024 11:56

I Love this!

@Soohable - 02.09.2024 11:22

My "friend" gave out personal information to bullies and set me up to a traumatic event.
Some bullies contacted me via social network knowing private information that she only knew...
I caught her dating a guy who previously was stalking at me years ago. And she denied passing my info to that stalker...
Both are in group chats where I am not included in... she is a double agent who said she was Christian...
